Limited Run Games - Putting digital games into your hands

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The Vita exclusive game teased is Deemo: The Last Recital.

Bummer. I already own an Asian-English copy and this doesn't fix the issue I have with not being able to get the DLC since it'll be a US-region copy.

Uff. This one is especially surprising since at least the others had "we weren't aware of the agreement for them to release physically in other regions" as an excuse, this one has been out for like a year and a half.



The Vita exclusive game teased is Deemo: The Last Recital.

Bummer. I already own an Asian-English copy and this doesn't fix the issue I have with not being able to get the DLC since it'll be a US-region copy.

Uff. This one is especially surprising since at least the others had "we weren't aware of the agreement for them to release physically in other regions" as an excuse, this one has been out for like a year and a half.

Another one with an already available asian print. Not that I'm complaining, but going forward, specially with games I already own like Deemo, I'm seriously considering dropping the full collection idea.
Mutant Mudds Deluxe (PS4/Vita) & Mutant Mudds: Super Challenge (PS4/Vita) Countdowns:

First Batch:

Second Batch:


I know some will be disappointed with Deemo, but as someone who never got around to getting the Asian version, this is awesome for me.

The Vita exclusive game teased is Deemo: The Last Recital.

Bummer. I already own an Asian-English copy and this doesn't fix the issue I have with not being able to get the DLC since it'll be a US-region copy.

Uff. This one is especially surprising since at least the others had "we weren't aware of the agreement for them to release physically in other regions" as an excuse, this one has been out for like a year and a half.

Well, we might get a third retail version:

For Europe release stay tuned to @RisingStarGames announcement ~

Yeah, I already have the Asian-English copy for years and the LRG release would not help me with DLCs either. I think it's great for US customers, though. But for me it's sadly another uninteresting release because of that.

Another one with an already available asian print. Not that I'm complaining, but going forward, specially with games I already own like Deemo, I'm seriously considering dropping the full collection idea.

I'm thinking about the same. I don't want to have the game three times if Rising Star Games really is releasing an EU version aswell.


I'm dropping the idea of getting the full Vita collection tomorrow. I've always been against the idea of collecting for the sake of collecting and I really, really disliked Mutant Mudds. I want a collection of what in my personal, subjective opinion are good video games. Not saying it's a bad pick by LRG but it's just really, really not for me. Having to buy two copies adds some salt to my wounds too. It's a bit of a relief tbh and I can't wait for all the future LRG releases that I actually want to buy because they look awesome, not out of obligation.

Super happy that LRG are doing this and I am happy Mutant Mudds is getting a physical release. It just made me realize something about myself and what I want personally. Stoked for all the awesome games lined up from LRG in the future.


I'm dropping the idea of getting the full Vita collection tomorrow. I've always been against the idea of collecting for the sake of collecting and I really, really disliked Mutant Mudds. I want a collection of what in my personal, subjective opinion are good video games. Not saying it's a bad pick by LRG but it's just really, really not for me. Having to buy two copies adds some salt to my wounds too. It's a bit of a relief tbh and I can't wait for all the future LRG releases that I actually want to buy because they look awesome, not out of obligation.

Super happy that LRG are doing this and I am happy Mutant Mudds is getting a physical release. It just made me realize something about myself and what I want personally. Stoked for all the awesome games lined up from LRG in the future.

Holy shit, it's like we really are a hive mind....I'm pretty sure I'm bailing on the PS4 run tomorrow. I just can't keep up with the release pace anymore. I find myself not buying games that actually interest me so I can keep up. I'll have to seriously consider if I want a third different copy of Deemo too....Have two asian english versions already, one with Chinese cover and one with English. How far will the OCD take me?


Unconfirmed Member
It's good to have these kinds of realizations with collecting. I myself, have made decisioms on how far to take my limits and dropped some sets I once bought. I often see it, like where someone will go crazy for a new character in a game, for example. They will buy up all the the merch... and then are done with it. The fad ends, money/space might be low, so they end up selling a huge lot of it, or the entire collection, in the end. Kind of like in the Amiibo thread, tons of people were going for in box collections... and were done, many selling their sets off.

With how many LRG titles are out and coming out, it's no surprise to see people slow down or end their full sets.
Another one with an already available asian print. Not that I'm complaining, but going forward, specially with games I already own like Deemo, I'm seriously considering dropping the full collection idea.

I have the English Asia version too... cool game though. If I'm not buying something, doesn't mean no one else is.

Wake me up for Stealth Inc 2 and La Mulana EX.
Thankfully, I was never in the running for a full collection as I didn't take the plunge until the release of Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty. I wasn't too fond of multi-platform titles getting their own separate spin number either although I can understand the technicality with content difference like the aforementioned game. I must confess that I nearly forgot to post the countdown clocks as a result of passing on both Mutant Mudds releases tomorrow. Despite the positive reception of Renegade Kid's work, I was deeply soured with the time that I spent with Limited Run's pressing of Xeodrifter. I sort of clump it with a string of terrible titles that I encountered last year between TMNT: Mutants in Manhattan, No Man's Sky and Zero Time Dilemma which felt unprecedented. It certainly didn't feel like a nostalgic trip down the bygone days of the Game Boy Color with its simplistic, pixel platforming presentation, but I never felt any semblance of charisma amidst the small variety of enemies or wow factor from the background shifting gimmick. Out of the plentiful bits that I've bought from LRG, I wish that I could've passed on that title on top of the Silver Case pre-order for PC. Having the belief that both Mutant Mudds games should've been configured into a compilation acts as another nail on the coffin toward my disinterest in the latest batch.

Has anyone been interested in offering their thoughts on the games they've played for those liberating them from their plastic imprisonment? I was jotting down a list of flitting critiques yesterday before noticing that I'm a little mixed with the stuff that I've actually beaten. My impressions basically boiled down into the following fields:

  • Positive - Astebreed, Dariusburst: Chronicle Saviours, Shadow Complex Remastered, The Swapper
  • Neutral - Firewatch, Octodad: Dadliest Catch, Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty, Thomas Was Alone
  • Negative - Dear Esther, Xeodrifter
Positive: Astebreed, Firewatch, both Shantaes, Shadow Complex, Pang Advantures (this one is probably due to nostalgia)
Neutral: Rainbow Moon, Dragon Fantasy
Negative: One Way Heroics, thomas was alone

Haven't played Oddworld yet since it doesn't support PSTV and I haven't come across a cheap Vita yet. Also I didn't beat my negatives, dropped them after a 1-2 hours. I put in roughly 6-8 hours into my neutrals, but beat my positives.
Has anyone been interested in offering their thoughts on the games they've played for those liberating them from their plastic imprisonment? I was jotting down a list of flitting critiques yesterday before noticing that I'm a little mixed with the stuff that I've actually beaten. My impressions basically boiled down into the following fields:

  • Positive - Astebreed, Dariusburst: Chronicle Saviours, Shadow Complex Remastered, The Swapper
  • Neutral - Firewatch, Octodad: Dadliest Catch, Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty, Thomas Was Alone
  • Negative - Dear Esther, Xeodrifter

Sure! Let me think:

  • Positive: Astebreed, Shantae: Pirate's Curse, Shantae: Risky's Revenge, Saturday Morning RPG, Xeodrifter, Soldner X-2, Shadow Complex, Dragon Fantasy Book II, Firewatch, Aqua Kitty DX, Oxenfree
  • Neutral: Oddworld: N&T, Octodad: Dadliest Catch
  • Negative: Futuridium, The Swapper
  • Unplayed: Breach & Clear, Mystery Chronicle: One Way Heroics, Stranger's Wrath, Lone Survivor, Ray Gigant, Flinthook, Dariusburst CS

So yeah, not a ton of misses, but disliking The Swapper was a surprise even for me. Not feeling super positive about New 'n Tasty was a surprise too, considered how much I like the PS1 duology. Futuridium was the point when I knew I needed to stop trying to go for everything, so if it isn't on this list, it almost certainly means I wasn't really interested in it in the first place, or I wasn't interested in spending $30 on it, in the case of games like Thomas Was Alone.


The only two games I can say I've truly disliked and just don't get are One Way Heroics and Futuridium. But I haven't played Mitsurugi.

The pleasant surprises (B&C Deadline, Flinthook, Firewatch, Oxenfree, Dragon Fantasy, Ray Gigant) have FAR outweighted the duds for me.


Has anyone been interested in offering their thoughts on the games they've played for those liberating them from their plastic imprisonment?
I open all mine, but haven't gotten around to playing a lot of them.

Some standouts to me:
Octodad - great sense of humor, pretty unique game, direct and short enough to get into quickly.

Rainbow Moon - Caught way more of my attention than I expected. I played it just to try out, ended up playing about 20 hours over a couple weeks. And this is one I still actually want to go back to. Already a couple times, when I couldn't think what else to play, this one has been a solid go-to.

Xeodrifter - nothing too special about it, but it's a fun little bite-sized metroidvania style thing to enjoy.

Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Was interested in the series, but playing Pirate's Curse just before the LRG releases got me more into it. RR was an cool entry, seemingly a little more traditional for the series with its transformations. My only gripe with this one was that it felt weird as a PS4 game.

Shadow Complex - I haven't actually played my LRG copy yet, but there was a time when I was still kinda open to downloadables. The original SC was around the end of that time. So I already know I really like this game, just need to get around to playing it again (especially since I didn't finish in the past).

Most of the others I either haven't gotten around to, or feel pretty neutral about. Some thoughts on some of them:

Firewatch - Didn't expect it to be so vulgar, so right off the bat I found it annoying. It also froze on me after like, an hour and a half, so that's annoying. Not sure I'll go back to it. Also also, this was the only one that arrived with a significant scratch/tear/bad spot on the box.

Astebreed - I'll probably like it, but every time I tried to install and launch it, I got an error. Gave it to a friend to try, and he says it works ok. Now I'm worried something might be wrong with my PS4 (even though everything else installs fine). That, or the game needs an online connection for some reason?

One Way Heroics - Planning to go back to it, but my initial impression was that the controls here felt kinda stiff.

Runner 2 - Great game. Playing it though, I can't help but think about all the Runner 1 charm it's lacking though. It's not you Runner 2, it's me. Still, it has all the goodness of Runner gameplay, it makes for a good Vita game to have at the bedside.
Has anyone been interested in offering their thoughts on the games they've played for those liberating them from their plastic imprisonment? I was jotting down a list of flitting critiques yesterday before noticing that I'm a little mixed with the stuff that I've actually beaten. My impressions basically boiled down into the following fields:


Mystery Chronicles: One Way Heroics
Stealth Inc
Soldner X-2
Dariusburst CS


Lone Survivor
Oddworld: New N Tasty
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath


Still need to get to my copy of Shadow Complex and grab Flinthook sometime... rest are varying degrees of "whatever" to me.

I'm probably the only person on GAF who had One Way Heroics on their GOTY list for 2016. I'm so glad they put that one out, or I might have slept on it.

Mystery Chronicles: One Way Heroics
Stealth Inc
Soldner X-2
Dariusburst CS
Lone Survivor


Oddworld: New N Tasty
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath


Still need to get to my copy of Shadow Complex and grab Flinthook sometime... rest are varying degrees of "whatever" to me.

I'm probably the only person on GAF who had One Way Heroics on their GOTY list for 2016. I'm so glad they put that one out, or I might have slept on it.

is that gabrielle union, joseph gordon levitt, and oscar issac? they look like babies there, lol
is that gabrielle union, joseph gordon levitt, and oscar issac? they look like babies there, lol

Yes to Gabrielle Union and Joseph Gordon Levitt, no to Oscar Isaac (it's David Krumholtz).

From 10 Things I Hate About You. Also had Julia Stiles and Heath Ledger in it. One of my favorite movies, idgaf.


Dariusburst + Nova PS4 + Nova Vita + vinyl all arrived!

...But I only got two tickets inside the box. I really, really don't like this system :(


And you poked fun at people spending money on Halo micro transactions while you continue to buy every LRG micro transaction :p

I didn't poke fun at anyone, I expressed disbelief that a number of people had gambled hundreds of dollars in a single game.

I feel like you could have held onto that until it was less of an awkward comparison -- feels like you were chomping at the bit for that one. Microsoft, Sony, Activision, Blizzard, and everyone else that does this are running gambling rackets, and I have no issue standing by that.

But that's right, I dislike gamble lotteries and obscure payouts both as microtransactions and as loyalty tickets. There's a grand canyon-wide gap between the two, though: At least the loyalty system here is strictly a bonus, and I'll know what I'll get for them with probability equal to one.
I know some will be disappointed with Deemo, but as someone who never got around to getting the Asian version, this is awesome for me.

I got the Asia LE and I still want two copies of LRG deemo. Vita rhythm games = 👌😍

I think I'm only missing orgarhyhm and those bamco idolmaster games now.


Have the LE Asian release for Deemo. Hmm. Maybe time to sell.

Same here. I'll maybe sell my version and wait for the probable european release.
It is sometimes quite the hassle to follow what's going on with the import market :/

GodzillaDB said:
Has anyone been interested in offering their thoughts on the games they've played for those liberating them from their plastic imprisonment? I was jotting down a list of flitting critiques yesterday before noticing that I'm a little mixed with the stuff that I've actually beaten. My impressions basically boiled down into the following fields:

  • Positive - Astebreed, Dariusburst: Chronicle Saviours, Shadow Complex Remastered, The Swapper
  • Neutral - Firewatch, Octodad: Dadliest Catch, Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty, Thomas Was Alone
  • Negative - Dear Esther, Xeodrifter

I'm still undecided about Mutant Mudds ! :(
Critics are good, gameplay looks challenging although slow as hell. But I don't know. I am not convinced by the plane-shifting, it looks really useless. I know it's sort of Renegade Kid's signature, but even in Xeodrifter it felt gadgety.

I haven't played many of my LRG games but I'd rank those I've played like this :

Positive = Stealth Inc, The Swapper, Shadow Complex, The Swindle
Neutral positive = Oddworld New n' Tasty, Shantae RR, Thomas Was Alone, Firewatch, Lone Survivor
Negative = apparently I'm successfully avoiding them ^^

My most recent good surprise is The Swindle. I finally decided to try the PS+ version and was preparing myself to rank it in the "negative" section. However, even if it sure can be frustrating and buggy sometimes, overall I'm truly enjoying it and I want to finish it. I've watched a speedrun of the game and was amazed by what I saw :O

Well, that's interesting. I literally had to stop playing Deemo because I couldn't find any way to progress the story without buying the DLC, which wasn't available in my region.

It becomes an insane grind after a point.

Has anyone been interested in offering their thoughts on the games they've played for those liberating them from their plastic imprisonment? I was jotting down a list of flitting critiques yesterday before noticing that I'm a little mixed with the stuff that I've actually beaten. My impressions basically boiled down into the following fields:

Positive: Octodad; Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath; Soldner
Neutral: Rainbow Moon
Negative: Futuridium; Thomas was alone

(I didn't actually buy Futuridium and TWA, because I'd already played them and disliked them)
Thankfully, I was never in the running for a full collection as I didn't take the plunge until the release of Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty. I wasn't too fond of multi-platform titles getting their own separate spin number either although I can understand the technicality with content difference like the aforementioned game. I must confess that I nearly forgot to post the countdown clocks as a result of passing on both Mutant Mudds releases tomorrow. Despite the positive reception of Renegade Kid's work, I was deeply soured with the time that I spent with Limited Run's pressing of Xeodrifter. I sort of clump it with a string of terrible titles that I encountered last year between TMNT: Mutants in Manhattan, No Man's Sky and Zero Time Dilemma which felt unprecedented. It certainly didn't feel like a nostalgic trip down the bygone days of the Game Boy Color with its simplistic, pixel platforming presentation, but I never felt any semblance of charisma amidst the small variety of enemies or wow factor from the background shifting gimmick. Out of the plentiful bits that I've bought from LRG, I wish that I could've passed on that title on top of the Silver Case pre-order for PC. Having the belief that both Mutant Mudds games should've been configured into a compilation acts as another nail on the coffin toward my disinterest in the latest batch.

Has anyone been interested in offering their thoughts on the games they've played for those liberating them from their plastic imprisonment? I was jotting down a list of flitting critiques yesterday before noticing that I'm a little mixed with the stuff that I've actually beaten. My impressions basically boiled down into the following fields:

  • Positive - Astebreed, Dariusburst: Chronicle Saviours, Shadow Complex Remastered, The Swapper
  • Neutral - Firewatch, Octodad: Dadliest Catch, Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty, Thomas Was Alone
  • Negative - Dear Esther, Xeodrifter

In my case I own all the games I've bought on LRG digitally so the physical copies are sealed in most cases.

Positive: Thomas Was Alone, Volume, Firewatch, Ray Gigant, Dear Esther, The Swapper, Runner2.

NA (not played yet even though I own multiple copies and I'm an idiot): Oxenfree

I only buy the games I like and want physical. Hence I missed flinthook.
So, there were 4 announcements coming right?

Originally it was 3 PS4 games and 1 Vita game, and the Vita game wasn't exclusive. Then they added that there might be an additional Vita game coming that was exclusive.

So that's two down, so we have one PS4/Vita game and one PS4 only announcement.


Need to go back and finish Furi. I had a blast with it but it is tough as nails and requires persistence and practice. Something else got in between and sadly I never got back to finishing this one. It's a divisive game but I know many who absolutely LOVE it so I think it's a great pick for LRG.


Announced on Twitter 15 minutes ago I think & put on their site a bit earlier.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Need to go back and finish Furi. I had a blast with it but it is tough as nails and requires persistence and practice. Something else got in between and sadly I never got back to finishing this one. It's a divisive game but I know many who absolutely LOVE it so I think it's a great pick for LRG.

It's one of the awesomest of the picks ! :D :D

Edit : just saw it was limited to 5000 copies. It will be a mad rush :x
I was hoping for a soundtrack bundle, oh well ^^


welp the time has finally come that i got a loose disc, it could be random because the ps4 cases are shitty i have no idea because astebreed was on the bottom of the box and that survived but i suspect darius was flopping around in the box because there was hardly any paper put in the box to avoid this but then again i can't really complain because i bought them to play but my LRG stuff somehow always stays sealed


I'm not really a fan of games being exclusive to LRG in North America while getting a standard retail run in Europe (Rabi-ribi and now Deemo). It's especially bothersome because pQube and Rising Star have a presence in North American retail. I get that LRG probably inked the contracts for these games a while back, so I don't blame them for it, I just hope it's not a continuing trend.
I'm not really a fan of games being exclusive to LRG in North America while getting a standard retail run in Europe (Rabi-ribi and now Deemo). It's especially bothersome because pQube and Rising Star have a presence in North American retail. I get that LRG probably inked the contracts for these games a while back, so I don't blame them for it, I just hope it's not a continuing trend.

Or there's a good chance that it's simply more lucrative for the developers. If they move, let's say 5k units, the dev might end up with more revenue than selling 20-30k units at retail.


Or there's a good chance that it's simply more lucrative for the developers. If they move, let's say 5k units, the dev might end up with more revenue than selling 20-30k units at retail.

I understand that, it just sucks from a consumer end to have one region be super limited and locked to a single retailer.

Edit: to give an example, Rising Star usually releases their games at multiple retailers in North America, Amazon being one of them. If Rising Star were handling the NA run of Deemo I could take advantage of a Prime discount, free shipping, pay in my own currency (Canada) and not have to worry about stock issues or being at a computer at a specific time. These are all things I accept with LRG because their prints are usually exclusive to them and of games that wouldn't get a physical release otherwise, but when the game is getting a standard run in Europe from publishers/distributors that have a presence in North America, it doesn't jive well with me.

Edit 2: and as sixteen-bit said below, the DLC issue also sucks. But that is admittedly a Sony problem.
Announced on Twitter 15 minutes ago I think & put on their site a bit earlier.


Need to go back and finish Furi. I had a blast with it but it is tough as nails and requires persistence and practice. Something else got in between and sadly I never got back to finishing this one. It's a divisive game but I know many who absolutely LOVE it so I think it's a great pick for LRG.

I never finished it either because I knew it would have to be THE game I play for a week or so. The two stages I played were DOPE though. It really tapped into my Afro Samurai, Samurai Jack era tendencies. Might pick it up.
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