Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT3| A How To Guide Of Pulling Out To Avoid Bediles

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I got Dark Fina! Went ahead and paid for the awakening bundle for 2000 Lapis.

Gave me x60 Giant metal cactaur thingies and all the materials. So i now have my first 6* Unit. She's pretty crazy...

...But i just ran up on Veritas of the Heavens in the story...

What..the with the difficulty spike in this game's story mode lol. Took 4 tries but i finally beat him. Basically came down to me having to remove the Earth esper from Rain and just have him build LB while everyone else tries to dish out damage.

He ain't lying. I've found that this is one of the friendliest and most helpful communities on GAF. They've been very helpful in the week or so that I've been playing.

He was a wall for me a couple days ago. I had to get my Noctis to 6* before I could take him down.

Congrats on Dark Fina! As for the difficulty, you guys are only having a hard time because you're able to tackle so much story content right away. When we got that story mission, I don't think we even had 6* yet in Global and if we did, only a couple that were 5* bases so most didn't have any units that could hit it. If you just had a team of maxed 5*s, it'd be no trouble and since we had to wait for story chunks to come out, we had a fully leveled team. You guys however have a ton of story you can access right away and you basically just got to a boss that's tough if you don't have a team of lvl 80's yet. Once your teams are leveled, you'll crush any story mission really easily. Especially you, mstevens with that sweet team you have.


Holy crap! I had no idea what a huge difference Gilgamesh's weapons master perk was. After getting his Genji Glove, I threw a hammer into his off hand. His attack jumped all the way to 588 and I was happy.

But tonight I was reading about that perk, so I swapped out the hammer for a katana and his attack jumped to 666!!



Ditto. At least I finally found Zidane in the "half-priced pull trash pile" this week. Now, if I only can finally find Garnet in there somewhere....
Yeah, everything but the Zidane comment (I have a few of him) applied for me. Still, incredibly accurate.

Congrats on your first Zidane, BTW!


Yeah, everything but the Zidane comment (I have a few of him) applied for me. Still, incredibly accurate.

Congrats on your first Zidane, BTW!


Of **course**, I had just spent my collection of moogles on the current set of TMs I am farming literally 2 days before I pulled him.

/cue Gumi laughter in background

At least I am glad to check off one more of those elusive non-base 5 units that I can't seem to pull for whatever reason.


Ask all the questions you like, friend. This community is awesome and a huge part of the reason we all keep playing.

Whoa, thank you! That was actually going to be my next question was what this at the bottom of the screen was...

But you went ahead and answered that. Sounds very interesting for long term play.

As far as this unit goes, she was "given" to me at the beginning. Does everyone get her or is she a good/bad unit/TM I should know about? I still haven't pulled any other units so I only have her, Rain and Lasswell and I don't know if I should pull more.

And DAMMIT on missing Noctis. Yeah, pretty much the reason I got this was because I am all about XV and wanted to still indulge FF shit when I have to go to work and stuff. I tried Record Keeper, but seeing as 7 is the only other FF game I've played it didn't really do much for me because it seems more like a nostalgia trip.

I know all about RNG pulls from fucking Dokkan Battle, sounds like the featured banners ar just like the ones in that game where the scouter shows featured characters you have a better chance of getting. So should I just hold on to my tickets for now to wait for a XV banner? Or go ahead and burn some? And is the same currency used in the featured banners and the more normal rare banner?

I'm hopin to figure out some of this stuff for myself, but I haven't had too much time to play today. Thanks for any help people can give! Also I appreciate you making the * ranking stuff clear to me, and that gets me more excited. I hate when these types of games have, for instance a 2* character that can't go higher than a *3. Just seems like a waste of an investment. So I'm excited to hear all characters can reach the 6* mark.


Finally got enough mats for my first hero ring....didn't know it would take 3 days -_-

Guess that's enough time to farm for the next one.
Whoa, thank you! That was actually going to be my next question was what this at the bottom of the screen was...

But you went ahead and answered that. Sounds very interesting for long term play.

As far as this unit goes, she was "given" to me at the beginning. Does everyone get her or is she a good/bad unit/TM I should know about? I still haven't pulled any other units so I only have her, Rain and Lasswell and I don't know if I should pull more.

And DAMMIT on missing Noctis. Yeah, pretty much the reason I got this was because I am all about XV and wanted to still indulge FF shit when I have to go to work and stuff. I tried Record Keeper, but seeing as 7 is the only other FF game I've played it didn't really do much for me because it seems more like a nostalgia trip.

I know all about RNG pulls from fucking Dokkan Battle, sounds like the featured banners ar just like the ones in that game where the scouter shows featured characters you have a better chance of getting. So should I just hold on to my tickets for now to wait for a XV banner? Or go ahead and burn some? And is the same currency used in the featured banners and the more normal rare banner?

I'm hopin to figure out some of this stuff for myself, but I haven't had too much time to play today. Thanks for any help people can give! Also I appreciate you making the * ranking stuff clear to me, and that gets me more excited. I hate when these types of games have, for instance a 2* character that can't go higher than a *3. Just seems like a waste of an investment. So I'm excited to hear all characters can reach the 6* mark.

Leah is a "friend point" character. In other words, go to your Summon tab. There will be something called a Standard Summon fueled by points that you earn through sending and receiving gifts with friends (btw: add GAF friends!). Also, this doesn't cost you anything, despite using the word "gift." They're all functionally useless for being in your party barring some very edge cases. For example, Leah there, if you don't pull a decent healer, can carry you until you get a "real" one.

Indeed, most of them go beyond functional uselessness. Some, however, have decent Trust Master Rewards, or TMs, or TMRs. Leah's is "Banish," which sucks. Eventually, you'll be pulling friend point characters en masse and combining them, so you'll eventually get Banish and some other TMs.

The "real" characters that you'll obtain -- actual Final Fantasy characters, new units exclusively for Brave Exvius or other collaboration games, and Ariana Grande (yes, really) for some reason -- are generally obtained through Rare Summons, which restrict their pool of units to 3*+.

Not all characters can reach 6*. (Sorry!) Some 3* characters, like Cecil (the paladin from FFIV), can be awakened/evolved to 6*. Some 3* characters can only reach 4*; others can reach 5*. In an ideal world, all things being equal, every character in your party would be 6* and Level 100, but that's a truly high bar to reach.

You'll also hear what's described as "4* base" or "5* base" units. That's the minimum rarity level they start at, irrespective of how far they can be evolved. Off the top of my head, I can only think of a few 4* base units that can reach 5* but not 6*. Every 5* base unit can reach 6*. (Also, there's a distinction between character level and rarity level: 3* units can reach Level 40; 4* units can reach level 60; 5* units, level 80; and 6* units can reach level 100. Each time you awaken a unit, they hit level 1 all over again.)

Where RNG comes into play is twofold:

  1. The higher the base * value, the rarer the unit is, to the point where several GAFers have never seen a "Rainbow," which means "Rainbow Crystal," which is what base 5* units emerge from. (Remember Leah's crystal? It was white or off-white. Blue is 3*, Gold is 4*, Rainbow is 5*. There isn't such a thing as a base 6* unit or 6* crystal.)
  2. Just because you get a Rainbow crystal doesn't mean you'd get Noctis, Lightning (from FFXIII) or another 5* base character. It's complete fuckery, but our friend Cecil, who's a 3* base and can be awakened all the way to 6*, could troll the fuck out of you by popping out of a Rainbow crystal.
I have a Troll Gilbert (FFBE native character), a 3* base (I think?), who popped out of a Rainbow crystal. Fuck Gilbert.

... make sense? Basically, your takeaway from this should be: Noctis and other base 5* units are super-rare (although, in Japan, they eliminated "Troll Crystals," and that change may come here eventually), but you can field a solid team from 3* and 4* bases that are evolved over time. Thus, when you pull on banners, make sure it has an assortment of good characters, so even second- and third-best units are useful.

In your case:

  • Rain, who you have, will get a 6* form soon and actually be really useful. Lasswell too.
  • Also, since you're JUST starting out, you have free Rare Summon Tickets. That entitles you to a pull on the Rare Summon Banner (to get 3*, 4*, or possibly 5* units) or the Featured Banner, which is... exactly like the Rare Summon Banner, except certain units' rates are boosted.
  • Units like Cecil, Zidane (FFIX), Firion (FFII), and even Terra (FFVI) are good. Units like Shadow are irredeemable trash.
  • You may want to keep restarting the game -- we can explain how -- until you get a decent, semi-future-proof team.
Let us know who you pull with your first few tickets!


That comic was truly great... I just get annoyed going into the Arena, choosing a 1.3 or lower scale match, and my opponent has a mixture of multiple Lightning, Noctis, Gigamesh, etc...

Sometimes I think in real life my team would wet their pants before battle. And when the opponent goes first, throws a few blizzard flasks, some Ultima's, and brings my team to its knees before I get to go - you just have to throw in the towel and start another streak. The worst is when Refia is completely dead or incapacitated before starting so you know out of the gate you are screwed. Can't revive any of the other dead units.



Of **course**, I had just spent my collection of moogles on the current set of TMs I am farming literally 2 days before I pulled him.

/cue Gumi laughter in background

At least I am glad to check off one more of those elusive non-base 5 units that I can't seem to pull for whatever reason.
Well, at least we know how/why you pulled that Zidane, haha.

Oh well, his TM will come to you in time! The hard part is (theoretically) out of the way. Pulling him at all is a feat in itself.


I didn't get my first Zidane either until after spending all my Moogles... I think that is the secret to pulling him


I also used up my moogles before getting Zidane. One funny note though, is that I had locked one of my moogles and never noticed it since it doesn't show up on the enhance screen. So at least I got to put that one on him.


I just get annoyed going into the Arena, choosing a 1.3 or lower scale match, and my opponent has a mixture of multiple Lightning, Noctis, Gigamesh, etc...

Sometimes I think in real life my team would wet their pants before battle. And when the opponent goes first, throws a few blizzard flasks, some Ultima's, and brings my team to its knees before I get to go - you just have to throw in the towel and start another streak. The worst is when Refia is completely dead or incapacitated before starting so you know out of the gate you are screwed. Can't revive any of the other dead units.

Thank to Valentus's video this week, I've tweaked my Refia to reach 6000 HP in the arena without TMs. That helps a ton with surviving first-turn catastrophes.

Other arena nightmares:

-- As you mention, when the opponent's Noctis gets to go first and decides to blizzard flask your key damage units or Refia.

-- When the opponent has an Elza and decides to Lance your Exdeath/DPS unit on the first turn and that unit has no innate MP regeneration.

-- When the opponent has multiple dual wielders and the computer magically decides that everyone is throwing their 45 MP AoEs all at once. Even better when they elemental chain.

-- When the opponent is hiding Noctis or another key unit behind an Exdeath or WK Noel, so that they can't be targetted. Bonus rage awarded when there is a forest of Exdeaths hiding multiple units.

-- When the opponent is fielding multiple Lightnings/Noctii/Chizurus and they **all** have twenty-sided dies on + other evasion gear. Teeth-grinding begins when there is only one unit left with low life, you launch a barrage, and every single hit in the entire combo chain misses the unit. That unit then gets to go in the second half of the turn, deals 2x 999 AoE, then wins the coin flip for the next turn and does it again (for 3996 damage to everyone) before you can move again... assuming anyone is still alive.
I got Zidane earlier today, with all my moogles saved up, also got WoL who eluded me.

With those two I have every non base 5 star I could want.



I've run into Noctis that is basically dead, but can't finish him because of the evade thing. Blizzard flask, couple AoE's, and then his LB. Holy crap on that move.\\

When it is 5 to 1, you should win a lot more.
My Refia only has 5400 HP. How do you get 6000?



I've run into Noctis that is basically dead, but can't finish him because of the evade thing. Blizzard flask, couple AoE's, and then his LB. Holy crap on that move.\\

When it is 5 to 1, you should win a lot more.
My Refia only has 5400 HP. How do you get 6000?

1 Muscle Belt (I have the Candy Basket in the other accessory slot) + 2 HP +15% + 2 HP +10% (or Guardian Authorities)

My Refia is currently at 6002 HP. Could get it higher with a second Muscle Belt, but I didn't want to hurt her SPR too much (still over 400 though, which is plenty I believe).

Going to try out that dualcast dispel move to cure stop once I finish my one and lonely Ludmille. So close.....


Switch was disappointing. Only game that interests me is the new Mario.

$299, 2 hour battery life and paid online makes it the first Nintendo console I won't purchase.

Btw, my Elza can't even break 600 dmg, yet. Should be able to once PoC, Bracers and Sod is finished.


I'm totally sold on Switch - just not sure when. Zelda, Xenoblade, DQ, Mario all on the go...

True, how much of that will require 6+ months from the system launch to appear? Sounds like a great system... in a year's time? Odd reveal, that's for sure.

But that Zelda trailer.... /twitch

Woot at Zelda being confirmed to release on Wii U as well on the same date (3/7). That will hold me over for sure until the system becomes more established.


I'm totally sold on Switch - just not sure when. Zelda, Xenoblade, DQ, Mario all on the go...

Xenoblade 2 for me. I love the shit out of the first one. And this being 2? Holy shit yes, I want to know about if it's a continuation from the first. Need. I really hope it's good. I had high hopes for X but I just could not get into it. But I've played the bajeesus out of the Xenoblade. Played and beat the PAL version before it came out in US. Reallly far into US version. I decided I was going to do EVERYTHING this time. It's overwhelming but worth it. I haven't played in some time but I gotta get back to it. I might even go as far as to say Xenoblade is my favorite RPG ever.
My husband would def say that.

Mario Odyssey would be next. Other than that I'm not really enthused.

Also, they lost me when paid online. Thnx but no.


Everybody in GAF has a 700+ Noctis from what I can tell

No, 700 atk Gilgamesh though. Done with the moonblade and sakurafubuki for his innate bonuses. Now working on +30% atk materia and sword mastery which will put him at 800 atk.

But yeah, lots of Noctis on GAF.


Forgot to stop my tm farming at home and cant log in at work now :(

That nox macro on reddit is too good, it's locking me out of my game!
Fire Emblem Musou and Xenoblade 2 were the big double wammy for me, then that Zelda trailer at the end was the knock out blow. I'm super excited.

I'm also interested in that new Squeenix RPG. I love the aesthetics, which is one of the main draws that brought me to this game (although it's our community that made me stay).


Xenoblade 2 for me. I love the shit out of the first one. And this being 2? Holy shit yes, I want to know about if it's a continuation from the first. Need. I really hope it's good. I had high hopes for X but I just could not get into it. But I've played the bajeesus out of the Xenoblade. Played and beat the PAL version before it came out in US. Reallly far into US version. I decided I was going to do EVERYTHING this time. It's overwhelming but worth it. I haven't played in some time but I gotta get back to it. I might even go as far as to say Xenoblade is my favorite RPG ever.
My husband would def say that.

Mario Odyssey would be next. Other than that I'm not really enthused.

Also, they lost me when paid online. Thnx but no.

Surely, it has to be sequel to the Wii Xenoblade. The sequel to the Wii U Xenoblade would likely be called Xenoblade Chronicles X 2. Personally love both series (and Xenogears and the Xenosaga trilogy and.... ).

Agreed, paid online is a big turn off for me. I can play games on my PS3/4/Wii U/Vita/3DS just fine without paying for online access, TYVM.

But yeah, lots of Noctis on GAF.

That was likely because of the extremely generous Christmas promotion, which gave players who wanted to go that route 2 extra 11-pulls. Most of which got Noctis from them. I think there's only a handful of Exvius-GAF vets that didn't draw him (you, me, CCIE, Chrono, maybe a few more?)


I'm also interested in that new Squeenix RPG. I love the aesthetics, which is one of the main draws that brought me to this game (although it's our community that made me stay).
The guy in the middle looks like the protagonist from Vagrant Story. If it's a sequel or spiritual successor to VS, I will buy the switch for that game alone. I loved the lore in VS. Unfortunately the game looks like it's at least a year out from release, maybe two.

Btw joystick prices are announced, two joy cons are $80 and pro pad is $70. Nintendo going Apple confirmed.


I'm also interested in that new Squeenix RPG. I love the aesthetics, which is one of the main draws that brought me to this game (although it's our community that made me stay).

What exactly was that tease by S/E?

The name of the game is still obviously hidden under a project label, but what game is that? The font used in the project name is the same as The Last Story, and some of the still images presented looked like they were in the style of FF Tactics. Highly confusing at what this is, or what spiritual sequel or hybrid this is supposed to be.

EDIT: @Leehom Vagrant Story sequel? Didn't think of that. OMG, yes, if true. It kind of makes sense actually...


That was likely because of the extremely generous Christmas promotion, which gave players who wanted to go that route 2 extra 11-pulls. Most of which got Noctis from them. I think there's only a handful of Exvius-GAF vets that didn't draw him (you, me, CCIE, Chrono, maybe a few more?)
For my part I didnt try pulling him, in fact I didnt even do all dailies on his banner. I kept the 10k lapis and tickets from that bundle and still have them. I had gotten lightning and gilgamesh and didnt really feel enticed by Noctis.

But I agree with you, the christmas promotion helped a lot in getting him and I think you're pretty spot on in the gaf-exvius vets who didnt get him unless we're forgetting a few.


That was likely because of the extremely generous Christmas promotion, which gave players who wanted to go that route 2 extra 11-pulls. Most of which got Noctis from them. I think there's only a handful of Exvius-GAF vets that didn't draw him (you, me, CCIE, Chrono, maybe a few more?)

I sure as hell didn't get Noctis. I wanted to, but didn't. :( Best I have is Luneth. I wasted my luck on that shitty Christmas banner I swore up and down I wouldn't pull from. Then accidentally did a daily. Lawls. Noel.


Professional Schmuck
I haven't tested it for sure Malakov but I'm PRETTY SURE you can log in on multiple devices at once and it will error out the other device. Meaning if you left your TM farming on and you're AFK but need to log in, try it and the other one will shut off.


I haven't tested it for sure Malakov but I'm PRETTY SURE you can log in on multiple devices at once and it will error out the other device. Meaning if you left your TM farming on and you're AFK but need to log in, try it and the other one will shut off.

Yes I finally got it working after 5 or 6 tries. It kept telling me please log in again but on the last try I think it booted me off from the pc at home so it's all good now :)


For my part I didnt try pulling him, in fact I didnt even do all dailies on his banner. I kept the 10k lapis and tickets from that bundle and still have them. I had gotten lightning and gilgamesh and didnt really feel enticed by Noctis.

But I agree with you, the christmas promotion helped a lot in getting him and I think you're pretty spot on in the gaf-exvius vets who didnt get him unless we're forgetting a few.

I didn't hard pull for him either, and kept most of the lapis offered during the Holidays as well.

I didn't get Noctis either though I play JP.

I got a better present though. =)

You're pretty well off on the JP server aren't you? If I remember right, you did quite well on the Anniversary banner.

Dualcast finally finished, although it sucks that I'm leaving DH at 92, Demon's Scythe and Celestial Gloves at 94. Here's hoping that the event actually goes by somewhat smoothly and doesn't require all 14 days to get the decent rewards.

Bah, who am I kidding?

I'll wake up to bad unit draw rates, horrible phantoma drop rates, and ridiculously Global-inflated Mog King prices. :)

Always though, there's a small hope to be pleasantly surprised. Small. Very small. Teeny tiny, even.

I'm not being **too** optimistic here, am I?


Brave Suit finally finished during the night. Death Bringer is at 98.x%.
Noctis is not at 704 ATK with Diabolos and 740 with Ifrit.
Only thing I still have cooking for him is a bracer but after that he is absolutely optimized from what I have to offer.

The Death Bringer will not boost Noctis because he already has an Excalibur but once it's finished I can give it to him so Lightning gets her second Excalibur.

So I once Bracer and Death Bringer are finished I will be sitting pretty with the following team:

Noctis 720ish ATK
Gilgamesh 701 ATK
Lightning 550 ATK (hasn't gotten any ATK pots yet)
Exdeath 500+ MAG
Cecil 500+ DEF
Whoa, thank you! That was actually going to be my next question was what this at the bottom of the screen was...

But you went ahead and answered that. Sounds very interesting for long term play.

As far as this unit goes, she was "given" to me at the beginning. Does everyone get her or is she a good/bad unit/TM I should know about? I still haven't pulled any other units so I only have her, Rain and Lasswell and I don't know if I should pull more.

And DAMMIT on missing Noctis. Yeah, pretty much the reason I got this was because I am all about XV and wanted to still indulge FF shit when I have to go to work and stuff. I tried Record Keeper, but seeing as 7 is the only other FF game I've played it didn't really do much for me because it seems more like a nostalgia trip.

I know all about RNG pulls from fucking Dokkan Battle, sounds like the featured banners ar just like the ones in that game where the scouter shows featured characters you have a better chance of getting. So should I just hold on to my tickets for now to wait for a XV banner? Or go ahead and burn some? And is the same currency used in the featured banners and the more normal rare banner?

I'm hopin to figure out some of this stuff for myself, but I haven't had too much time to play today. Thanks for any help people can give! Also I appreciate you making the * ranking stuff clear to me, and that gets me more excited. I hate when these types of games have, for instance a 2* character that can't go higher than a *3. Just seems like a waste of an investment. So I'm excited to hear all characters can reach the 6* mark.
You use either lapis or summon tickets to pull from all but the friend point banner (except the Arena banner which only takes Arena tickets). There's a half off pull once a day at 250 lapis but otherwise 500 lapis for a single pull or 5k lapis for 10+1 pull and that extra unit will guarantee be at least a gold crystal. It's possible to have a blue crystal transform into a gold and even transform again into a rainbow. A gold will give you a unit at 4* and rainbow at 5* but as others have said, you can still get some bad units at that high * level which we call troll rainbows. We're waiting for a fix that Japan got that stopped the crap characters from coming out of rainbows.

The bottom most banner under Summon is the Friend Point (FP) banner which uses friend points instead of lapis and tickets. What you want to do is add friends in the game and then you can change from within the friend section what your character will request from friends. You'll see an icon representing what you choose in the bubble coming out from your character. You can choose between the different element low level crysts, gil (money), or friend points which is the pink icon. You should choose FP as that's the easiest way to rack them up allowing for free summons from that banner. You can both send and receive gifts from each friend on your list once a day and the gifts you give do not come out of your inventory, they are freely given so you should always gift to everyone which you can do all at once at the press of a button.

The friend banner summons are all bad units BUT there are a few that have a TM along the lines of Dragon Killer or Aquan Killer. These ones are worth keeping because those TMs make you do extra damage to those types of enemies which is pretty nice. There's also one unit in there that has an HP 10% TM that's worth holding on to. Then what you do is keep trying to collect more because there's one other way to get TM progress faster that I forgot to mention in my previous post. If you fuse together duplicates of the same unit, you'll get a nice TM jump. If the duplicate's TM progress is 0, you'll get a 5% jump and if you get that duplicate's TM higher than 5%, you'll get whatever percent they have added to the one you're fusing into. This is why people farm multiples of one unit even if they don't want multiple of that TM. They could farm 4 of one unit and when they all hit 25%, fuse them all together and boom, all done. Other than that, the other use for these scrub units are that you can quickly max a 1*'s level and awaken it which is the fastest way to complete the awakening trophies (trophies are achievements which give you rewards) and you can then sell them as a nice means of making quick gil. Typically I think people try to at least max them out at 2* since that's still quick and easy and then sell them.

The way to fuse units is "Enhance" which is under the Unit section. You can also use Enhance to fuse metal cactuars into units for massive xp (Gigantuars anyway, they give 30k a piece) and also different types of "pots" that increase the max stat of your unit depending what type of pot it is (ATK, DEF, SPR, etc.). You can freely add pots without worrying about * rank ups, each * rank has a cap for pots but you don't lose the progress when you upgrade. The metal cactuars however, you should only use the tiny and regular sized ones on low level units because the higher your unit's level, the more expensive it is to use the cactuars. So once the unit is a decent level, you want to hold out for 5 Metal Gigantuars to get the maximum bang for your buck.

Back to the main banners. So you have the half off-once a day as the very top banner and the next one down is current latest banner that changes each week and has the increased odds of drawing what's on it. This is where the new units show up (although sometimes one will reappear on another banner). The third down is the regular banner that has all the 3* and up units in the game thus far in it save for the timed exclusives. You can do this one if you have the itch to pull but don't like any of the units on the promotional banner but it won't have increased odds for any particular unit.

Typically when first starting people do the maximum pulls they can with the tickets and lapis you start out with and if it's all crap, they re-roll. That part is up to you depending on if you'd go nuts re-rolling ;p Outside of starting out, you typically only want to pull on the featured banner and only when the banner is good over all, not just one awesome 5* base unit. For starting out, you could pull on it since Luka is one of the best healers in the game now and if you get super lucky and get the 5* base, Dark Fina, she's now the best mage in the game. The meta is Physical DPS dealers but Dark Fina and ExDeath can hit like a truck so are still fantastic units to have. Especially since the key to harder content going forward is chaining elemental attacks so mages are useful for that. I'd say go ahead and pull on this banner if you're still awake before it changes in an hour because the Type-0 banner that's replacing it kinda sucks. Otherwise, if it changes to Type-0, go ahead and pull for the middle banner but if you have to rely on that, it's best if you're willing to re-roll since you could easily get all crap. The FFXV banner hasn't even hit Japan yet and they are over 6 months ahead of us so don't wait for it. That said, Noctis came out in both version of the game at the same time but is the only unit to have ever done this and they released a Kingsglaive banner in Japan but not here so don't think we'll get XV at the same time necessarily so yeah, could be a while.

Not every unit can get to 6*, though as I mentioned before, the developer is upgrading units over time so there's always 5* units getting their 6* and there have even been 4* that have been granted a 5*. There isn't any normal unit (non- friend point summon) that caps below 4*.


IIRC, Randy?

Yep! Just a little longer until I can really power him up then I can work on getting him TMs.

You're pretty well off on the JP server aren't you? If I remember right, you did quite well on the Anniversary banner.

I got both Prishe and Orlandu during that which was a pretty good haul. However, I didn't get any of the 5-stars that came after which has been a lot of really good ones in that time frame. I didn't get Ayaka either this week, she's currently the best White Mage and incredibly busted. My cousin started during the anniversary and he got Dark Veritas right away then Onion Knight during the FF3 banner. My brain melted.

Randy is my big present. Randy was my first base-5 star character and I used him a lot while he was still relevant. Then power creep happened, lol. I used him enough that I had Power Pots maxed on him actually.

My 5-star units after that went Nine -> Majin Fina -> Yamata no Orochi -> Tidus. I think I picked up Delita sometime after Tidus.
Hey Shouta, I've been meaning to ask you if Japan has ever re-used an event currency? I still have a few including mog cakes taking up inventory space because it seemed like something that would come back. Did nothing do so and I should just sell them?

Thanks in advance for the response, need to get my ass in bed!


Hey Shouta, I've been meaning to ask you if Japan has ever re-used an event currency? I still have a few including mog cakes taking up inventory space because it seemed like something that would come back. Did nothing do so and I should just sell them?

Thanks in advance for the response, need to get my ass in bed!

They don't. Sell'em for gil!

Also, I just got to the end of the continent I've been sitting my butt on for awhile now and oh man the end of that part of the story...I have not wanted to see a moment animated or done in HD like this in a long time.

Why is it that a mobile FF game has been the only one to use big armored knight villains properly?


Hadn't done a pull in awhile, but decided to do a daily since I need a healer and I probably won't pull on the next banner at all.

Got Leo. I assume this is one of the TMs I want right?

Also, what should my priority be for the new event as a new player? I want to make sure I'm being efficient as possible.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Daily Pull - Gold Refia, No 3 or 4 lol
Ticket : Gold Seven


Nice looks like Seven is one of the better units of this Banner. Havent played Type 0 so i dont know any characters.
They don't. Sell'em for gil!

Also, I just got to the end of the continent I've been sitting my butt on for awhile now and oh man the end of that part of the story...I have not wanted to see a moment animated or done in HD like this in a long time.

Why is it that a mobile FF game has been the only one to use big armored knight villains properly?
Thanks for confirming! I appreciate your comments on the story because that's why I play JRPGs in the first place and it's one thing that isn't discussed much here. I'm hyped now :D Except that you're probably 8 story updates ahead ;p How many Zoldaad parts where there? 2 like usual? I know we got less in part one than you guys so I'm wondering if it's doable to get the rest in the next update with it just being larger than normal or if this will turn into three parts for us. I want to know when I can expect Odin.
Hadn't done a pull in awhile, but decided to do a daily since I need a healer and I probably won't pull on the next banner at all.

Got Leo. I assume this is one of the TMs I want right?

Also, what should my priority be for the new event as a new player? I want to make sure I'm being efficient as possible.

Leo's is worth getting for sure thought second tier compared to other TMs so it depends on what else you have to farm. If you don't have 5 awesome TMs right now, for sure that's worth farming right away for a tank or even Refia if you get the Equip H Shield from Charlotte. It's a damn fine shield.

You don't have to worry about that because King Mog continues to sell everything that currency is used for an extra 5 days I think it is after the event goes away. So you can try to farm as much of the currency as you can and then make the decision when the event leaves based on how much you managed to collect. Ask again at the end when you can report your total. As for the best difficulty to run on, that's always reported back during the first day by those that get to take a crack at it first. Usually it's Elite for obvious reasons but there are instances where Pro makes more sense because of the NRG cost versus currency difference. Although I don't think you'll be able to tackle ELT yet anyway since you're team is maxed out in lvl yet. It depends on how hard the boss is, sometimes an OP friend can carry you but most of the later ELT bosses have been too strong for just one unit to carry you if your team isn't holding their own.

Ok, bed for real ;p


I got both Prishe and Orlandu during that which was a pretty good haul. However, I didn't get any of the 5-stars that came after which has been a lot of really good ones in that time frame. I didn't get Ayaka either this week, she's currently the best White Mage and incredibly busted. My cousin started during the anniversary and he got Dark Veritas right away then Onion Knight during the FF3 banner. My brain melted.

Randy is my big present. Randy was my first base-5 star character and I used him a lot while he was still relevant. Then power creep happened, lol. I used him enough that I had Power Pots maxed on him actually.

My 5-star units after that went Nine -> Majin Fina -> Yamata no Orochi -> Tidus. I think I picked up Delita sometime after Tidus.

Oh man.. I started playing since JP launch and I only have 4 base 5*, and you got 3 of those that I reeeaally wanted and dumped a bunch of tickets to get. (Tidus, Orlandu and Prische) So much envy!


Dem sweeet sweet Metal Gigantaur. Too bad I don't have a damn person to use them on.

HOLY SHIT! MEGACITE! 30 of each color @ 100 a piece.


Looks like the standard fare is up for sale for the event. There's megacite this time, which is nice, though only half the number of gigantuars for some reason, which is lame. We'll need to see what the currency drop rate is but the prices look reasonable to me, with the most expensive thing (the cube) at only 9k.


Daily Pull - Gold Refia, No 3 or 4 lol
Ticket : Gold Seven


Nice looks like Seven is one of the better units of this Banner. Havent played Type 0 so i dont know any characters.
Saw your Seven, gratz!
You can skip daily now.
Even is easy, but i was libraing and then the last boss jump and kill my Trey.
Have to wait for stamina refill to get that 10 lapis >.>


Looks like the standard fare is up for sale for the event. There's megacite this time, which is nice, though only half the number of gigantuars for some reason, which is lame. We'll need to see what the currency drop rate is but the prices look reasonable to me, which the most expensive thing (the cube) at only 9k.

We always get 100. List says 100 to me. Am I missing something?


Not sure if I can get a friend to carry me through ELT. The boss would go down in two turns, but he keeps paralyzing my friend unit after the first turn and then I'm SOL.
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