Nintendo Switch |DT2| No excellent soul is exempt from a mixture of madness

Which of these definitely """real""" leaks are you most hyped for?

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I can't imagine a scenario where this launch doesn't disappoint you then.

My Wii launch game was Red Steel. Had a blast.

My Wii U launch games were Sonic Racing and Darksiders 2.

I want something along those lines for the NS and I'll be fine until more games come out. I might get Zelda, but I doubt I'll actually play it. I haven't finished a Zelda game since OoT.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
No. Both would be great don't get me wrong. But I need to see third party games. Since forever, the majority of games I would play with my kids or my kids play are third party. Zelda would be a purchase, so would Splatoon. But my kids varying ages love Destiny, Minecraft, Overwatch, roblox, Fifa, etc.

Again, I know most of you will ridicule me. But I don't believe I'm wrong. Vita, and Wii U are more recent proof of this. Dreamcast, original Xbox are other examples.

If you don't have third party games, especially sports, and shooters you are DOA.

3DS sold what, 50-60 million? Wii U and Vita were just poorly executed concepts that were poorly marketed and in the Vita's case poorly supported by Sony.

Nintendo isn't trying to compete to be the one gaming box most people/family can own. That only works for people of limited tastes who really only like their games and Japanese games. They want to double down on that crowd, while also having such a strong library of titles different from the Destiny/Overwatch/Fifa etc. etc. that a fair amount of people pick up a Switch to complement their platform of choice.

They know they're not going to be the single go to gaming box. They don't have the third party support, and they can't compete selling equal priced/powered hardware which hurts as well as mainstream gamers sticking with only one platform aren't going to go with one that runs severly downgraded versions of the big games--even if it was getting them all.


The Birthday Skeleton
No. Take with a grain of salt. But some people are saying Skyrim isn't a launch game and possibly not launch window. Nba will come next fall with their usual release.

Meaning both could be taking a wait and see approach. Exactly Like EA mentioned, and another third party mentioned. Could be a bad sign

I'm pretty convinced that NBA 2k and FIFA will be at launch. Skyrim going against Zelda would be pretty stupid.

I don't need surprises, but to not have even Skyrim as a good western game demo? That's not good. It doesn't send a good message at all.

Making a demo for Skyrim (an open world) would be most probably more expensive than the port itself. Or the port might not be ready yet to be shown.


Either we're unworthy of hearing your info or just not interested. Either way it's probably time to stop.
I mean... it's uh kind of his job (as far as I can tell) so I don't think that's going to happen.

For me, anybody who leaks anything gets taken with a grain of salt. Liam's stuff may not always be 100% accurate, but I think he does a good job reporting on other things through Unseen64. And hey if we get some other tidbits on the side why not.


When your corporate network is messed up and has your clock set to 8:30 PM CST when it really is 9:30 AM CST. I loaded up the Switch Presentation from the NA Nintendo YouTube page and saw it starts in 1.5 hours. I got all excited then remembered it wasn't 10 P.M. So that's when I noticed corporate IT is having issues. Sighs.


Let's make this interesting;

1) What could be shown that would make this a deal breaker for many?

What could be shown to make you run out day one and buy this thing no matter what?


How have you survived with Nintendo consoles for the past decade

My Wii collection is HUGE. I must have almost 70 games (not counting Wiiware and VC). My Wii U collection is fairly large, too. The only Nintendo game I actually purchased was Mario Kart 8 so that my wife and I could play it together. I have very few Nintendo games, though. Third party games are important to me and I want that ONE third party game that's cool and something I can enjoy at launch.

Heh, I loved that game. Played it a lot and still play it from time to time. I can make headshots like nobody's business. Fun stuff. Great soundtrack.


Sad times when a new Mario 3d, and Zelda game at launch is considered weak.
Yeah this is kind of insane to me.

My Wii collection is HUGE. I must have almost 70 games (not counting Wiiware and VC). My Wii U collection is fairly large, too. The only Nintendo game I actually purchased was Mario Kart 8 so that my wife and I could play it together. I have very few Nintendo games, though. Third party games are important to me and I want that ONE third party game that's cool and something I can enjoy at launch.
Same. In college all I could afford was a Wii and games for my DS. I still wound up with like almost 70 Wii games. More than I own for most of my other consoles. There are a TON of awful games on the console, but so many amazing ones too. My DS collection is well over 100 games as well. People write off Nintendo's portable output too often.


they're only going to talk about launch today, most likely. at least that'll be the major focus. they have to sell this thing in 2 months. post launch stuff/2018 and beyond will be the focus at e3.

Launch will be the major focus, but they have to show this thing has games coming for it for the rest of the year and some stuff to look forward to in 2018.

There's not going to be fog of war for stuff after June. We'll know some stuff for the 2nd half of 2017 and a few 2018 titles by the time we're done with the weekend.

Remember, they teased Bayonetta 2 at the equivalent event to this two months before Wii U launch and it wasn't out for 2 more years.


Unconfirmed Member
Let's make this interesting;

1) What could be shown that would make this a deal breaker for many?

What could be shown to make you run out day one and buy this thing no matter what?

1. region lock probably, maybe a price tag over 350€

2. account system like ps4. including the possibility to use my japanese and european e-shop account on one device.


Unconfirmed Member
Let's make this interesting;

1) What could be shown that would make this a deal breaker for many?

What could be shown to make you run out day one and buy this thing no matter what?
Deal breaker? A price of over $400

Deal sealer? Splatoon and Zelda both at launch
Let's make this interesting;

1) What could be shown that would make this a deal breaker for many?

What could be shown to make you run out day one and buy this thing no matter what?

1) Nothing, really. I'm just not interested in PS4/XB1 right now.

2) A Metroid game by Monolith. I would import the Switch day one, from Brazil, paying all the horrible import taxes we have here. It would cost me around US$ 600.
There are tweets of Takagi, who produced Senran Kagura series.
After He retweeted Switch introduce event.(Sorry my poor translate)

I'm interesting How they introduce THAT unique feature, and how people react to that...

I wanna experience the touch of boobs...

Your translation is alright. I would change unique to interesting though.

And I am intrigued by that feature.


Launch will be the major focus, but they have to show this thing has games coming for it for the rest of the year and some stuff to look forward to in 2018.

There's not going to be fog of war for stuff after June. We'll know some stuff for the 2nd half of 2017 and a few 2018 titles by the time we're done with the weekend.

Remember, they teased Bayonetta 2 at the equivalent event to this two months before Wii U launch and it wasn't out for 2 more years.

They can easily do a "Look, this game is in development. More infos/first trailer/ playable/ an Amiibo at E3."
I guess you've worded it better than I did. Yeah I think ppl want to be surprised.
Then I guess it takes some big Western publisher to have real megaton..

A surprise is nice. But that's not what I'm wanting. I want Nintendo to do what Sony and Microsoft do. That's it
Nothing more.

Hypothetically, if third party support was mostly the same on all three systems. The only main differentiation is first party support. Nintendo would do outrageously well. Seriously.

For 20 years now. Yes, 20 years! Nintendo has played hard and fast with third parties and Sony doesn't. Sony makes an environment that third-party do well on.

Nintendo needs to do the same. That is the megaton! If that happened every one everywhere would be satisfied. Doesn't seem that hard to most of us. That is what I assume most of us are waiting to see later today.


Let's make this interesting;

1) What could be shown that would make this a deal breaker for many?

What could be shown to make you run out day one and buy this thing no matter what?

A price tag over $300 USD. No BotW at launch.

Price tag of $250 USD or less. BotW at launch.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Let's make this interesting;

1) What could be shown that would make this a deal breaker for many?

What could be shown to make you run out day one and buy this thing no matter what?

1. Priced above $249.99 and/or paid online gaming.

2. $249.99 or less with Splatoon (or other decent) pack in. Then I can buy and mess around with that without breaking my buy one new game at a time and nothing else until done rule since Mass Effect is out the 21st (and is my most anticipated game in years). I still own and sometimes play Splatoon, and it would be a pack in rather than a true game purchase, so I can do a little mental gymnastics there to be ok with my slight rule breaking, and pick up Zelda after finishing Mass Effect. :D


There are tweets of Takagi, who produced Senran Kagura series.
After He retweeted Switch introduce event.(Sorry my poor translate)

I'm interesting How they introduce THAT unique feature, and how people react to that...

I wanna experience the touch of boobs...
Thanks Jr! I am certain that he does want to experience the touch of boobs, but I'm not sure how buying a Nintendo Switch is going to help him score well with the ladies.
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