or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
There's definitely that aspect to it too.I don't know about this. I think there's a truth to it. But recently on the radio there was a call in, and it feels like some of these younger folks are "groomed" in a very real sense. First they're offered protection from racists, and incorporated into gangs etc..
Felt like a typical gang racket.
But take one look at the "Lone wolf pledging allegiance to Isis" attacks to know that there is something appealing about it even to those who aren't directly groomed. Sure, some of these might be like "mental illness" mass shooters if they didn't have the excuse of Isis. But there was obviously something intellectually appealing from afar about the idea of a state based on the true religion fighting the corrupt West.
It's basically hardline Wahhabism in action, which is clearly a major response to Western dominance in the last 200 years of Islam. Luckily there are other major peaceful responses within Islam to the challenge of Western dominance that we don't hear because they don't murder people.