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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT3| A How To Guide Of Pulling Out To Avoid Bediles

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Is it just me or do the gear rewards from this event seem kind of butt? If it wasn't for the Trust Moogle and Lapis I don't think I'd even bother, unless I'm missing something (I likely am).

Also I finally finished my 2nd Excalibur. Should be useful for people that wan't to bring my Lightning to the event (but why Lightning when you can bring Greg/Noct/etc).

Feels bad to have all this Lapis and not want to spend it on current banners. Sitting on around 16k.

they are meant for New players at the lower difficulties man

The reason they do is so that there is event content and rewards available for those just starting out


Is it just me or do the gear rewards from this event seem kind of butt? If it wasn't for the Trust Moogle and Lapis I don't think I'd even bother, unless I'm missing something (I likely am).

Also I finally finished my 2nd Excalibur. Should be useful for people that wan't to bring my Lightning to the event (but why Lightning when you can bring Greg/Noct/etc).

Feels bad to have all this Lapis and not want to spend it on current banners. Sitting on around 16k.

They are pretty ass. I just wish I had someone who could use a whip. But you know... gotta give the few who get Dark Fina something. Ugh.

Got my second DW! Should I give it to CoD? I have zero good second equips for her though.

YES! Best I had for her was Mithril Mace and Kangaroo (colosseum I think?). Anyway, once I got her DW, my crew was ready to take on plant dude for Thorn Mace. Not sure if you're ready for that, but if not add it to your list of stuff to do when you get a good crew. She rocks with it. Love the poisoning of everything.


Sent a request

added buddy

Valentus has the best low key brag posts...cracks me up. Also didn't you just say yesterday you were starting to farm Mercedes Axes...you already got one? Got damn dude. I thought I spent too much Lapis on TM's.

Well, i had a gilgamesh and 4 mercedes... now i had 5 mercedes and got the axe. Now i put the other 5 mercedes for the second axe.

And yes, i have a little pouch of lapis destined for refilling. I want all the combinations. ALL OF THEM
added buddy

Well, i had a gilgamesh and 4 mercedes... now i had 5 mercedes and got the axe. Now i put the other 5 mercedes for the second axe.

And yes, i have a little pouch of lapis destined for refilling. I want all the combinations. ALL OF THEM

You pulled a total of 9 Mercedes? Sheesh. I only got 1 while getting 2 Noctis. This game is weird sometimes.


Wonder if Dark Fina's spells are considered abilities or magic... osmose and lance could make the fight a joke if she can't cast.

edit Wonder what his ultimate Shadow would look like now :O


I love Valentus' variety in friend units. I was super happy to see a 700+ Mercedes today.

Still remember the days of his ultimate Shadow.


Thank god, this morning I pulled the dude again with the katana TM, so use on my chrizo so i fixed that mistake.

Congrats! :) Glad you got her back. And it would be a chick. ;) Her daughter. LOL. Miyuki.

Beat Dark Fina first time this morning since waking. (Did twice last night before bed.) First round sucked because we were all doing it and didn't think to check Noctis for dark weapons. Noticed after my first attempt someone noted that. Second round I used Carby. Also a bad choice apparently from what I'm seeing from Dark Fina's page now.

I brought Bonk's Noctis with Sakurafubuki and Enhancer. Bitch got her ass thrown to the ground by him. Killed her round three, but two of those three rounds was CoD pulling her weight as an awesome support getting shit off folks.
How the hell did you get more Noctii than Mercedes? Wow. My final tally was 8 Mercedes, I think...

Well I didn't pull much. 1 Multipull and 2 or 3 dailies and 4 tickets used. I didn't really care that much about the banner as I already had like 5 Chizu's wanted 2 Mercedes and didn't care about Noctis. I ended up getting 4 more Chizu's in that so she took my Mercedes luck I assume. I am sure I will get an off banner Mercedes or 10 at some point when I actually do some real pulls.


Oh what the fuck!!!

Lost 10 energy because I looked at a messae during tne exploration and it booted me back outside....wtf


The events and bosses have been pretty easy since December. I suspect they're trying to accommodate an influx of new players.

Firion is a good DPS. However after enhancing Agrias I don't think I would go back to using him for a while. Unless there is going to be a human/evil spirit boss down the line. Had his Legendary Killer enhanced to +1 but not sure if its worth investing all my stones to get it to +2.

Got Crowe out of this banner 2 days ago now I'm not sure if I should keep doing daily pull to chase Nyx... hmm...

Firion's +2 is totally worth it. the +1 only adds more categories while the +2 makes the effect go up to 100%. So his Fin Blaia (or however it's spelled) will do 1150% damage to targets that are affected by his killer traits. That's a lot of enemy types that he can hit hard.


Oh what the fuck!!!

Lost 10 energy because I looked at a messae during tne exploration and it booted me back outside....wtf

For last few weeks or so, maybe month and half?, I can't do anything outside of this dumb game without it closing. Not even just turning off the screen and letting it run in background like I used to. This game is flakey as shit these days.

SO glad I didn't have any issues during this dumb event to make me redo it other than Dark Fina. I think I would have said screw it. On a positive note though, DC is at 30.9%.


These events that are just 1-and-done are so refreshing when they come by. Since they added dailies I also don't see the need to rush through ELT all today, I'll do 1 per day until it's done and do TM farming for the rest of it.

For those of you that aren't specifically trying to pull Dark Fina, are you still doing daily pulls? I've stopped doing them because other than CoD, another Chorizo and 5* base units I don't need much anymore :( I have enough units for TM grinding to last me a year at least.
Noooooooooooooooooooo your Arena streak doesn't carry over from week to week??? You have to get 100 in a row in just a week's time??? Guess I'm never getting it then :( I can't have my phone at my desk at work so I don't get many arena runs in a day. That sucks and makes zero sense that it works that way. Also, sadness two, somehow the Nox script got stuck at the add crafting slots screen....I have no idea how it got there and another night wasted :(

Thanks for the tip. Also, White Witch Fina is currently the only unit I have that can use Raise. Is it OK if I make her a mainstay in my party?
Nope but I saw that you have a Lenna so go with here. I rocked her until I got a Refia. That said, if you're willing to pull more, Luka would be a big upgrade over Lenna so she could be worth pulling for. The one type of person I'd say should definitely pull on this banner (besides collectors) are people with no decent healer as you get a great healer and a chance at Dark Fina but since you have the latter, I wouldn't say it's a must for you to pull further. Lenna is still pretty decent, especially if you have a Ludmille to get her Dual Cast.
Got 2* Ifrit...Is Beast killer/Plant Killer worth it? What about raging fist? Ideally, which should I be spending that precious SP on other than stat+ increases?
The killer passives are the best thing you can learn from Espers, period. That and the bara skills on Carbuncle. Always focus on those first and then any useful abilities after that before worrying about stats. Once you have everything useful, go for the stats that benefit that particular esper/unit it's equipped to. Like SPR on Carbuncle for your healer or ATK on Ifrit for your top DPS unit.


Beat ELT with Bonkeng's Noctis. Got the Esper mission too.

Pretty easy with

DW CoD w Rising Sun and Thorned Mace
DC Refia
Bonkeng's Noctis

That was fun!


Is it just me or do the gear rewards from this event seem kind of butt? If it wasn't for the Trust Moogle and Lapis I don't think I'd even bother, unless I'm missing something (I likely am).

Also I finally finished my 2nd Excalibur. Should be useful for people that wan't to bring my Lightning to the event (but why Lightning when you can bring Greg/Noct/etc).

Feels bad to have all this Lapis and not want to spend it on current banners. Sitting on around 16k.

Yeah the rewards are pretty butz
The journey to 900 atk has halted. Not sure how I pull about ~40-50 attack out of my ass when I am already using the BIS gear currently available. The calculator is a liar!


Happened to me with the Yuletide Bundle, I wanted to click remove claimed and it was claim all T-T
I quickly killed the app but it was already too late.
omg I never realized there was a "remove claimed" option. I've been scrolling and scrolling and scrolling and scrolling and


Well, one and done with the event. Back to TM grinding for the whole week I guess. Bracer is at 73% so I won't quite get there before the next event. Got one Elle this morning but I think I'll go for at least a second. WoL and Cecil can each have a talisman.

I had a rare opportunity to chain two Noctis limits on PRO Fina and she just...melted.


Beat ELT. My Gilgamesh is now at 91%. Beat it by focusing on breaking hermagic and boosting everyone's SPR. Still had a couple of units bite it, but I'm not sweating 20 extra lapis.
So Dark Fina is ridiculous in the arena. Casting Distress for status ailments and 100% petrify is way too good Then ultima for clean up. Not to mention this retaliate passive. Her and Noctis are probably the best arena fighters in the game.


I really dislike Exploration events. Running A, then A+B, then A+B+C, etc. is super annoying.

Really easy though.

It's like repeatedly smashing your head against the wall.

Actually, it wouldn't be bad but there is so much dead space it's just a waste.


Sonic handles my blue balls
So Dark Fina is ridiculous in the arena. Casting Distress for status ailments and 100% petrify is way too good Then ultima for clean up. Not to mention this retaliate passive. Her and Noctis are probably the best arena fighters in the game.

Having just started out, my goal was to only do the daily discount summons and save until a "must have" is released. But I read this and thought "maybe I should spend a ticket or two to get her."

First summon:


:D So in a way, thank you.

Now who should I swap out on my team? Poor Krile? She just got Dualcast :(

Having just started out, my goal was to only do the daily discount summons and save until a "must have" is released. But I read this and thought "maybe I should spend a ticket or two to get her."

First summon:


:D So in a way, thank you.

Now who should I swap out on my team? Poor Krile? She just got Dualcast :(


Luneth, Dark Fina, and Refia? That's quite some luck you have for starting out. Congrats! You have an awesome team. The best healer, tank, and now black mage in the game with a base 5* DPS unit and a very solid DPS/great support unit. Now you just have to level those babies up and get some good gear and you'll be crushing content in no time. Yes, say bye bye to Krile forever.
Having just started out, my goal was to only do the daily discount summons and save until a "must have" is released. But I read this and thought "maybe I should spend a ticket or two to get her."

First summon:

:D So in a way, thank you.

Now who should I swap out on my team? Poor Krile? She just got Dualcast :(

Lol!! Just started has 3 base 5* units....this community has people that have played since launch without a single one. Grats though! Yes, kick Krile for Fina.


Having just started out, my goal was to only do the daily discount summons and save until a "must have" is released. But I read this and thought "maybe I should spend a ticket or two to get her."

First summon:


:D So in a way, thank you.

Now who should I swap out on my team? Poor Krile? She just got Dualcast :(


Jesus, congratulations. Some people have all the luck!


Professional Schmuck
1. sitting at 5500 lapis and 20ish tickets. daily pull: Locke. Ok, that's what I needed to see. Probably won't pull again.

2. i would like exploration events a bit more if they had collection points that renewed at each level. so yeah i get that they don't want to close the chest and give you the same treasure 5 times as your progress up the event ranks but just something to make it a little more exciting would be fun.

3. i literally just said i'm not pulling on this banner but i DO like dark fina, a lot a lot.
Having just started out, my goal was to only do the daily discount summons and save until a "must have" is released. But I read this and thought "maybe I should spend a ticket or two to get her."

First summon:

:D So in a way, thank you.

Now who should I swap out on my team? Poor Krile? She just got Dualcast :(

Holy crap! That's some serious luck. Congrats!
And you still have 16k lapis. I mean... wow. You have a very bright future in this game.


Professional Schmuck
1. isn't it weird when the game spits out zero friend units for you to use? that ain't right, i'm trying to ELT here!

2. kanik i hope you enjoy yourself, my god man. please know that nobody gets luck like that and you might not ever, ever see pulls that good again. enjoy!
Having just started out, my goal was to only do the daily discount summons and save until a "must have" is released. But I read this and thought "maybe I should spend a ticket or two to get her."

First summon:

:D So in a way, thank you.

Now who should I swap out on my team? Poor Krile? She just got Dualcast :(

Congrats, that is pretty amazing! You are very lucky haha. I have been playing since launch and have never even seen a rainbow. Yes, absolutely swap Krile out!


So, what do you guys do when you hit the friend point limit?
Do I actually have to start pulling FP units for some easy TMs?
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