Okay, you're talking my language. I've been curious to use her but can't tell what I should focus on. Any good guides out there, or general suggestions?
When I play as her I'm normally trying to flank from the high ground, hack their tanks or anyone close enough, throw out some damage and teleport out. It just doesn't seem to help my team much in the games I've used her. Probably because I have a hard time securing kills with her gun (which is weird, since I'm a half-way decent Tracer).
I don't see how that would work for Roadhog. So many bad things could happen to him in between the hook time. Ana can sleep, McCree can flash, Reaper can wraith etc.
Maybe if abilities were unusable whilst hooked it could work to make certain heroes like Reaper and Mei less favourable to hook.
Thanks! Now I just need to get off mobile.![]()
Does this work?
How to play Sombra 101:
-Rein is primary hack target, followed by Zarya, followed by Ana.
I think if all pro players hate roadhog, Blizzard should be compelled to do something about it.
Yet they're not. I don't understand why. Is it the players in the lower skill brackets or what?
Is it worth holding to counter lucio ult it you suspect he has it or just use it since you get it 30 seconds later and you can prevent him using it?How to play Sombra 101:
-Keep as many key healthpacks hacked as you can
-Somehow manage to keep hacking key targets while doing this with an 8s CD
-Use E to move around the map
-Realize if E is out it's not on CD. If you don't use it that's 15s+6s CD. If you throw it on a medkit, then start winning a fight congrats, you now have your E on a 21s CD.
-Oh wait Invis CD is mega important too. The Invis is nice to move between stuff, but the move speed is the best part of it tbh
-You also need to actually kill things, or get things low enough to trigger your passive
-If you have Genji or something like that on your team, you can use her passive wallhack to tell them where to kill people.
-Passive wallhack also lets you know where Soldier is going, or lets you know where damaged things went so you can kill them. If you have E and shift off CD that's basically a free kill. But you need those things to get that kill
-Rein is primary hack target, followed by Zarya, followed by Ana.
-EMP has to hit Rein + both supports to win a fight. Don't do grav > EMP unless you need it to win the fight, grav is usually enough.
-EMP > pick important target > then blow offensive ults is actually pretty good
Idk, that's like the basics. Sombra is difficult, and if you mess up any of that you are borderline useless. The biggest thing is you need to do all of that in a way that your team can follow up on. If you just run around and tickle people by yourself they'll just get healed. If you actually kill things or force people into bad spots you can do things, but again making somebody dip for 2-3 seconds to just get healed by Ana is pointless as hell. Most Sombras don't keep enough CDs around and pursue hard enough to make impactful plays, cause like that is actually hard.
Is it worth holding to counter lucio ult it you suspect he has it or just use it since you get it 30 seconds later and you can prevent him using it?
Wait really? Rein I totally agree on, but I'd argue heroes like Dva, Tracer, and even Roadhog hold more hack value than Zarya. Unless this is just based on pickrates etc.
Is it worth holding to counter lucio ult it you suspect he has it or just use it since you get it 30 seconds later and you can prevent him using it?
I dunno if everyone actually hates him entirely conceptually. 2 of the most popular streamers out there are roadhog mains after all.
Nah Mercy players will fly away to another teammate when you try to peel and then complain about no protection. And will ditch you during an ult instead of pushing with you. I'll protect the soft boys and grandma though.
I mean, they'll probably look out for you anyway. But without help they'll die first and then it's just bad times for everyone
Based just on my speed boosts alone, I'm more often than not looking out for them and don't need anyone to look after me...although those well timed Zarya bubbles are money
Speed boost has to be the best ability in the game
we did an all support team in QP and won, it was hilarious.
"Mystery" Heroes
Zarya's barriers are almost on the same tier as Rein shield as far as controlling space goes. Ana losing nade and sleep gives you free ult wipes. Hacking RH is like, nice before an engage but it's the same CD as hook anyways. Him losing breath in a more organized team is p whatever tbh. As good as Roadhog is in the end, he can be played around and if an all in happens and his team is down, he isn't a big fight swinger at that point. Sombra starts fights, and the things you can't really play around like that are shields and heals.
Harbleau is pro though, just teamless now.
I dunno, I'm waiting to see what the 8s cd does personally.
about as much as toblerone isEh, there are times when a relationship shouldn't be one-sided, and more often than not I have to save a Mercy players bacon.
Also, Symmetra is a Support Hero, too, you know.![]()
Zarya's barriers are almost on the same tier as Rein shield as far as controlling space goes. Ana losing nade and sleep gives you free ult wipes. Hacking RH is like, nice before an engage but it's the same CD as hook anyways. Him losing breath in a more organized team is p whatever tbh. As good as Roadhog is in the end, he can be played around and if an all in happens and his team is down, he isn't a big fight swinger at that point. Sombra starts fights, and the things you can't really play around like that are shields and heals.
Idk enough yet. I just picked her up recently, and that type of decision making I don't have entirely down yet. I think the answer is generally no though, unless you have a very specific instance where you're trying to bait it with a grav or something. If sound barrier i sup though, you need to hit Lucio with the EMP at the start of the fight.
Everyone muted you.Is voice chat broken? I hear noone
If Bastion's PTR changes go through to live unchanged, then this will definitely be Blizzard giving him sweet vengeances for being irrelevant for so long. Sweet jesus he's fucking OP now.
Yeah I always ignore RH unless he's like the only tank in a QP match or something, and even then he's only like second priority as I go after healers before him.
I love hacking Rein from above or somewhere else they can't see me. They always freak out and don't have any idea what to do once the hack happens. So fun![]()
Everyone muted you.
about as much as toblerone is
Amazing. I love that they use Torbjorn as the Oddjob stand-in.Also, for those who grew up with playing Goldeneye 64.
Still don't see it.
Man, I seriously hope Blizzard will release another support hero that doesn't focus on healing as it's mechanic, as I still consider Symmetra more of a Support Hero than a Defense-oriented one.
Widowmaker is the most consistent answer to Pharah, since she doesn't have the damage drop-off of both Soldier and McCree.Pharmercy combo is really hard to deal with in QP. You need coordination with your team. I usually switch to S76 if a Pharah is running rampant but you need a lot of help if the pocket Mercy is good at keeping away.
playing with people with way better mmr making me feel like a minor character in a shonen
i want to get to this thoooooo :x
Time to get on the boat.You need to go on a training arc that goes on for way too long then.