This one's interesting.... I always forgot about Y'Shaarj. Works well here? I crafted it on a whim and used it for like one game in a ramp druid. I'll try it again here!
Love all the variations on Priest domination going on with this expansion. My favourite class finally getting love with the past two expansions. 2017 rules.
I'm throwing in the towel for DK hunter. Anyone having any success with it?
Goddamn, a search machine so to speak?Do you know what Google is? You can look up words you don't know.
Imagine we had quest rogue now, you could actually counter the priests and jade druids.
with priest it's just impossible to play control, jade is not the problem. You can play that card and beat the jades, but priest? how beat that with control ever? It's actually actively limits what you can play.
Gonna make a prediction here that the next expansion will bring about or enhance a cancerous deck that would have been hard-countered by Quest Rogue if it wasn't nerfed, and everyone will be regretting the nerf.
Just played against my first fatigue warrior with dead mans hand and coldlights.
Goddamn, a search machine so to speak?
Fatigue Warrior with Coldlights is an OTK deck in Wild.
I played against a legitimate Corpsetaker deck. They used the 1/1 dragon to grant it windfury.
Blessing of Kings.
The new horse that gives +4/+4 (or +5/+5?)
Sticky as hell, and you basically get 2 turns to clear it or die. He used Getaway Kodo to get more copies and keep playing them. Sticky and hard to manage. I went 2-1 against him. One of the wins and the loss were close. I can see this deck becoming a thing with some refinement.
Mm hmm!
This has me currently at my highest rank ever! Rank 3
I used to had embrace the shadows and circle of healing but against druid shadow word horror is way better, also don't be afraid of using SW: Shield on your opponent's minions. The faster you put an Obsidian Statue in the field, the faster you will win
Would Clerics help that deck? I feel like that deck will inevitably hit a wall without draw.
I know what you're trying to do with the Pint Size and Shadow Word Horror combo, but maybe cut the Pint Size for Clerics.
I have no idea how hunter is supposed to get through spreading plague ever, like EVER. It's kinda sad watching them try.
This has me currently at my highest rank ever! Rank 3
I used to had embrace the shadows and circle of healing but against druid shadow word horror is way better, also don't be afraid of using SW: Shield on your opponent's minions. The faster you put an Obsidian Statue in the field, the faster you will win
Also managed to get the Kun + Ultimate Infestation combo on 9. Those are the kinds of high rolls I play the dumb deck for
Where are your Jades now bitch. Feels so fucking good to utterly destroy a Jade Druid deck.
Lol yeah when I was talking about Spreading Plague vs a Nzoth board is was a Hunter Nzoth. He did clear most of the first one but I just played another one the second turn while building up Jades. I guess that new Bat thing they got would have helped, the one that deals 2 to all enemies deathrattle.
Where are your Jades now bitch. Feels so fucking good to destroy utterly destroy a Jade Druid deck.
I wonder if making jades a buffed minion would be too hard of a nerf.
I wonder if making jades a buffed minion would be too hard of a nerf.
I need five wins with either Warlock or Shaman. Are there good lists without the DKs?
Imagine we had quest rogue now, you could actually counter the priests and jade druids.
with priest it's just impossible to play control, jade is not the problem. You can play that card and beat the jades, but priest? how beat that with control ever? It's actually actively limits what you can play.
So is Lich King the hot new Legendary all the Youtubers and websites are telling people to craft? I just played three games to get my daily in, against three different heroes, and all three had Lich King.
Obligatory fuck priest.If Priest ever becomes the top deck, I think I might stop playing Hearthstone for an expac cycle or two. I hate losing to them more than any of the classes.
It's like how I'd hate for Zangief to ever be top tier in Streetfighter (by a decent margin), it'd just be more unfun to play against than the twins in 4.
So is Lich King the hot new Legendary all the Youtubers and websites are telling people to craft? I just played three games to get my daily in, against three different heroes, and all three had Lich King.
I can use a badass new Taunt minion for Warrior Quest.
If Priest ever becomes the top deck, I think I might stop playing Hearthstone for an expac cycle or two. I hate losing to them more than any of the classes.
It's like how I'd hate for Zangief to ever be top tier in Streetfighter (by a decent margin), it'd just be more unfun to play against than the twins in 4.
Whats the best anti-token druid deck atm?
Don't craft it.So is Lich King the hot new Legendary all the Youtubers and websites are telling people to craft? I just played three games to get my daily in, against three different heroes, and all three had Lich King.
I can use a badass new Taunt minion for Warrior Quest.
WhyDon't craft it.