Scalebound cancelled [Platinum Games and Kamiya have commented]

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Well that Kinect sure is fun, oh wait.
Well we still have Project Spark..
Hmm, looking forward to the new Fable game!
At least Lionhead will make something new in the future, oh..
Forget all that, Scalebound!

You can say a lot about Microsoft, afraid to kill of projects is not one of them.

Holy shit I forgot about Project Spark.
All things considered the Xbone is still actually performing very well in the US despite its disastrous performance in the rest of the world.
I don't really know the movie market.
But I have a friend who never wanted any Xbox console but is considering getting one because of the 4k bluray player because they are practically the same price.

The Xbone One S, could always be like the PS3, selling well because of the bluray player.
But idk how big the market is for that.

Better not get excited for any new non-Forza/Halo/Gears game announcement from MS until you hold the game in your hands. :p
To be fair you could say this with most games. lol

No. Teaser trailers is exactly how they got in this mess. People lambast Sony for this, but MS is just as culpable for announcing games way too far out as well.

MS needs to make a show of committing to new games creation. They need to open at least 1 or 2 new studios, at the very least.

That's a lot more expensive then making a dream game craved by the fan.
Banjoo could have a 100 million dollar budget and it'd be cheaper than 2 studios.
How far along do you guys think this game was?

We had a very small slice of gameplay in that alpha beta video, showing some basic stuff.

Then that E3 or gamescon(it's all freaking blurry) video that was even more basic and just plain terrible.

Man so frustrated, dragons are some of my favorite fictional beast.

Wasn't it supposed to be Q1 2017? That was the last date I remember seeing.


MS really need some tricks up their sleeve come E3... I'm just glad the Xbox One is no longer my only console. This is a big blow, one of the few titles I was really anticipating from MS.

I don't get what they're doing at the minute. Last gen they could fall back more on 3rd party/timed exclusive stuff, they often landed the deals because of their market share with the X360.

Sony came back by making tonnes of compelling 1st party games people wanted and bought PS3's for. Now they're leading the race too.
It's a big blow to the Xbox line up. Honestly there's a serious lack of single player story driven games. Well, exclusive ones at least. Everything is literally MP focused. Forza 7, State of Decay, Sea of Thieves, Crackdown...(and I've heard Crackdown isn't going too hot either, though nothing as bad as this).

Unless they have a bunch of first party studios secretly tucked away somewhere (which they don't that I know of), I genuinely struggle to think of what surprises they could have at E3 *as of right now*. Halo 6 is to be expected, and I don't see publishers playing ball much anymore with 3rd party exclusives unless Microsoft gives the Xbox division a huge budget to throw cash around, which I highly doubt. Their major first party IP are on a decline with Halo doing less than before and Gears 4 not selling that well at all relatively speaking (not good enough to sustain a huge studio with that many workers and budget).

What's happening now is the exact opposite of what Xbox fans seemed to want out of a Phil spencer leadership.

I remember when he became head of Xbox and everyone was saying how there'll be tons of new games, but they're still coasting on announcements from 2013-2014 and in that time, games have been cancelled, multiple studios closed including Lionhead...

As a big Xbox fan since day one, I'm not very hopeful for the future. Scorpio won't do anything without software to push it heavily.

Was literally planning out an editorial saying exactly the same thing.
Phantom Dust
Sea of Thieves
State of Decay 2
Crackdown 3
Halo Wars 2

They have five exclusives coming up in 2017 at this moment, FIVE.
I'm not counting small downloadable titles here, but still, you get the point.
I had really hoped for more since the phil spencer era started.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
This is tragic, especially for Kamiya, hope he gets better. Extra painful that it took 4 years of development to reach this point. The game looked like it was pretty far in, so much work that has to be scrapped. Must admit though that the latest demo they showed last year didn't look too hot. I still hoped it'd turn out out fine eventually, but alas.
Consider that this would be ten years he's been trying to get this game fully developed. Starting in 2006, throwing it at studio to studio, finally getting a publisher to say yes, then realizing how ambitious it truly is leading to a shit ton of stress. ._.


What t-shirt is he wearing when he says this?



Unconfirmed Member
But do they really care about the game industry? They have a lot money but it seems like they don't invest it in the Xbox Division. I just want Amazon to buy them.

they invest billions into hardware and infrastructure, spend years building things like 360 backwards compatibility and invest millions in studios and games. what sort of question is that?

Nobody else has pockets deep enough to support this business. I want them to make as much cool shit as possible like everyone else but sometimes it doesn't work out.
There are always two sides to a story. Doubt that they would have cancelled a very good game.

I'm sure Platinum isn't completely without blame, but the general trend with Platinum games has been that their better titles have been ones that they appear to have been given a decent amount of freedom on, like Bayonetta, and their weaker titles have been ones where the people paying for it obviously (or at least seemed very likely to have) placed some tight restrictions on them regarding what they could do, what deadlines they had, etc etc, like their licensed games. I think it's far more likely that MS meddled the game to death than that they gave Platinum freedom to do whatever the fuck they wanted and Platinum fucked it up.


i'm not excited about Scalebound but this is terrible news, i think this might be the last Xbox console

what happened to Crackdown 3 ? also cancelled ??

Shinobi602 said he heard it was having difficulties, though not as bad as Scalebound. It is not cancelled yet, at the very least.
Does trolling really seem like a good idea when 100+ people might be in danger of losing their jobs?

Reverend Funk

Comfy Penetration
I'm so much happier now that I'm dead. Technically missing. Soon to be presumed dead. Gone.

And this lazy oblivious and incompetent "Microsoft" company will go to prison for my murder. They took my pride and my dignity and my hope and my money. They took and took from me until I no longer existed. That's murder. Let the punishment fit the crime. To fake a convincing release date for Scale-fucking-bound you have to have discipline. You befriend a local foold, Platinum Games. Harvest the details of his hundrum life and cram him with stories about how development will be "doing fine", how the the game will soon be playable from start to finish. Secretly create some money troubles: forced online co-op, micotransactions, western bullshit. With the help of the unwitting, you bump up your life insurance. Purchase the Xbox One. With the Elite Controller. Generic. Overpriced. Pay cash. You need to package yourself so that people will truly mourn your loss. And I don't know how much you know about Japan, but they truly believe in honor, it's an important part of their culture... You know what's hard? Faking your excitement for this game. First, you pretend to follow all the dishearting news about this trainwerk of a game. Watch every damn E3 showing. From the first CGi vaporware trailer. Wake up at fucking 3.a.m, June 2016 just to see how this game has been resorted to a How To Train a Flying Potato simulator. Then you steal a Recore copy. And you pretend to like it. Voila! The game is nothing like you wanted. You wasted 60 dollars. Happy 3th Anniversary of this game's announcement. But then you go on NeoGAF, and post "wow I loved the E3 demo, MS is doing a great job :)" while you dry off the tears running down your face. Wait for the clueless director to announce the release date. Off he goes... and the clock is ticking. 20 weeks away from the release day and they haven't even shown final console footage yet. You feel fisically ill. A lot. A lot. A lot. You start to post about how the game is likely being saved for Scorpio How the game still retains that Hideki Kamiya-sama magic, even though you know deep in yourself that's one hell of a lie. June. E3 starts and they fucking bring a broken demo on stage. "Well, Platinum has never made a bad game, so there's no reason not to trust them". I repeat to myself. But everyone else playing the demo booths agrees that it is just bad. And because you're you, you don't stop there. You go back. To the day this fucking game was announced. Start with the fairy-tale days. The biggest Xbox One exclusive. A system seller title. From the creator of Resident Evil 2 and Bayonetta. Those are true. After that, you invent. "Scalebound was supposed to relive the Xbox brand" "X1 would likely outsell PS4 when this game gets released... at least in the US" The spending, the abuse, the fear, the threat of violence... burn it, just the right amount. Make sure the fans will find it. Finally, honor tradition with a very special treasure hunt. And if I get everything right, the world will hate Microsoft for killing his beautiful, legacy franchise. And after all the outrage, when I'm ready, I'll go out on to GameStop and buy a Playstation 4 + NieR: Automata bundle. And when my mother finds me investing my precious time trying to bond with this hot anime girl, I'll look straight into her eyes and say "but have you looked at her butt? Have your really looked at her butt?" In that very moment, she knows. She fucking knows. As she handles me the nugget pieces she previously cooked for me, she leaves my room with these words: "NierR is the true savior of Platinum Games". And that's when the people will know, Microsoft dumped Scalebound like garbage, and it floated past all the other abused, unwanted, inconvenient titles like Phantom Dust and Fable: Legends. The Scalebound fans will be gone, but then... we never really existed. We loved a game we pretended to like.

"An Xbox One exclusive".

Gamers always use that, don't they? As their defining compliment: "Quantum Break is a true Xbox exclusive". A true Xbox One exclusive is hot. A true Xbox One exclusive is game. A true Xbox One exclusive is fun. A true Xbox One exclusive never makes its fans angry. It only smiles in a chagrined, loving manner. The Platinum Game fans like what they like, so evidently they're vinyl hipsters who loves fetish Manga. If they like girls gone wild, Claire Redfield was a good example of empowering woman design. Bayonetta is sexist trash.. When I met Phil Spencer I knew he wanted "true Xbox Exclusive experience". And for him, I'll admit: Scalebound truly was it. He created an empty development funded by vapor and nothingness. Microsoft rewrote the concept to fit those Sony esclusive games everyone loves. They put headphones into the game because we all love headphones. They showed the game, semi-regularly. I lived in the moment. The same dragon portion for three years. I was fuckinging game. I can't say I didn't enjoy some of it. Microsoft teased out in me things I didn't know existed. A lightness, a humor, an ease. But I made them smarter. Sharper. I inspired them to rise to my level. I forged the company of my dreams. We were happy pretending to be other people. We were the happiest couple we knew. And what's the point of being together if you're not the happiest? But Platinum got lazy and Microsoft stubborn. They delayed the game. Microsoft actually expected me to love support their Xbox console unconditionally. And before finishing with Platinum, they delayed the game another time. From Holiday 2016, to simply "2017". We knew it was coming. We knew that what the press sneaks were telling us, was true.

You think I'd let Microsoft destroy me and end up happier than ever?

No fucking way.

They don't get to win. I don't know how much the rest of you know about social culture (I'm an expert), but grown-ups work for things. Grown-ups pay.

Grown-ups suffer consequences.


Sucks but not a surprise this game was cancelled. Looked really tough with each showing being an unfocused vertical Slice. The E3 demos were slow looking character action games, the IGN first promised this as Platnuims Take on a WRPG with towns and such, and then that godawful looking multiplayer boss fight. Highly unfocused looking.

Shame this was one of my most antipcated games this year. This also puts a big gap in the Xbox software libaray and I'm really regretting selling my PS4 for an Xbox that first e3 after launch.
Who would want to buy it?

Oh you bet that Sony would love to get those IP's. The problem is the sort of money it would take to buy the Xbox Division outright would be extraordinary.

Jack Tretton once talked about how badly Sony internally wanted the Halo IP and how they were more jealous of that, than any other IP MS owned.


Scalebound looked bad, but I worry about the ramifications for Platinum.

It's getting harder for me to justify the purchase of an Xbox.
Better not get excited for any new non-Forza/Halo/Gears game announcement from MS until you hold the game in your hands. :p

Gears didn't exactly sell well, Halo is in decline and Forza as a racing sim can't be doing that great?
they need something new.
Wow, that sucks for Platinum Games. Even if the studio did not lose money, mentally it sure is awful for the whole team to have worked on a game for months and months to have it cancelled, whatever the reason.


It's a big blow to the Xbox line up. Honestly there's a serious lack of single player story driven games. Well, exclusive ones at least. Everything is literally MP focused. Forza 7, State of Decay, Sea of Thieves, Crackdown...(and I've heard Crackdown isn't going too hot either, though nothing as bad as this).

Unless they have a bunch of first party studios secretly tucked away somewhere (which they don't that I know of), I genuinely struggle to think of what surprises they could have at E3 *as of right now*. Halo 6 is to be expected, and I don't see publishers playing ball much anymore with 3rd party exclusives unless Microsoft gives the Xbox division a huge budget to throw cash around, which I highly doubt. Their major first party IP are on a decline with Halo doing less than before and Gears 4 not selling that well at all relatively speaking (not good enough to sustain a huge studio with that many workers and budget).

What's happening now is the exact opposite of what Xbox fans seemed to want out of a Phil spencer leadership.

I remember when he became head of Xbox and everyone was saying how there'll be tons of new games, but they're still coasting on announcements from 2013-2014 and in that time, games have been cancelled, multiple studios closed including Lionhead...

As a big Xbox fan since day one, I'm not very hopeful for the future. Scorpio won't do anything without software to push it heavily.
Phantom Dust
Sea of Thieves
State of Decay 2
Crackdown 3
Halo Wars 2

They have five exclusives coming up in 2017 at this moment, FIVE.
I'm not counting small downloadable titles here, but still, you get the point.
I had really hoped for more since the phil spencer era started.

Forza Motorsport 7, so 6.
For those mentioning Nintendo picking this up (whether it's a joke or not), why would they do that if they could potentially make Monster Hunter on the Nintendo Switch happen instead?
Now is the time and place for Microsoft to start pandering to the fans.

E3 this year should have a teaser Trailer for Banjoo Three. People would flip their shit in joy.

Would they? Or would they assume it's just the next game to be canceled. Pandering only works when people believe in your ability to actually deliver.
Honestly, I don't agree with the Microsoft in trouble posts. Microsoft will always have something else in the wings. I just personally wish they would go to to Hironobu Sakaguchi and Mistwalker now.

If they ended up canning Scalebound for something instead from Sakaguchi and Mistwalker, I would consider that an upgrade. Here's to hoping for best.


This actually sucks. Damn man, one of the only games from MS I was looking forward to for PC.

Hope Kamiya will get well soon too.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't really know the movie market.
But I have a friend who never wanted any Xbox console but is considering getting one because of the 4k bluray player because they are practically the same price.

The Xbone One S, could always be like the PS3, selling well because of the bluray player.
But idk how big the market is for that.

To be fair you could say this with most games. lol

That's a lot more expensive then making a dream game craved by the fan.
Banjoo could have a 100 million dollar budget and it'd be cheaper than 2 studios.

Bluray as a new format with the PS3 is vastly different than bluray in a different resolution of 4k. 4k bluray is not going to sustain console sales.


Neo Member
It's a big blow to the Xbox line up. Honestly there's a serious lack of single player story driven games. Well, exclusive ones at least. Everything is literally MP focused. Forza 7, State of Decay, Sea of Thieves, Crackdown...(and I've heard Crackdown isn't going too hot either, though nothing as bad as this).

Unless they have a bunch of first party studios secretly tucked away somewhere (which they don't that I know of), I genuinely struggle to think of what surprises they could have at E3 *as of right now*. Halo 6 is to be expected, and I don't see publishers playing ball much anymore with 3rd party exclusives unless Microsoft gives the Xbox division a huge budget to throw cash around, which I highly doubt. Their major first party IP are on a decline with Halo doing less than before and Gears 4 not selling that well at all relatively speaking (not good enough to sustain a huge studio with that many workers and budget).

What's happening now is the exact opposite of what Xbox fans seemed to want out of a Phil spencer leadership.

I remember when he became head of Xbox and everyone was saying how there'll be tons of new games, but they're still coasting on announcements from 2013-2014 and in that time, games have been cancelled, multiple studios closed including Lionhead...

As a big Xbox fan since day one, I'm not very hopeful for the future. Scorpio won't do anything without software to push it heavily.

Summed up my feelings precisely. Depressed.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Honestly, I don't agree with the Microsoft in trouble posts. Microsoft will always have something else in the wings. I just personally wish they would go to to Hironobu Sakaguchi and Mistwalker now.

If they ended up canning Scalebound for something instead from Sakaguchi and Mistwalker, I would consider that an upgrade. Here's to hoping for best.

I don't see why these projects would need to be mutually exclusive.


Junior Member
This is god awful news. The only interesting game on the console.

So now with Scorpio launching this year what will they have to show with it?

A new forza and halo? Not good


I'm really disappointed with this. Scalebound was pretty much the only game I was looking forward to in the Xbox. It's obviously not clear what lead to this exactly, but Microsoft treatment of their exclusives has been abysmal so far.
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