Highlights today:
Other than the squad thing earlier, I had another squad match where my team got split up and I was stuck in apartments by myself while a squad was very slowly moving through, then when my team finally pulled up from Mylta to help, one of them accidentally(...?) killed me after I was sniping the other squad who had mostly moved onto on another apartment.
A game where it was just 3 people in the squad, and one guy immediately DC'd after landing. I had to join up with the other guy at the school who was way too passive, and when I managed to flank a squad and take one of them out, he got downed outside the blue. Then I made an even stupider mistake by trying to full auto drop shot my.... uh, Kar, which I did not realize I still had out.
One of those awkward moments where you're waiting for a guy who has to come to you to get to the circle, and someone else runs right into you and you have to kill them and give away your position. I probably should have stayed still because the original target still had to come to me and I knew I'd get shot in the butt if I ran for the circle, but I did and I did. Then when they shot my butt, every sniper around the Gatka field immediately looked and saw me and shot at me at once.
One of those awkward moments where you use the tapping trick to get all the way to school when the plane mostly avoided it, only see one guy drop sort of near apartments, then by the time you finish realizing there's nothing on school roof, your new friend has already booked it into school, gotten a helmet and shotgun, and beelined it to the roof as fast as humanly possible to say hello. At least I assume it was them and not one of those cases of phantom parachutes.