Advocatus Diaboli
Three tickets: Leo, Kuja, Roselia. I'm good on this banner. And I wanted Elle, of all people.
Yep... Majin fina was boosted. Her Flare does insane damage.
It will be a hard trial to accomplish f2p.
Just used 2 ticket , hot vanille and elle.
Their TMs are pretty good maybe?
Elle's TM is the best for a tank right now.
Ia Luka TM worth it?
Got 2 elle now which will hey me two for cecil if i ever want em lol.
Is vanille TM worth the time?
If you want a glasscanon 800 MAG Exdeath... yes, yes it is.
That's what I thought, watching JP video and their team have 3k/3,5k HP and manage to survive.Yep... Majin fina was boosted. Her Flare does insane damage.
It will be a hard trial to accomplish f2p.
Holy shit. Any one else having crashing issues with the event? I must've been booted about five times now... and the game doesn't even load back up where it crashes. Takes you back to the main screen when you log back in with a loss of Stamina. I've only done BGN and INT so far.....
Yeah, crashed twice at the very first exploration, then switched to Memu and did everything.Holy shit. Any one else having crashing issues with the event? I must've been booted about five times now... and the game doesn't even load back up where it crashes. Takes you back to the main screen when you log back in with a loss of Stamina. I've only done BGN and INT so far.....
Holy shit. Any one else having crashing issues with the event? I must've been booted about five times now... and the game doesn't even load back up where it crashes. Takes you back to the main screen when you log back in with a loss of Stamina. I've only done BGN and INT so far.....
Yeah, crashed twice at the very first exploration, then switched to Memu and did everything.
Usually I don't mind about it, but with the "no continue allowed" it's a big problem.
Still rocking my iPad 4 for reference, and again the crash happens because of memory leaks.
Literally just happened to me on ELT. Great.
I remember the event having a lot of technical issues with the game crashing and some people flat out not being able to play it when it came out in JP. It got to the point where they had to reissue it a couple of weeks later. Sounds like they just put in the first version of the event rather than the fixed one
Never had that happen before. Used ticket on banner, drew a blue, that turned into gold, that then turned into rainbow. 5-star Warrior of Light. Not what I needed, but still neat.
Never had that happen before. Used ticket on banner, drew a blue, that turned into gold, that then turned into rainbow. 5-star Warrior of Light. Not what I needed, but still neat.
I got myself a Dark Fina! How good/bad is she compared to original Fina or the White Witch one?
I got myself a Dark Fina! How good/bad is she compared to original Fina or the White Witch one?
I got myself a Dark Fina! How good/bad is she compared to original Fina or the White Witch one?
Event done. Now 2 more weeks of tm grinding...
I wouldn't be surprised if we get a mog king event next Friday. Isn't Zero long overdue?
Oh snap GAF!! Third rainbow I've ever pulled!
Now besides having dual cast what makes her so good? Lol, never looked into her
So, is anyone else keeping one of every character (even the FP ones) just 'cause? I'm thinking I might sell the ones that already have completed TM's, as well as those with horrible ones. I'll be keeping the Magitek Terra though, she's a trophy.
Guys, make sure to check your friends' equip before going into the ELT event. Valentus (Nomidor) and a few others have Death Bringers equipped and Dark Fina resists dark damage completely!
Does it have to chain? I'm pretty sure I used it in the last round. I always thought it had to be the final hit lol.
Always nice to be done with the event within 2 hours. Oh well, decent rewards at least. Did 3 tickets and daily and got 3 Elle, looks like we got this banners Charlotte
I'll try it later after work, but it doesn't sound like I'll have a hard time. Another week of TMs!
If only we had 6* Rain! Anyway good luck for people who don't have a lot of 6* (or none at all)
That was hard
Man, I really need 6* Firion and WoL or to actually draw a 5* base. This vortex has convinced me that I will not be able to do any trials moving forward haha
On a positive note, my first Dual Wield is around 63% and the other one is around 30%. Probably one guying on Chiz and the other on maybe Mercedes if I can level her before Firion comes
Thanks for the tip. Also, White Witch Fina is currently the only unit I have that can use Raise. Is it OK if I make her a mainstay in my party?
Used my three tickets.
Got Luka and Elle.
Got my healer!
Event done. Now 2 more weeks of tm grinding...
I got myself a Dark Fina! How good/bad is she compared to original Fina or the White Witch one?