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PLAYERUNKNOWNS BATTLEGROUNDS Early Access Thread: This Is Battle Royale


The crashing has been getting worse for me. The last two games in a row caused my entire computer to shut off. It's wild that my computer is struggling to run it on the lowest settings possible when I can run most new releases on high-ultra no problem.

Still a great time when it does work.

Just out of curiosity you haven't overclocked your ram have you? Enabled XMP profile or whatever? That was my issue.


The crashing has been getting worse for me. The last two games in a row caused my entire computer to shut off. It's wild that my computer is struggling to run it on the lowest settings possible when I can run most new releases on high-ultra no problem.

Still a great time when it does work.

Do you overclock your CPU? Setting the CPU to stock speeds fixed the crashing for me.
Just out of curiosity you haven't overclocked your ram have you? Enabled XMP profile or whatever? That was my issue.

No. I'm pretty computer illiterate, so I don't know how to do any of that stuff.

My ram isn't great (8gigs) so that's one of the issues. But I've never had a game crash so hard it shuts off my PC.


Played my first four-squad match today with friends. Our team got on 2nd place and it got extremely close at the end. All of us were amazed at how well it went the first time. No chicken dinner, but still satisfaction.


I posted in his chat about it, some mod claimed you can see his silhouette, and yeah you can if you pause and freeze frame go through it frame by frame, and only just barely.

Still seems suspicious as fuck to me, and the guy won't acknowledge it at all.


Crazy how you can be one of the biggest streamers of this game on Twitch, blatantly use wall hacks, and have nothing happen to you.


I keep trying to find a way that this play isn't cheating, but yeah, I can't.

I don't know if you're serious but I really doubt that he is cheating. He played CSGO to the highest rank and trying to kill someone you don't see through a smoke is one of the first things you learn in CS. The audio is pretty good in PUBG so you can locate enemies even without seeing them.

Also I think he learned his lesson after the CSGO Lotto fiasco.


I don't know if you're serious but I really doubt that he is cheating. He played CSGO to the highest rank and trying to kill someone you don't see through a smoke is one of the first things you learn in CS. The audio is pretty good in PUBG so you can locate enemies even without seeing them.

Also I think he learned his lesson after the CSGO Lotto fiasco.

I'm serious, seems super suspicious to me. I'm not a CSGO player, but the way he located precisely where the player was immediately just seems crazy to me. If he's that good, props, but yeah. That's where I stand on it.
Bought the Early Access and played two matched. Made it into the top 10 on the second match. Very exciting, just gotta find a more comfortable position for my new setup.
If that guy was hacking

His overlay wouldnt be capturing the actual hack of the program, unless it was a badly designed hack. Besides, that clip doesnt show what happened before the smoke grenade. Its possible he knew the guy was there and knew where to aim as the smoke went off.


I'm serious, seems super suspicious to me. I'm not a CSGO player, but the way he located precisely where the player was immediately just seems crazy to me. If he's that good, props, but yeah. That's where I stand on it.

He's running up to a rock so before he gets into the smoke he has vision of the roof so he know's roughly where to aim.

Now my guess is he saw the guy on his screen and we didn't because the stream is a compressed 720p signal which is not insignificant. He also just could be lucky as hell.

Josh may look a bit stupid but he wouldn't risk his channel for some wins in PUBG. From what I saw he's a fairly decent player.


Man trying to avoid cars in this game is nearly impossible

I'm in the top 0.1% for road kills on the Oceania server. If anyone shoots at me while I'm driving past, I do a 180 and chase them down. So many people will fire at you in a vehicle when they have no cover, it's hilarious.


I have been talked down from thinking he's blatantly cheating, but just suspicious as someone who clicked a random link and saw that clip.


the dude has played the game for thousands of hours, gonna need more than 1 questionable video that could easily be attributed to a combination of luck and game knowledge
I think I'm less on tilt today! No wins but I got some decent kills, barring one of those times where you're unquestionably zeroed and aiming correctly at a stationary guy less than 100m away, and your bullets pass right through them and you get shot a second after taking cover.
I think I'm less on tilt today! No wins but I got some decent kills, barring one of those times where you're unquestionably zeroed and aiming correctly at a stationary guy less than 100m away, and your bullets pass right through them and you get shot a second after taking cover.

Nothing bad with not winning but getting kills! I've been 'practicing' killing too. Landed on a roof, killed a guy who landed near me by playing the waiting game, then I killed another guy on a hill, then I killed another guy who was aiming at the previous guy, but my hubris caused me to loot the 3rd guy and a 4th guy popped up and killed me.

It's always my hubris that gets me.
Highlights today:

Other than the squad thing earlier, I had another squad match where my team got split up and I was stuck in apartments by myself while a squad was very slowly moving through, then when my team finally pulled up from Mylta to help, one of them accidentally(...?) killed me after I was sniping the other squad who had mostly moved onto on another apartment.

A game where it was just 3 people in the squad, and one guy immediately DC'd after landing. I had to join up with the other guy at the school who was way too passive, and when I managed to flank a squad and take one of them out, he got downed outside the blue. Then I made an even stupider mistake by trying to full auto drop shot my.... uh, Kar, which I did not realize I still had out.

One of those awkward moments where you're waiting for a guy who has to come to you to get to the circle, and someone else runs right into you and you have to kill them and give away your position. I probably should have stayed still because the original target still had to come to me and I knew I'd get shot in the butt if I ran for the circle, but I did and I did. Then when they shot my butt, every sniper around the Gatka field immediately looked and saw me and shot at me at once.

One of those awkward moments where you use the tapping trick to get all the way to school when the plane mostly avoided it, only see one guy drop sort of near apartments, then by the time you finish realizing there's nothing on school roof, your new friend has already booked it into school, gotten a helmet and shotgun, and beelined it to the roof as fast as humanly possible to say hello. At least I assume it was them and not one of those cases of phantom parachutes.


Damn, TSM-Viss and DrDisRespect just won 5 Duo's in a row. Absolute monsters.

I have been talked down from thinking he's blatantly cheating, but just suspicious as someone who clicked a random link and saw that clip.

It doesn't look good from that small clip, seeing a longer version with what happened before would help a lot.


I just got the game about 5 days ago. Ive only done DUOs with a friend but would love to play with some GAF people and play more!

Do I just join the Gaf Discord and there are always games going?


For you.
Making my way to small town in solo vs squads

oh shit there's already a bunch of people there. Fuck, I still barely have any equipment

oh wait there's remnant of other squad there

someone gets in a car


makes another car explode

4 people dead

I rush in from the forest and wait for whoever survived to go loot the bodies


Get a sniper rifle, supressor, military vest, backpack level 3, all attachments for M416, endless health supplies



Damn, TSM-Viss and DrDisRespect just won 5 Duo's in a row. Absolute monsters.

It doesn't look good from that small clip, seeing a longer version with what happened before would help a lot.

Actually if you watch the entire clip you'll notice that if he was running ESP it didn't show him the guy behind the rock right in front of him who popped out and dropped him.
Drive to Yas while everyone dies on south island, kill a person who is not only right at the apartment building I want but actually walks right up to my open door (???), get two respectable kills for normal people, find myself in the best possible place for Top 3 (a ridge overlooking the rest of the circle)... and the the circle shifts, the other two guys have been hidden behind trees so I have no idea where they are, and it turns out they have a Groza and I think the other guy had an M249.

I should note that when I talk about being on tilt and getting better, this pattern of getting 2-5 kills and then choking badly in the Top 10 is my previous "not as bad" performance.
Can you not make cars explode if nobody is in them?

Dude rolled up in a jeep near me earlier, took some shots at him with a silenced m4 after he got out and he ducked behind the jeep. I wanted to just blow up the jeep since he was right up on it using it as cover, but despite dumping a ton of rounds into it nothing ever happened.


Cars take a lot of bullets.
But you can still blow them up when nobody is in them.

Source: I blew up some dudes car yesterday while he was hiding in a tower.
So what's the best method of securing care packages? When I see a plane flying overhead I'll either miss seeing it drop the crate or it'll be way waaay far off in the distance. Is there anything I can do to preempt them, or is it just chance?


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
I'm going in spicy from now on. got 7 kills before I went down in a hail of gun fire.


So what's the best method of securing care packages? When I see a plane flying overhead I'll either miss seeing it drop the crate or it'll be way waaay far off in the distance. Is there anything I can do to preempt them, or is it just chance?

If you shoot the plane with a crossbow it'll drop the care package.


Watched a ton of joshOG never seen or suspected him of cheating. Although he is a big fan of dropshoting, witch ain't cheating but a bit lame imo.


Fail out bailed
I am super embarrassed to even ask, but are there any games with similar controls that I can play to get used to? I've never been much of a shooter guy and the keyboard + mouse thing is just fucking me good.


Any hot strats for walking through doors? I think that might be one situation where first person view makes sense.

The second I pick up a gun is where I play the entire game in first-person. Couldn't stand playing it any other way. It's just so much more natural for when i'm in combat.


So close, came in 2nd place solo. I like it a lot more now that I've watched some streams and learned the basics. Getting down to the final 10 is the most nervous I've ever been playing a game.
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