Congrats!Oh snap GAF!! Third rainbow I've ever pulled!
Now besides having dual cast what makes her so good? Lol, never looked into her
Oh snap GAF!! Third rainbow I've ever pulled!
Now besides having dual cast what makes her so good? Lol, never looked into her
Kingsglaive Cerebrus boss out JP and promptly wiped the floor with it, lol. Trying to do all the missions at once is kinda tricky but it's not hard if you separate them, I guess. This new dagger is super good for a freebie. 84 ATK, 20 SPR/MND, 20% MP, and 10% to All Elemental Resistances.
I need to get Firion's ability enhancements done. He's such a useful and powerful DPS.
So, is anyone else keeping one of every character (even the FP ones) just 'cause? I'm thinking I might sell the ones that already have completed TM's, as well as those with horrible ones. I'll be keeping the Magitek Terra though, she's a trophy.
True enough. I'll always have them in my collection list, so there's always that.I pretty much sell all characters that don't have something useful or aren't a mainline FF character. So Clyne and Bedile are sold on the spot. Same with most of the Friend Point characters. I do keep the ones that have a useful material. I'm working on one with Aquan Killer and a couple of others. No point in wasting precious Unit space for characters that won't provide any real benefit.
True enough. I'll always have them in my collection list, so there's always that.
Time to free up 25+ slots! Maybe more. I'll only sell my FP characters though (Magitek Terra, not included), I'm keeping all of the premium gatcha ones (even Bedile). Who knows, he could be the first 7* awakened character!
Kingsglaive Cerebrus boss out JP and promptly wiped the floor with it, lol. Trying to do all the missions at once is kinda tricky but it's not hard if you separate them, I guess. This new dagger is super good for a freebie. 84 ATK, 20 SPR/MND, 20% MP, and 10% to All Elemental Resistances.
I need to get Firion's ability enhancements done. He's such a useful and powerful DPS.
Got Luka from the daily.. is she even worth it to level if I have Refia?
Game crashed during the worm boss on ELT and threw me back to the menu. Energy and friend unit were gone and I had to start from the beginning... For fucks sake Gumi...
So, is anyone else keeping one of every character (even the FP ones) just 'cause? I'm thinking I might sell the ones that already have completed TM's, as well as those with horrible ones. I'll be keeping the Magitek Terra though, she's a trophy.
She was a complete joke when I brought my full breaker. I came a couple thousand damage short on the Esper kill, but whatever, just 10 lapis.
Game crashed during the worm boss on ELT and threw me back to the menu. Energy and friend unit were gone and I had to start from the beginning... For fucks sake Gumi...
You do know you don't have to actually kill with it right? Just make sure it's used in the final combo of stuff that ends up ripping your target up >.>;
Same....first time that happened to me as well. That sucks....
Yeah thats kinda lackluster - would look way better without pull 5-8.
Added you all guys, thanks!
The Dark Fina boss is absurd with her chaining and status ailments. I might have stood a chance though if all my friend units didn't have Deathbringer equipped >_>
Ended up wiping because the battle lasted too long.
All these people saying you killed her in 2 turns.. jeez
Second week in a row I couldn't stay in the top 3k of the arena because I couldn't wake up at fucking 5am.
I'm done chasing the 2 Moogles every months, it's just not healthy for me. I got 2 refreshes due to rank up, did all the possible battles up until the last day when I missed the last 5 orbs before the reset.
The Whales can have the Moogles, I'll have my sleep.
The Dark Fina boss is absurd with her chaining and status ailments. I might have stood a chance though if all my friend units didn't have Deathbringer equipped >_>
Ended up wiping because the battle lasted too long.
All these people saying you killed her in 2 turns.. jeez
Really hope this is the case and not some overreaction to the complaining about Mog King and Hein. Difficulty seemed to finally be getting to a good place since Aigaion, but MHXR and Kingsglaive have been complete jokes.The events and bosses have been pretty easy since December. I suspect they're trying to accommodate an influx of new players.
Firion is a good DPS. However after enhancing Agrias I don't think I would go back to using him for a while. Unless there is going to be a human/evil spirit boss down the line. Had his Legendary Killer enhanced to +1 but not sure if its worth investing all my stones to get it to +2.
Got Crowe out of this banner 2 days ago now I'm not sure if I should keep doing daily pull to chase Nyx... hmm...
The Dark Fina boss is absurd with her chaining and status ailments. I might have stood a chance though if all my friend units didn't have Deathbringer equipped >_>
Ended up wiping because the battle lasted too long.
All these people saying you killed her in 2 turns.. jeez