Gravity Rush 2 |OT| Mewton's Law of Gravity


"hello?" "this is vagina"
Been playing since midnight and all I can say at the moment is that it's so wonderful seeing Gravity Rush given the PS4 treatment, had a huge grin on my face the first time I encountered Nevi.

Also, the camera work and motion blur makes the shifting feel so much more dramatic now. I can't take complaints about how this game looks at all seriously.
I'm already enjoying this a lot more than the first game. The heavy tutorialization at the beginning was a bit much as someone who's played the first, but still a nice opening to the game


I'm already enjoying this a lot more than the first game. The heavy tutorialization at the beginning was a bit much as someone who's played the first, but still a nice opening to the game
I still needed it. I'm four hours in and still feel like I need more practice haha.


The adoption has been planned for awhile but this weekend worked out to try it because I have a three-day weekend and would like to be home to make sure there isn't WW3 in my home (I already have one cat).

Of course I just caught the crud going around so I likely won't be at work tomorrow, making the wait for the mailman even worse.
Ahhh, well get better.
Dumb question, how do you start the download?
I bought it off the PSN web store while at work and it was available to download immediately after purchase.

Now that I'm home I just checked and it looks fully downloaded - just has the timer counting down to the unlock.
Lunar Style is soooo good. And you can do some sick things with it.

This sets the new top in traversal in gaming. Spiderman 2 levels of good.

When does the game give you the outfits if you have a save from the first Gravity Rush?

Once you get the camera, you can change costumes in the camera menu.

Stealth missions are fucking garbage.


Not sure why developers keeps trying to tackle stealth missions on games which mechanics makes for awful stealth based gameplay.


Haven't played it yet but someone earlier mentioned that you could still walk on walls and ceiling as that didn't count as flying. Once that person did that the stealth missions were much easier.

It would help if I can mark the enemies MGSV style. I seriously can't notice them half if the time.

Is this the mission with the pigeons?

Edit: Oh boy, the menu video showed me a boss battle I haven't done yet :x



Just beat Gravity Rush Remastered. Liked it a lot, feel like things were unexplained in the ending! Can't wait for the second one tomorrow.
I need to find where the song
comes from. I did not expect that from this game.

That reminds me. February 23rd.



I have to admit that while I am liking the game I was a bit concerned with the way they were handling picking up gems at first. The "mining" wasn't very fun to me, but it opens right back up to how it was done in Gravity Rush 1 and i'm having a blast again.

Two things I really want to credit them for. The story is MUCH improved and the game is technically pretty damn amazing. So much going on and it runs like a champ on Pro. No issues at all.

Turn on the damn leaderboards Sony :/


Ignoring this website's clock, it's now Friday! Now everyone has Gravity Rush!
Except for those that wanted physical copies.

Gonna go through the whole walkthrough tonight to get myself in the mood.


Same - and that's IF Amazon manages to pull though on my order.

I anxiously want to see how your story ends lol

Patiently await everyone finish the game so we can talk spoiler!

Should make a spoiler thread perhaps? I mean, probably wait at least another day though if you decide to do so lol

But yea, if I've learned anything from GAF, it's that y'all can't be trusted with spoilers lmao


Got my copy a day early. Thanks best buy shipping.

Game's pretty fun so far although there's a bit too many tutorials in the beginning for my taste. I also don't know how I feel about this talisman system yet. First impression is gross because I don't need another tacked on feeling drop rates RPG shenanigans in my games. It's only been 5 seconds though and I got one to let me infinite chain gravity kicks so whatever.

If anyone can explain how mining works so I don't trigger a long side mission style event again that would be great. Mining also seems to not add to your gems I noticed eventually? I just got talismans I guess for doing all of that OCD clearing of ore.


Okay, so the side-missions so far: catch the geese, find this person somewhere, deliver newspaper...


Keep naming the good ones, I'll write them down and do those.
Yeah the few side missions I've done (the ones you mentioned) so far have been poor... But I'm not far into the game at all (only just arrived at Jirga Para Lao but did all the first optional conversations available there, tried the time challenge and did the newspaper side mission).

Enjoying the main story though.
If anyone can explain how mining works so I don't trigger a long side mission style event again that would be great. Mining also seems to not add to your gems I noticed eventually? I just got talismans I guess for doing all of that OCD clearing of ore.

Aside from I think one tutorial (
where you get given 300 more gems than you had as a reward
), any gems you get from mining stay with you.
I anxiously want to see how your story ends lol

Well, it's 9:13pm PST 1/19/17 and it still says "Being Shipped Soon, Arriving Tomorrow by 8pm."

A rep has said that they'll give me a call at 11AM and if it hasn't arrived by then they'll see what they can do. (The fulfillment center is rather close, so that helps)

Fingers Crossed.
Been playing since midnight and all I can say at the moment is that it's so wonderful seeing Gravity Rush given the PS4 treatment, had a huge grin on my face the first time I encountered Nevi.

Also, the camera work and motion blur makes the shifting feel so much more dramatic now. I can't take complaints about how this game looks at all seriously.

Can't wait for my copy to get here!
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