Waste of Miyamoto and Nintendo's time and resources.
Waste of Miyamoto and Nintendo's time and resources.
I hope so, at least it isn't another shitty Pikmin.
Pikmin 1 and 2 are something I cherish a lot.Are you from a universe in which Pikmin isn't fucking amazing?
Splatoon is great, but Pikmin 1-3 are just amazing.
Which platform have you played TW3 on? PS4 is my primary but the PS4 version having the stuttering/double-buffering issues that the Xbox version doesn't (well, until that new patch...) makes me a little unsure. I may wait for the next patch before fully diving in but it'll give me time to install and update, etc at least.
Waste of Miyamoto and Nintendo's time and resources.
I cannot tell you about the PS4/Xbox versions, I have it on PC.
I wonder what would have been like had Splatoon ended up being Mario Paintball (which was considered at some point).
Probably wouldn't have done any better than the average Mario Party.
Thanks man, too bad the only info about the update is in text form; all the footage seems to be from the game as it currently exists...Here are the evo ads
I hope so, at least it isn't another shitty Pikmin.
Waste of Miyamoto and Nintendo's time and resources.
I've been playing both for the last 2 months. And will for the rest of the summer it seems like. They're a perfect complement.I've been trying to decide between this and The Witcher 3 for like the last 2 months now. At this point I may just grab both.
Splatoon is great, but Pikmin 1-3 are just amazing.
I've been playing both for the last 2 months. And will for the rest of the summer it seems like. They're a perfect complement.
Waste of Miyamoto and Nintendo's time and resources.
Pikmin 3 is Miyamoto's best game, so I'm not sure what this statement is all about.
Yeah, let's make sure Miyamoto isn't distracted from Project Guard.
Terrible opinions.
lol this guy
Hey look guys, I'm controversial.
Are you from a universe in which Pikmin isn't fucking amazing?
Splatoon is great, but Pikmin 1-3 are just amazing.
You go sit in the corner and think about what you've said.
Hey let's force creatives to do what we want them to do
Pikmin 3 is Miyamoto's best game, so I'm not sure what this statement is all about.
Seems like I kicked a hornet's nest.
What is it exactly you dislike about Pikmin?
Seems like I kicked a hornet's nest. Let's go slow here:
He better retire if that's the best he can do. And I fully expect a dozen "then make something better" posts after this remark.
I'd rather have another Wii Music masterpiece.
Thank you.
No need for that, I never liked Pikmin, and I have nothing against Miyamoto, except when he fucks up games like Sticker Star. Though his positives outweight the negatives so far (thanks for the Gamecube controller and Mario, Miyamoto).
No, I'm from this same universe. Different opinions can happen.
I'm fine, thanks.
He can do what he wants, and I can say what I want* about it.
*Without breaking GAF's TOS.
Yes. You can say whatever you want. Though I'm fairly certain the fact that you don't like a game is what makes the game "shitty." Honestly, it's usually that everyone is unique and every game shouldn't be sold just for you... which is exactly the Nintendo mission statement. Grow the medium, engage new players, appease loyal fans. It seems like every time a game doesn't directly appeal to someone they scream NINTENDO DOESN'T GET IT and when they do it's like "There, now you did it right." Just let them do it all. Someone has to take risks or else we get a static entertainment medium that will always be niche and never be anything that earns a broader respect.
It just seems inflammatory. It's not breaking any rules, sure, and it may be a genuine reaction but at the end of the day it isn't constructive and seems like response bait. I like to use Brain Age as a nice example. That game isn't for me, but it got DS in hands of people in a way that had never happened. Hell, if you look at smart phone apps and games it seems a lot like a direct response to that.
But whatever. I'm ranting a losing battle. I'd rather have a conversation where someone says "Ugh, I hope he isn't working on another Pikmin. The way the game handled just felt clunky compared to Miyamoto's clearly capable abilities to make something responsive and precise. Put Miyamoto on something new and courageous, we don't need him on a game with a 4 suffix." Your responses just feel... idk, like a dude behind a screen.
I think so it is my most played game ever I go online all times of the day never have a problem getting a game started the wii u is supposed to be a dead console lol I anxiously await splatoon 2 switch day one.
I think so it is my most played game ever I go online all times of the day never have a problem getting a game started the wii u is supposed to be a dead console lol I anxiously await splatoon 2 switch day one.
I think so it is my most played game ever I go online all times of the day never have a problem getting a game started the wii u is supposed to be a dead console lol I anxiously await splatoon 2 switch day one.
I think so it is my most played game ever I go online all times of the day never have a problem getting a game started the wii u is supposed to be a dead console lol I anxiously await splatoon 2 switch day one.
I am expecting slightly better sales than wonderful 101. So no, not a major new IP.
It'll bomb.
Love Nintendo and Splatoon, but if it hits 1M WW it would already be a miracle.![]()
It's on Wii U.
So no.
Yeah, it's unfortunate but I don't think it has a chance at being a "big" thing. New IPs are sent to die these days.
You mean the next major Nintendo bomba?
Of course not. I'll be amazed if it reaches 1 million.
I mean, did you expect Codename S.T.E.A.M. to be the next big Nintendo IP? The Wonderful 101?
I'm expecting Wonderful 101 levels of bomb.
It will be as major ip as Chibi Robo.
sörine;162559072 said:It's going to outsell all Nintendo's non-Mario/Kart/Smash/Zelda games on Wii U. Not a commercial bomb at all, that's going to be XCX.
.If there were a thread to demonstrate just how out of touch some of us are, this would be it.
I am expecting slightly better sales than wonderful 101. So no, not a major new IP.
It'll bomb.
You mean the next major Nintendo bomba?
It won't be anything special.
Even if the game hit every tune with online features and was bordering CoD4 levels of innovation, I think it would still be another Wii U game.
It will sell well, about 600.000 minimum and 1 mil maximum worldwide.
Horrible right from the first post.This thread also showcases that the GAF consensus is usually incorrect when it comes to Nintendo:
Basically, the opposite is true.
Current Wii U owner base is about 100% core demographic. It has nice characters that do well as Amiibo. I'm pretty positive this game will reach the 1M mark. Though not a lot more. Whether it can become a franchise kind of depends on how they can expand it.
I feel like it's getting a pretty big markting push from a company that's been known to push things out to die that would be a big seller elsewhere. I'm confident Nintendo know when they have a winner on their hands.
Pretty close. Splatoon sold 4.80 million and SSBU sold 5.66 million.Seeing some gaffers' unwavering certainty that Splatoon would bomb is hilarious. Didn't it end up selling nearly on par with smash bros?
As Zedark said, Splatoon came pretty damn close to Smash 4 U on its first try. The sad part is that some of GAF's lack of faith in Nintendo as far as new IPs go also applied to ARMS.Seeing some gaffers' unwavering certainty that Splatoon would bomb is hilarious. Didn't it end up selling nearly on par with smash bros?