PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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RIGS Winter Update details finally arrived!

In short:
-New map Zurich (Dec 20th)
-New APX Rigs, or rather new variants of existing rigs (Test/Vampire Dec 27th, Nuke Jan 10th)
-New trials, plus Weekly Trial series
-New outfits etc.

And while I've got your attention I'll plug Rigs MCAL (esports) which will be returning in the new year:


Hi every one, just got the PSVR on saturday along with a Pro (finally!) during a short visit to US.

It is possible to see 360 VR videos now? where can I download said videos? Youtube?

I only got Until Dawn and the demo that comes with the unit, but I want to buy EVE, Rez and Tumper...

Played the EVE demo but want to confirm if I can adjust the inverted vertical controllers =(

Any other recommendations will be glady accepted.

Also I already got Rise of the tomb raider


Hi every one, just got the PSVR on saturday along with a Pro (finally!) during a short visit to US.

It is possible to see 360 VR videos now? where can I download said videos? Youtube?

I only got Until Dawn and the demo that comes with the unit, but I want to buy EVE, Rez and Tumper...

Played the EVE demo but want to confirm if I can adjust the inverted vertical controllers =(

Any other recommendations will be glady accepted.

Also I already got Rise of the tomb raider

There are a few VR video apps but all the content seems to be garbage.


Hi every one, just got the PSVR on saturday along with a Pro (finally!) during a short visit to US.

It is possible to see 360 VR videos now? where can I download said videos? Youtube?

It's possible to watch 360 VR videos on the PS4 media player. What you CAN'T watch is 3D/360 videos. YouTube has yet to update their app to view VR media on the PS4.
Responding about Surgeon Simulator:

I haven't played the VR version yet (I was waiting on the patch myself before buying) but the original game is famous for being obtusely difficult to control with any level of accuracy by design. That's part of what made it fun and wacky to play. You had to be careful to not drop of swipe objects onto the floor (especially key items to complete the surgery) because If you did, you were fucked and you'd have to start over. This is why some levels were designed to have a lot of baseline kinetic movement that you had no control over (operating in the back of a moving ambulance for example) that increased the difficulty level.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least if at least "some" of the difficult controls in the game and the loss of objects on the floor were absolutely intentional. This would definitely be in line with the intent of the original experience.

This is what I am reading on reddit. It's pretty interesting.
I was definitely approaching this is a Job Simulator type of game. How could I not, just look at the actual title of the games! When I try SS again later today I am going to play it very differently.


It's not normal, but the thing that triggers it turning on and off is through the HDMI output of the PS4. So try a different cable if you have one handy. I tried to put a switch in between the PS4 and the PU which caused it to not turn on and off but removing that part of the equation fixed it. So that's when I learned that the HDMI port is what triggers it to turn on and off.

Hmm, ok, I am using all the HDMI cables that came with the Pro and the PSVR, and nothing in between. Maybe Ill try swapping those 2 cables around, I dont know. Thanks.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Just as a friendly piece of advice, I don't know the age of the kids you're talking about, but I'd be really, REALLY careful about exposing young children to VR horror experiences. They can be legitimately traumatizing experiences for sensitive kids. It may be just fun to you, but to the wrong kid, with the wrong predisposition, this could give them a complex that they might have to live with for years.

In the same way you probably don't want to leave a kid alone with a dog that bites, because it might leave that child with a lifelong fear of dogs, this is pretty much the same thing. There's a big difference between having a good time laughing at someone's jump scare and creating an actual phobia in a child where none existed before.

Really great advice. My 10 year old nephew couldn't complete the Shark experience in VR Worlds.

Most of the time I try to convince people to keep going, but I let him slide. No need to be the "reason" he needs therapy 10 years from now every time he goes to the beach lol.


Neo Member
I'm about to go pick one of these up used from someone off Craigslist. Is there anything I should be looking out for on the unit itself? Have there been any known consistent defects?
I'm about to go pick one of these up used from someone off Craigslist. Is there anything I should be looking out for on the unit itself? Have there been any known consistent defects?

Man, that's taking a big chance..lot of parts to this thing. The breakout box, the extension cable, the headset cable, the visor, the head ring.

Most of all look at the lenses from every possible angle. You don't want them to have a scratch. And try it on..push the button in the back and make sure it stretches out over your head.


Edit: The patch IS out, and it's still wonky? I'm gonna assume it's wonky the way the other ones are.

So, yay! Welcome to the club, lol.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Yeah, I don't really see the Journey comparison... The gameplay is... light, but as an experience it really made an impression - as pretentious as that sounds.

That's not pretentious at all to say. Video games aren't 100% about gameplay mechanics.


Any words on this from Sony? No plans to update the media player?

There's no word from Sony currently. Even the update to 360 video content was actually pretty recent, that wasn't in the media player at first. Sony may update it eventually, but they've been pretty tight-lipped about viewing 3D content through the media-player, even though the hardware itself can--and has--played 360/3D content through apps like VRrideo, which, unfortunately, has shut down.

Some people think it's just Sony lagging as usual on basic functions. I fall in the camp of thinking it may have something to do with their reluctance to open the floodgates on adult videos, since, to some people, wanting to "watch 3D video" is just code-speak for VR porn. We'll never really know which reason it actually it is.


Woah I had not noticed that VRideo died. What happened? Bankruptcy?

That was weird timing, they existed on PSVR for like only the first 2 weeks or something? That port was a huge waste for sure.


Woah I had not noticed that VRideo died. What happened? Bankruptcy?

That was weird timing, they existed on PSVR for like only the first 2 weeks or something? That port was a huge waste for sure.

I think it may be something like that. If you created an account with them, you got an email announcement about it. They basically just said that their funding had run out, and it was time for them to close their chapter in the road to VR. It's too bad though, because they were basically the YouTube of VR videos. There was all kinds of stuff you could find in there that users had uploaded, including movie trailers, VR real estate videos (this is TOTALLY the future of real estate) and even game trailers done in VR. The horror stuff was also pretty effective.

Unfortunately, once people realized you could view ANY 3D videos on the app by creating an account, a lot of people immediately started creating accounts and uploading VR porn so they could watch it on the PS4. Some people who did this were discreet, and their accounts and channels were set to "private" while others... did not even realize that was a thing. So... yeah...


I am really saddened by the lack of Bound love. I bought it last week when it was on sale and it is hands-down my favorite VR experience so far. I do wish (and they may be working on a patch?) that I had the option for a tracking camera with free controls with the right stick instead of just jumping to another angle. I get why this is - to reduce motion sickness, but I haven't experienced any sickness yet so more options would be nice.

But everything about this game is so beautiful and I haven't beaten it yet but it's getting dark story-wise. It's gorgeous. The little origami interludes between levels are super emotional and kind of intense to view in VR as the scene assembles as you move through it.

I also loved crouching down (IRL) to look at the other side of the marble notebook on the beach. There wasn't anything special about it, but the fact that I could do that was really cool.

one of my faves of the year. i loved being in that beautiful world and the story elements about
divorce and its affect on a child added an interesting element. i loved at the end when you got to choose to ring your father's doorbell and re-connect with him or go back to the car


Why is the Bound camera patch taking so long to come out? The Surgeon Simulator people got their patch approved so fast in comparison. I feel like I've been sitting on this game for so long.


I finished the first three missions in I Expect You To Die this weekend. Once I got past the momentary frustration in the first mission where I was like "What the hell am I supposed to do with a bottle of champagne?", I started to have fun. It has a lot of those little "Ah-ha!" moments which are very rewarding. I'm definitely looking forward to playing it some more and trying to get all of the souvenirs.

Did anyone else have weird issues when trying to play using Move controllers? Does it only support one? The calibration screen artwork shows two, but when I connected a second, the floating hand was off in a far corner and unusable. Very odd.


I finished the first three missions in I Expect You To Die this weekend. Once I get past the momentary frustration in the first mission where I was like "What the hell am I supposed to do with a bottle of champagne?", I started to have fun. It has a lot of those little "Ah-ha!" moments which are very rewarding. I'm definitely looking forward to playing it some more and trying to get all of the souvenirs.

Did anyone else have weird issues when trying to play using Move controllers? Does it only support one? The calibration screen artwork shows two, but when I connected a second, the floating hand was off in a far corner and unusable. Very odd.

Yes it definitely supports two Move controllers.

Maybe you need them to be already activated before starting the game?
Man, that's taking a big chance..lot of parts to this thing. The breakout box, the extension cable, the headset cable, the visor, the head ring.

Most of all look at the lenses from every possible angle. You don't want them to have a scratch. And try it on..push the button in the back and make sure it stretches out over your head.

I agree, lots to look at. I just bought one last week from CL and it was a disaster... Kidding, it was great - everything included! But per JEFF, definitely take your time to look at every little detail. The guy was weary about me actually going into his apartment to play it, but I was able to inspect the unit and I also had him send me a video of it working (even though it was just the TV view).

Definitely a risk, but one I am very glad I took.
Is the PSVR worth getting if you have a Vive? I'm real tempted to get one tonight. I love VR but am looking for more than one and done experiences.


Is the PSVR worth getting if you have a Vive? I'm real tempted to get one tonight. I love VR but am looking for more than one and done experiences.

Aside from RIGS and Battlezone (and to a lesser extent, Tethered), PSVR games aren't quite at that massively substantial point either, IMO. There are some great games to play on it, but it's not like it has some full-length RPG or anything that you can't find on the Vive.

Plus, the tracking limitations are quite frustrating. I feel like the 3 titles I mentioned make it very worth owning, though. And RE7 is right around the corner.


Is the PSVR worth getting if you have a Vive? I'm real tempted to get one tonight. I love VR but am looking for more than one and done experiences.

If you already have a Vive, I'd say it's not worth it right now. A lot of the library is the same games with tracking that's not as good. But at the end of the day, it's your money.

Doesn't matter anymore, cause Deovr will come soon:

Thank god.

Nice. Any idea when that's coming?
I finished the first three missions in I Expect You To Die this weekend. Once I got past the momentary frustration in the first mission where I was like "What the hell am I supposed to do with a bottle of champagne?", I started to have fun. It has a lot of those little "Ah-ha!" moments which are very rewarding. I'm definitely looking forward to playing it some more and trying to get all of the souvenirs.

Did anyone else have weird issues when trying to play using Move controllers? Does it only support one? The calibration screen artwork shows two, but when I connected a second, the floating hand was off in a far corner and unusable. Very odd.

It definitely supports 2 and Ive always used 2 for IEYTD but Im thinking you can get away with one. Things like clipping the bomb wires in the first mission might be annoying because you cant hold it and clip the wires at the same time. I say try again after a reboot and have the controllers on and logged in before launching the game (as already suggested above)

The only real issue I had came in Mission 4. Wont spoil anything but you have to do something behind/over your right shoulder. Keeps preventing me from getting the Speed Run souvenir.
I am really saddened by the lack of Bound love. I bought it last week when it was on sale and it is hands-down my favorite VR experience so far. I do wish (and they may be working on a patch?) that I had the option for a tracking camera with free controls with the right stick instead of just jumping to another angle. I get why this is - to reduce motion sickness, but I haven't experienced any sickness yet so more options would be nice.

But everything about this game is so beautiful and I haven't beaten it yet but it's getting dark story-wise. It's gorgeous. The little origami interludes between levels are super emotional and kind of intense to view in VR as the scene assembles as you move through it.

I also loved crouching down (IRL) to look at the other side of the marble notebook on the beach. There wasn't anything special about it, but the fact that I could do that was really cool.

I also love Bound. Played it before I got VR and then again after I got the headset and looking forward to a camera that can fly through space with me. Seriously it should be an option.

I love just hanging out in the beach scene as well not to mention just finding different areas in each of the levels to get different viewpoints. The particle system is wonderful to watch and I like to watch the avatar dance. Gorgeous experience.
Doesn't matter anymore, cause Deovr will come soon:

Thank god.

Oh good! I noticed Littlestar Cinema had an update today....went to see what they added (to their tiny collection) and it doesn't even launch 😔

Checked out some 360 documentaries in Within and was very affected by some of these stories. The resolution was low and it wasn't in 3d but it still was very awesome to experience the 360 video.

I really don't understand how there aren't more portals for watching 360/3d video and being able to download them so you can get some decent quality. I truly hope Sony is on this.

Checking out the link you provided it says it brings 360 YouTube? I hope so.
I also love Bound. Played it before I got VR and then again after I got the headset and looking forward to a camera that can fly through space with me. Seriously it should be an option.

I love just hanging out in the beach scene as well not to mention just finding different areas in each of the levels to get different viewpoints. The particle system is wonderful to watch and I like to watch the avatar dance. Gorgeous experience.

Its so funny how polarized opinions are on this. I guess you either get it or you don't. Kidding! I hate people who are all about "getting it." Just a difference of priorities and preferences.
I finished the first three missions in I Expect You To Die this weekend. Once I got past the momentary frustration in the first mission where I was like "What the hell am I supposed to do with a bottle of champagne?", I started to have fun. It has a lot of those little "Ah-ha!" moments which are very rewarding. I'm definitely looking forward to playing it some more and trying to get all of the souvenirs.

Did anyone else have weird issues when trying to play using Move controllers? Does it only support one? The calibration screen artwork shows two, but when I connected a second, the floating hand was off in a far corner and unusable. Very odd.

This happened to us last night. I didn't know why as I had just finished messing around in the office with two Move controllers working fine. We changed profiles and my husband jumped in to play and this exact issue you're talking about arose. The hand was just stuck in the projector screen. We shut off the controllers and restarted the game and it still had the hand stuck off in a wall. We reset the entire Ps4 and were able to start it up with two playable Move controllers again.

Its so funny how polarized opinions are on this. I guess you either get it or you don't. Kidding! I hate people who are all about "getting it." Just a difference of priorities and preferences.

Unfortunately the opinions I value around here and reflect my approach to media are often the quiet ones. It's clear when listening to how a person complains if it's going to have any meaning in your own experience haha


Neo Member
Is the PSVR worth getting if you have a Vive? I'm real tempted to get one tonight. I love VR but am looking for more than one and done experiences.

I got a PSVR but returned it due to the tracking being poor. Bought a Rift w/ Touch and the controls are light years ahead of what the PSVR offers (pretty sure the Vive is just as good).

Just wish that PC VR was getting the same type of games that PSVR is getting.
As someone whose only experience with VR has been Google Cardboard and a guided Gear VR demo, I'm really curious as to what exactly the resolution looks like when inside a PSVR headset. I've noticed some very noticeable fuzzy, blurry, and downright jaggy images when using those but that didn't really bother me considering the price. What I REALLY want, if I'm going to spend this money on a PSVR headset is the feeling of being able to forget that I'm wearing a headset (at least a little bit). Poor image quality immediately takes me out of the immersion.

There are no demo units anywhere near me to try it myself. Most media people that I follow call it "ok for what it is, considering the price" but that metric doesn't help me since I never tried any of the other expensive kits. Basically I want to play the hell out of Thumper, REZ, and Bound without the graphics looking like a fuzzy PS2 game.


Is the PSVR worth getting if you have a Vive? I'm real tempted to get one tonight. I love VR but am looking for more than one and done experiences.

As a Rift+Touch owner I am very pleased and impressed with PSVR. The tracking is its achilles heel but everything else about it gives me a great experience. I keep my Oculus at home and my PSVR stays at my girfriend's house so I can always have some kind of VR wherever I'm staying.
As someone whose only experience with VR has been Google Cardboard and a guided Gear VR demo, I'm really curious as to what exactly the resolution looks like when inside a PSVR headset. I've noticed some very noticeable fuzzy, blurry, and downright jaggy images when using those but that didn't really bother me considering the price. What I REALLY want, if I'm going to spend this money on a PSVR headset is the feeling of being able to forget that I'm wearing a headset (at least a little bit). Poor image quality immediately takes me out of the immersion.

There are no demo units anywhere near me to try it myself. Most media people that I follow call it "ok for what it is, considering the price" but that metric doesn't help me since I never tried any of the other expensive kits. Basically I want to play the hell out of Thumper, REZ, and Bound without the graphics looking like a fuzzy PS2 game.

Thumper, Rez and Bound are top level PSVR games, graphically. They all look amazing. And 2 out of those 3 are also the best GAMES on PSVR.

You are never going to get a real response to your worries. Its all subjective. I think the screens like great..some people keel over when they are able to see two pixels next to each other. Can only try it and find out for yourself, unfortunately.


As someone whose only experience with VR has been Google Cardboard and a guided Gear VR demo, I'm really curious as to what exactly the resolution looks like when inside a PSVR headset. I've noticed some very noticeable fuzzy, blurry, and downright jaggy images when using those but that didn't really bother me considering the price. What I REALLY want, if I'm going to spend this money on a PSVR headset is the feeling of being able to forget that I'm wearing a headset (at least a little bit). Poor image quality immediately takes me out of the immersion.

There are no demo units anywhere near me to try it myself. Most media people that I follow call it "ok for what it is, considering the price" but that metric doesn't help me since I never tried any of the other expensive kits. Basically I want to play the hell out of Thumper, REZ, and Bound without the graphics looking like a fuzzy PS2 game.

PSVR running on an OG PS4 looks really good compared to Oculus Rift. If Oculus is at a 10 PSVR is at an 8. If you get a PS4 Pro it moves up to a 9. Its just right there visually with Rift depending on which PSVR games you play.


As someone whose only experience with VR has been Google Cardboard and a guided Gear VR demo, I'm really curious as to what exactly the resolution looks like when inside a PSVR headset. I've noticed some very noticeable fuzzy, blurry, and downright jaggy images when using those but that didn't really bother me considering the price. What I REALLY want, if I'm going to spend this money on a PSVR headset is the feeling of being able to forget that I'm wearing a headset (at least a little bit). Poor image quality immediately takes me out of the immersion.

There are no demo units anywhere near me to try it myself. Most media people that I follow call it "ok for what it is, considering the price" but that metric doesn't help me since I never tried any of the other expensive kits. Basically I want to play the hell out of Thumper, REZ, and Bound without the graphics looking like a fuzzy PS2 game.

Those are exactly the games that do not look fuzzy at all, especially so on a Pro.

But they honestly already looked incredible on a regular PS4 IMO.


Perfect, Lethal VR and Fruit Ninja VR are up in Europe
That's not even all of them! Also released right now is Rollercoaster Dreams, and unlike the other two it has a demo, which I am downloading right now. Too bad it is half past 2 where I live and I am knackered to the bone. XD

Where was that guy again talking about a PS VR games drought already? Was it in this thread? I want to point and laugh at him. :]


Unconfirmed Member
I was thinking of bringing my PSVR to my brother's for Christmas, but I then realized that most of the games I have for it are digital. I was just going to use his PS4, but is there any way for me to be able to download my games on his system?
That's not even all of them! Also released right now is Rollercoaster Dreams, and unlike the other two it has a demo, which I am downloading right now. Too bad it is half past 2 where I live and I am knackered to the bone. XD

Where was that guy again talking about a PS VR games drought already? Was it in this thread? I want to point and laugh at him. :]

A screensaver, a shooting gallery, an 8 year old Kinect/iPhone game and...i dont even know what you woild call that rollercoaster Windows 95 looking piece of shit. YUP the floodgates are open, VR thirst is quenched. : |


Sure, you just have to log into your account on his device, and you can start downloading and playing all your PSN stuff. If you want other accounts to start that games as well, you need to make your brother's PS4 temporarily the prime device for your account. It is in the PSN account settings, deactivate yours first, and don't forget to reverse when you travel back.

A screensaver, a shooting gallery, an 8 year old Kinect/iPhone game and...i dont even know what you woild call that rollercoaster Windows 95 looking piece of shit. YUP the floodgates are open, VR thirst is quenched. : |
First of all, if you only even count AAA as games at all, you are in the wrong place. Forget PS VR, you won't get your needs satisfied.

Second, the guy (you?) was explicitly talking about no games at all except for a small hand full announced titles. And that wasn't the case, because there were a few more.

Sure, Rollercoaster Dreams looks ugly as shit, but it still might be fun, and you can try for free. I know I will.


How do people feel about battlezone? Is the game a lot deeper than the demo suggests? I played the demo and enjoyed it, but if that's all there is to the game, I feel like I would get bored of it pretty quick.


Is the PSVR worth getting if you have a Vive? I'm real tempted to get one tonight. I love VR but am looking for more than one and done experiences.

Yes it is. There are exclusives worth getting.

Also, go to the official Vive thread. There's absolutely no reason you are only playing "one and done" games on it. That headset is seeing a shitload of great games hit the platform lately.

Make sure you buy SuperHOT, Lethal VR, Serious Sam (tomorrow), Doom BFG, I Expect You To Die, Thumper, Arizona Sunshine, Vertigo, Raw Data and then there's free stuff that's insanely good, like Rec Room
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