Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT3| A How To Guide Of Pulling Out To Avoid Bediles

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I did remember some of the next batch was supposed to have nice TMs though I feel like my TM backlog is too big as is :| I must admit that I'm partially bagging on them because I thought Type-0 sucked. One of very few FF games I outright disliked. Rem is the only one I even remember kind of liking in that game so I guess it's good that she's the best of their units in this game ;p

I actually just played the game a few weeks ago (My backlog is immense and I pull a random game from a hat) which is why it took so long. I liked the combat well enough and the gameplay...the cast though.....omg the voice acting was just awful awful awful. I can't remember which dude it was that kept saying shit like YO!...I just wanted to punch his face in. Anyway game wasn't bad but the VA was shit tier.

Edit: It was Nine....that guy can go fall off a damn damn annoying.
Thanks for the tips on the summons. Still pretty confused by it all, but I'm just gonna play it by ear and have some fun. Dokkan Battle is my main mobile game, just looking for something to fill time when I run out of stamina there.

Pretty much is there something I can do early on to royally fuck myself long term?

The only thing that would sting long term is if you drew a unit that had an amazing TM but sucks as an actual unit (Zidane for example) and trashed them because you looked up their rating and saw they sucked. When you look up to see if you should bother keeping a unit or not, always check their TM as well. You can of course ask us about particular units too.

I actually just played the game a few weeks ago (My backlog is immense and I pull a random game from a hat) which is why it took so long. I liked the combat well enough and the gameplay...the cast though.....omg the voice acting was just awful awful awful. I can't remember which dude it was that kept saying shit like YO!...I just wanted to punch his face in. Anyway game wasn't bad but the VA was shit tier.

Yeah the game play was its strongest point but I wasn't feeling the characters and really didn't care for the mission structure. I think I'm getting a little burnt out on school hubs in JRPGs too and the other two series I tried with that setup did it better (Persona 4G and the Trails of Cold Steel games). I believe I had some other issues with it as well but it's been too long. In any case, I tend to really enjoy the FF series so for one to turn me off in recent times just made it that much more disappointing.


There are apparently Phantom Forest scripts. But now I sincerely wish I'd done much more of the FFT event. It dropped magicite and rank like crazy. I still don't have a maxed esper, and Carb is still 1*.

That is the main reason I was able to max out all my espers. After the first week of FFT i changed to the exploration as I didn't have a single 2* esper at the time. Then the generous magicite drops from 13 and the Christmas raid rewards allowed me to finish them off. Everything is being saved for Odin now.

[ ] ExviusGaf Challenges -- As Alkez mentioned he's starting a short list of GAF-specific challenges (think 'beat X using a team of only women', 'beat X with one unit', 'most damage in a single hit', 'longest arena streak'. I'm not sure if it will be a list of challenges or a ranking board or what. Maybe both.

So currently I've got it separated in to 3 categories: Trial Challenges, General Challenges, and Ranking Challenges.

The Trial Challenges are as the name implies. I started there as it was an easy place to start. However the problem is the amount of nrg the later ones cost. If we have to wait for nrg to recharge all the time or have to spend lapis it kind of defeats the point of this. So I started working on challenges around the dungeons and explorations. These are the General Challenges. And then finally we have the Ranking Challenges which are the competitive challenges. I was thinking we would simply keep a top 3 or something for each one.

Currently I'm play testing some of the more obscure ones to make sure they're actually possible and not stupid. I want them to be challenging but not frustrating. As gamers I think we can all understand when I say there's a difference between something being difficult and something being unfair (yes I'm still salty about Evoke Diabolos lol).

I would like to help out if there is an opportunity.
I want to help too however I can. I love this community.

As I said before there's always room for more challenges. If you have any ideas let me know.

I'm up to 12k lapis now. These crap banners have been a blessing.

36k over here brother. Still on Lanzelt as well. Should have a nice amount when Eileen drops.

Thanks y'all for the congrats. Feels great getting a good base 5* after being trolled with Faris and then getting Delita. Tried her out on Arena and the fights seem so much easier.

Ah sorry, I missed the post. Congrats my man.


You guys also convinced me to do a daily...


Credits to ShedoKun on reddit! He did a great job with this sprite:

Woahhh that really threw me off for a second!!

I'm so going all out until I get all the FF7 units. Saving up my tickets already! :p.


I'm getting paranoid about having enough gil when enhancements finally hit. Any JP players that can tell me how many units I'll be able to upgrade with 6.5mil?


Professional Schmuck
-- syntsui I wanna hear a good reason you have 5 lapis when we're getting it poured over our heads these past weeks. TM farming / NRG refreshes?

-- I have 7k. Got a lot from Olderion and Zoldaad quests in addition to the 140 per day we're getting from dailies. I have been pulling daily halfers and they've been bad except for TM purposes (an extra maxmillian, magi staff, etc)

-- hit max FPs and genuinely annoyed. My idea was that I'd just do 10 pulls and sell the upped units but it's a lot of work for nothing

-- Alkez, that sounds like the right track! Valentus is great at this type of stuff too. (I do think we should have some list of record holders like Highest Documented Damage Dealt).

-- had to say fuckit. Couldn't keep up with the arena after a couple nights at urgent care with my daughter. (She's fine but :( ). Anyway I stepped off the arena gas and am working on the blood sword. Meh. Ranking about 3800 atm after sitting in the 2500s all week.


I'm getting paranoid about having enough gil when enhancements finally hit. Any JP players that can tell me how many units I'll be able to upgrade with 6.5mil?
I thought someone had said it was about 2 million to fully upgrade a unit?


-- syntsui I wanna hear a good reason you have 5 lapis when we're getting it poured over our heads these past weeks. TM farming / NRG refreshes?
I decided that lapis aren't worth pulls after what happened on Noctis banner so I've used every single one I acquired farming my TMs, I have to say the results are quite spectacular tbh.

I also don't need any unit anymore to beat any of the future content, so I'm fine with not being able to do 11 pulls ever again.


-- syntsui I wanna hear a good reason you have 5 lapis when we're getting it poured over our heads these past weeks. TM farming / NRG refreshes?

-- I have 7k. Got a lot from Olderion and Zoldaad quests in addition to the 140 per day we're getting from dailies. I have been pulling daily halfers and they've been bad except for TM purposes (an extra maxmillian, magi staff, etc)

-- hit max FPs and genuinely annoyed. My idea was that I'd just do 10 pulls and sell the upped units but it's a lot of work for nothing

-- Alkez, that sounds like the right track! Valentus is great at this type of stuff too. (I do think we should have some list of record holders like Highest Documented Damage Dealt).

-- had to say fuckit. Couldn't keep up with the arena after a couple nights at urgent care with my daughter. (She's fine but :( ). Anyway I stepped off the arena gas and am working on the blood sword. Meh. Ranking about 3800 atm after sitting in the 2500s all week.

The max FP thing is annoying as hell, I've had it stuck at max for ages as I can't be bothered to pull and keep enhancing, then eventually sell when TM gets to 100, such a chore. I like it when the Cactuar / Gil snappers are available to get from FP though.

Hope your daughter is okay. I've really started to care less about the Arena now and just use the orbs when I am able to, and happy with whatever rewards I get, it all stacks up over time anyway.

I've just hit rank 90! :D quite satisfying to have 100 NRG.


Professional Schmuck
I decided that lapis aren't worth pulls after what happened on Noctis banner so I've used every single one I acquired farming my TMs, I have to say the results are quite spectacular tbh.

I also don't need any unit anymore to beat any of the future content, so I'm fine with not being able to do 11 pulls ever again.

I mean, this is a helluva good answer. If you don't need units, and even if you do, there is no better NRG investment!


12K lapis... I'm trying to stay about 4K because of TM farming refresh costs... I'm so far behind the power curve in this game.


Costs will have a range of about 1.5 - 3.5 million to upgrade...

I have NO idea what items it also takes, but unless they change the costs for us... this should be accurate. I'm at almost 7 mil and worried if I'll be able to do my team T.T

2.74mil for Lightning
2mil for Ramza
2.56mil for DKC
2.74mil for Agrias
1.62mil for Cecil
1.36mil for Chizuru
3.5mil for Exdeath
1.5mil for CoD
3.5mil for Garland
2.36mil for Rain

Ow my wallet. Guess I should continue saving up. I shudder to think how long it's going to take to farm those materials too.


I mean, this is a helluva good answer. If you don't need units, and even if you do, there is no better NRG investment!

I've been mulling over holding 10k or just burning it all to get Tm's... My parties way of life has definitely improved by adding in quite a few great Tm's.


I finally decided to try the Ultimate Speed TM Farm script on reddit...

All I can say is WOW... Im in awe watching this thing run. Its mesmerizing.


Doubtful. Global seems be a bit better balanced towards magic and not allowing physical attackers to get too far out of hand. For every 700+ ATK physical attacker I have on my friends list, I also have a 700+ MAG Exdeath or D.Fina. That said, there are still far more physical attackers in the game than there are mages, at least on Global.

Hmmm ok, so there is no real reason to farm DH instead of DW (in case someone got both)?

Still, the power creep in JP kinda make me envious.


12K lapis... I'm trying to stay about 4K because of TM farming refresh costs... I'm so far behind the power curve in this game.

You are **not** behind the power curve. The power curve of crazy Gaffers (who are well ahead of the power curve) is not the curve of the game. If you can clear an ELT mission with the help of a Gaffer, then that is not behind the power curve (I'd argue that's equal to the current power curve).

Hell, If you are far behind the power curve, then I'm still at the damn starting line at Rank 95. I rely on your Lightning (and Hippo's Luneth) to carry me through exploration farms on a daily basis despite the units that I have.


That's one heck of a daily pull, lol.

I'm just glad I have someone to feed Cactuars again to :p

So my daily pull was Sabin and I though to myself that my ticket pull is going to be just as bad. Well...

After waiting so long I finally get my dues. Only thing is that this game still proves that it would still rather give me support or mages than heavy hitters a majority of the time lol
Congrats to you both!

You guys also convinced me to do a daily...


Credits to ShedoKun on reddit! He did a great job with this sprite:
Oh man, I can hear the opening of wallets already.


Hmmm ok, so there is no real reason to farm DH instead of DW (in case someone got both)?

Still, the power creep in JP kinda make me envious.

The context of me farming 2 DH was that at the time I had no DW TMs. So, DH is better than nothing.

Right now, on Global (and JP mostly), DW trumps DH handily.

However, power creep is more favorable to DH than DW, which is what JP is starting to experience. Mudflation dictates that over time equipments become stronger and stronger because of power creep. DH has an advantage over DW in that DH factors in 50% of the ATK boosts of **all** equipment, while DW only considers the off-hand (disregarding the 2nd attack from DW). At some point, the value of the bonuses from all the equipment will become greater than the ATK value of the second equipped weapon. This is where DH starts to carve out its own niche and separates itself from DW.

As a bit of an oversimplication, in the long run:

DH: Very strong single attack as a chain finisher.
DW: Double attacks for chaining attacks between units together.

I can see the two aspects working well with each other down the road, with DWs chaining into a DH finisher.
You are **not** behind the power curve. The power curve of crazy Gaffers (who are well ahead of the power curve) is not the curve of the game. If you can clear an ELT mission with the help of a Gaffer, then that is not behind the power curve (I'd argue that's equal to the current power curve).

Hell, If you are far behind the power curve, then I'm still at the damn starting line at Rank 95. I rely on your Lightning (and Hippo's Luneth) to carry me through exploration farms on a daily basis despite the units that I have.

Yeah, all of us are crazy addicts, at least in the sense that we have stacked friend lists, clear trials quickly, and TM farm. 98% of the game's users don't know about macros: it's really just us and Reddit.

I'd venture to say that, just based upon cleaning up on weak teams during my 100-win arena streak (why risk it?), anyone with any base 5* OR base 4* who's equipped with TM items (so that includes both CCIE and Chrono) is ahead of the power curve.

I mean, in this thread, we're comparing ourselves to Valentus, when really, we should either not be engaging in comparisons at all ... or instead comparing ourselves to, like, Mike12345 who's fielding a VLC Fina-led team in the Arena. Just my gut impression.


I finally decided to try the Ultimate Speed TM Farm script on reddit...

All I can say is WOW... Im in awe watching this thing run. Its mesmerizing.

Impressive, isn't it?

If you are using the lapis refilling version, be wary. It's also impressive how fast the macro will chew through an 100 energy bar and then refill it almost once an hour to 90 minutes.


Yeah, not using the refill one. Don't have the lapis to support it. 2-3 refreshes a day is fine with me

And I was saying I will probably never have 12K lapis again, because I spent it all chasing Noctis. And spend a good 200-300 lapis a day in TM farming. Of which I still think it doesn't move fast enougj
I'm just surprised/pleased Nox runs the entire night these days. It's such a huge change from Memu, which would crash after like 3 minutes.

I'm not upgrading or changing a damn thing. It works for the one purpose it's meant for.


Most people should have enough energy that they don't really need to TM farm at night anymore. I empty NRG before bed, and just let it accumulate overnight. And I am only R75, while most of the friend's list is in the 90'd


Yeah, all of us are crazy addicts, at least in the sense that we have stacked friend lists, clear trials quickly, and TM farm. 98% of the game's users don't know about macros: it's really just us and Reddit.

I'd venture to say that, just based upon cleaning up on weak teams during my 100-win arena streak (why risk it?), anyone with any base 5* OR base 4* who's equipped with TM items (so that includes both CCIE and Chrono) is ahead of the power curve.

I mean, in this thread, we're comparing ourselves to Valentus, when really, we should either not be engaging in comparisons at all ... or instead comparing ourselves to, like, Mike12345 who's fielding a VLC Fina-led team in the Arena. Just my gut impression.

Here's one more interesting perspective on the matter.

Consider the arena ranking brackets for each period.
Assuming a Global population of 300k (the end point of the lowest bracket), the the brackets translate into:

Grand Prize: Top 1% of Global
Second Prize: Top 10% of Global
Third Prize: Top 30% of Global
Fourth Prize: Top 50% of Global
Participation Prize: Everyone else

So, if you can place in the top 30k (a fairly easy task for most Gaffers), then that places your team as superior than 90% of accounts on Global.

To be fair, from my anecdotal experience, macroers/TM farmers tend to make up the top 1-2% of the server population at most.

CCIE's 680 ATK Lightning should rank alone at around the top 1% (+/- a few tenths) in terms of overall power on the Global server.

Overall though, I think our perspective on GAF is often flawed because so many of the top 1% of the Global server are actually Gaffers. That's a proud (and somewhat scary at the same time) achievement for sure.


Most people should have enough energy that they don't really need to TM farm at night anymore. I empty NRG before bed, and just let it accumulate overnight. And I am only R75, while most of the friend's list is in the 90'd

The extra ranks (at least for me) come from running explorations with my growth eggs to level up new units. Exploration rank xp tends to add up fast, even at high levels. I also have a tendency to lean towards the event dungeon difficulty that yields the best rank xp/energy as well for some reason.


Everybody in GAF has a 700+ Noctis from what I can tell

Not everyone. No Noctis here, and my top unit is still only at 510 ATK :(

And all of my TMs to do something about that are going to be stuck in the 90%s for at least another week.



Everybody in GAF has a 700+ Noctis from what I can tell

I have a 565 Elza.

All my TMs are team based before I focus on a specific member because I can just use an 800+ Gaffer to destroy anything any ways. I haven't even started farming any premium weapons becuase I'm still on Armors, helmets then bracers. Maybe in March... lol


Not everyone. No Noctis here, and my top unit is still only at 510 ATK :(

And all of my TMs to do something about that are going to be stuck in the 90%s for at least another week.


Yeah my Chizzy is at 580 because my best weapon for her is the katana from the trial. I will have power of creation by next week though.


The only thing that would sting long term is if you drew a unit that had an amazing TM but sucks as an actual unit (Zidane for example) and trashed them because you looked up their rating and saw they sucked. When you look up to see if you should bother keeping a unit or not, always check their TM as well. You can of course ask us about particular units too.

I am sure I will do that because I have no idea what pretty much anything you just said means lol. But thank you! Hopefully I will figure it out.

Also, I'm sure the biggest lamewad question ever..


Like I said, not a big FF guy but god damn I love XV so I want Noctis. Also, any word on if the rest of the XV crew is coming?

I just got to the first town and I'm already a little overwhelmed in the way FF does to me, but I like it so far. Seems to ride the line between complex and simple.


So here is my TM farming update:


These followed on from getting Power of Creation, Sakurafubuki and Celestial Gloves.

I don't have any more of the above units so will be going for 100% on all 5.


I am sure I will do that because I have no idea what pretty much anything you just said means lol. But thank you! Hopefully I will figure it out.

Also, I'm sure the biggest lamewad question ever..


Like I said, not a big FF guy but god damn I love XV so I want Noctis. Also, any word on if the rest of the XV crew is coming?

I just got to the first town and I'm already a little overwhelmed in the way FF does to me, but I like it so far. Seems to ride the line between complex and simple.

You just missed his banner a few weeks ago.

He'll be in the pool permanently, but the rate of pulling for Noctis is around 0.05% or less per pull. So you need to pull around 2,000 times to get him. And even then, it's not guaranteed.

Hopefully there will be another Player's Choice Banner and he'll be in it.
I am sure I will do that because I have no idea what pretty much anything you just said means lol. But thank you! Hopefully I will figure it out.

Also, I'm sure the biggest lamewad question ever..


Like I said, not a big FF guy but god damn I love XV so I want Noctis. Also, any word on if the rest of the XV crew is coming?

I just got to the first town and I'm already a little overwhelmed in the way FF does to me, but I like it so far. Seems to ride the line between complex and simple.

Ask all the questions you like, friend. This community is awesome and a huge part of the reason we all keep playing.

So if you look at one of your units, you'll see at the bottom of that screen "Trust Master Reward" and this is what we call TM here for short. These tend to be either the best weapons in the game you can't get elsewhere or an awesome ability you can't get elsewhere like the ability to dual wield weapons. Everything you do in the game with the character outside of the Colosseum and Arena gives you a 10% chance to automatically increase their TM by .01%. As you can imagine, this would take eternity naturally and so most gamers who don't use Reddit or GAF/other forums would scoff and not bother with them. The reason many Gaffers are so strong is that we do bother with them and the way to farm them somewhat quickly is to use an Android emulator on your computer to farm for you whenever you aren't actively playing using macro scripts.

You also occasionally get a Trust Moogle in the game that can instantly give your unit 10% (which is obviously amazing) and there's a lesser moogle that gives you 5%. The most common way to get these guys are special events that require farming a currency with which you can then buy the moogle from King Mog who lives in the Farplane (you can get to this by clicking "Void" from the main screen of the game and then "Farplane in the upper right corner or else use Farplane crystals found in towns in the story mode). The new event that will arrive tomorrow is one such event and will last a week before being replaced by another event. You can also get trust moogles from Arena awards (PvP..kinda) and sometimes we even get one just for logging in a particular day. This month happens to have one of those days, January 28th.

So after that long rant, a unit like Zidane sucks in battle but his TM is Dual Wield which is a top 2 TM in the whole game so he's very coveted by all. So whenever you want to see if a unit is worth keeping, make sure to include what their TM is before decide they are trash.

So FFXV got you in an FF mood, eh? Well sadly you missed the Noctis banner so chances are beyond slim at the moment. The point of banners are that they "significantly boost" your chances of getting a unit on that banner while it's running compared to when they aren't on a banner. Noctis is what we call a 5* base character which means you can only pull them at the 5* level. They are basically the white whales we all want to chase but even when they are on a banner they are so damn hard to get because RNG is gonna RNG. This is why the number one rule of this game is to not chase a single 5* unit, only pull on the banner if the banner over all is good so that you can at least get some great consolation prizes if you whiff on that 5* base unit.

Anyway, Noctis will surely come around again either in a player's choice banner or else they'll surely do a FFXV banner eventually. As for what the * ranks are for, basically each * rank has a level cap for the unit and once you hit max level, you "Awaken" the unit using special mats. The game will show you what you need if you try to awaken a unit. When you awaken a unit to the next * rank, your level resets but it can now go up to a higher cap which means learning more abilities and skills for that unit. The highest any unit can get right now is 6* which allows them to hit level 100. Not every unit can get to 6* though but the company running our version of the game (Gummi) will add the next star rank for a character or two periodically. We are anticipating the main character of story mode, Rain to get his 6* update soon for instance. Pulling a unit at a higher * rank does not make them stronger than if you pulled them at a lower * rank, it just means that's one (or more) less awakening(s) you'll have to do for them.
The hair. The grooming. The sparkles. The Elza in the dumpster. So relevant.

Ditto. At least I finally found Zidane in the "half-priced pull trash pile" this week. Now, if I only can finally find Garnet in there somewhere....

Yeah the Orlandu started the laugh but Elza in the trash is what made it 'out loud' haha Surely some other unit in the team would be benched for Orlandu. You want at least 2 beastly physical DPS'ers ideally, after all. For most of us that's going to have to be Chorizo haha Until we get Orlandu and or Tidus, of course! BELIEVE!


I got Dark Fina! Went ahead and paid for the awakening bundle for 2000 Lapis.

Gave me x60 Giant metal cactaur thingies and all the materials. So i now have my first 6* Unit. She's pretty crazy...

...But i just ran up on Veritas of the Heavens in the story...

What..the with the difficulty spike in this game's story mode lol. Took 4 tries but i finally beat him. Basically came down to me having to remove the Earth esper from Rain and just have him build LB while everyone else tries to dish out damage.


Ask all the questions you like, friend. This community is awesome and a huge part of the reason we all keep playing.

He ain't lying. I've found that this is one of the friendliest and most helpful communities on GAF. They've been very helpful in the week or so that I've been playing.

I got Dark Fina! Went ahead and paid for the awakening bundle for 2000 Lapis.

Gave me x60 Giant metal cactaur thingies and all the materials. So i now have my first 6* Unit. She's pretty crazy...

...But i just ran up on Veritas of the Heavens in the story...

What..the with the difficulty spike in this game's story mode lol. Took 4 tries but i finally beat him. Basically came down to me having to remove the Earth esper from Rain and just have him build LB while everyone else tries to dish out damage.

He was a wall for me a couple days ago. I had to get my Noctis to 6* before I could take him down.
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