Yogg's problem is that he basically negates all of the decisions that were made thus far.I am super butthurt about the yogg nerf.
I don't play this game anymore, I just follow streamers and you guys.
Yogg was a super fun card to play, not because of its winrate but because of its stupid rng. Yeah I know you guys hate that but I like hearthstone for its incredible production value, entertainment and rng.
Yogg wasn't nerfed because it was op. According to viperhs only mage and Druid had a positive winrate playing yogg.
It was nerfed because people cried and bitched and moaned about the the super positive possible outcome of yogg.
Yeah he can clear the board and heal and build a board but he could also just living wrath, doom, and astral communion your hand away.
The nerf was more because if players feelings and mindsets than statistical winrate.
Blizzard has admitted to this. Mind control at 8 mana want OP, but players cried so much blizzard had to make you guys happy and made it 10 mana.
I am super butthurt about the yogg nerf.
I don't play this game anymore, I just follow streamers and you guys.
Yogg was a super fun card to play, not because of its winrate but because of its stupid rng. Yeah I know you guys hate that but I like hearthstone for its incredible production value, entertainment and rng.
Yogg wasn't nerfed because it was op. According to viperhs only mage and Druid had a positive winrate playing yogg.
It was nerfed because people cried and bitched and moaned about the the super positive possible outcome of yogg.
Yeah he can clear the board and heal and build a board but he could also just living wrath, doom, and astral communion your hand away.
The nerf was more because if players feelings and mindsets than statistical winrate.
Blizzard has admitted to this. Mind control at 8 mana want OP, but players cried so much blizzard had to make you guys happy and made it 10 mana.
Acting like blizzard cares about arena.Mind Control was really aimed at Arena and forcing you to spend your entire turn on the effect.
MC effects are typically the most powerful kind of removal spell in limited formats.
I am super butthurt about the yogg nerf.
I don't play this game anymore, I just follow streamers and you guys.
Yogg was a super fun card to play, not because of its winrate but because of its stupid rng. Yeah I know you guys hate that but I like hearthstone for its incredible production value, entertainment and rng.
Yogg wasn't nerfed because it was op. According to viperhs only mage and Druid had a positive winrate playing yogg.
It was nerfed because people cried and bitched and moaned about the the super positive possible outcome of yogg.
Yeah he can clear the board and heal and build a board but he could also just living wrath, doom, and astral communion your hand away.
The nerf was more because if players feelings and mindsets than statistical winrate.
Blizzard has admitted to this. Mind control at 8 mana want OP, but players cried so much blizzard had to make you guys happy and made it 10 mana.
Why is early crafting ill-advised if you know it's a card you want? Seems to me that with the new no dupe rules, it's a better bet than ever since there's no risk of you getting one you already crafted until you have them all.
(And by early, I don't mean before opening your typical 50-150 packs upfront, but before you begin earning 1 a day after the initial rush)
I speak as someone who isn't STARVING for dust and know which legendaries I want up front. I'd rather have them sooner than HOPE I get one. Low odds imo.
I went ahead and crafted a golden Benedictus, golden Lich King, and four DKs I knew I wanted that I didn't get in my early mountain of packs. (Shaman, Hunter, Paladin, Warlock)
I may be regretting the golden Benedictus. Hahaha. Still have like 8k dust. If I ever wanted to begin dusting goldens, I'd have another 20k dust probably. Lots of golden legendaries and epics I've just kept around since they're my only copy, but I never use them. (Cho, King Mosh, Mimiron, Wilfred, Volazj)
People complain that high cost cards are OP. (These decks can only be contained by face aggro decks).So is your strategy here to complain about people complaining and complain that those complaints are listened to on occasion?
Or is there something else I'm missing?
People complain that high cost cards are OP. (These decks can only be contained by face aggro decks).
Blizzard nerfs those high cost cards.
Aggro meta rules.
People complain aggro is ruining hearthstone.
Like I've said before, you guys deserve a pirate warrior/face shaman/hunter meta.
Lock n load coin into 5 hunters marks + unleash.I have no idea how hunter is supposed to get through spreading plague ever, like EVER. It's kinda sad watching them try.
Aggro was prevalent even when those cards were strong. I am OT sure what your point is, some of those cards aren't even control cards. People would play Yogg in Tempo Mage and Yolo out an undeserved win. Hunters would be playing their degenerate curve deck, run out of steam then top dick a Call of the Wild to put themselves back in the game where they had no business of being in to begin with.People complain that high cost cards are OP. (These decks can only be contained by face aggro decks).
Blizzard nerfs those high cost cards.
Aggro meta rules.
People complain aggro is ruining hearthstone.
Like I've said before, you guys deserve a pirate warrior/face shaman/hunter meta.
Their complaints are counter-intuitive is what I'm saying.So I wasn't missing anything.
remember the outrage two weeks ago because blizzard "specifically killed Jade and Priest too"
maybe we let the meta settle in
and then accept our Paladin overlords
You named 8 cards. 4 of them got changed. All of them were 100% problematic for an aggro meta.Aggro was prevalent even when those cards were strong. I am OT sure what your point is, some of those cards aren't even control cards. People would play Yogg in Tempo Mage and Yolo out an undeserved win. Hunters would be playing their degenerate curve deck, run out of steam then top dick a Call of the Wild to put themselves back in the game where they had no business of being in to begin with.
Cards can be too powerful even at high cost. There's no bias here, OP cards should be nerfed. For every big card that people complain about there are about a half dozen other small cards people complain about. Spirit Claws, Tunnel Trogg, Mana Wyrm, Tuskar Totemic, Totem Golem, Abusive Sergeant, Arcane Golem, Knife Juggler etc. People complain about these cards more and rightfully so.
If yogg wasn't nerfed it would have been retired. Card would be ridiculous if it wasn't able to kill itself.I am super butthurt about the yogg nerf.
I don't play this game anymore, I just follow streamers and you guys.
Yogg was a super fun card to play, not because of its winrate but because of its stupid rng. Yeah I know you guys hate that but I like hearthstone for its incredible production value, entertainment and rng.
Yogg wasn't nerfed because it was op. According to viperhs only mage and Druid had a positive winrate playing yogg.
It was nerfed because people cried and bitched and moaned about the the super positive possible outcome of yogg.
Yeah he can clear the board and heal and build a board but he could also just living wrath, doom, and astral communion your hand away.
The nerf was more because if players feelings and mindsets than statistical winrate.
Blizzard has admitted to this. Mind control at 8 mana want OP, but players cried so much blizzard had to make you guys happy and made it 10 mana.
I feel like spreading plague is worse that ultimate infestation, that card alone kills any chance of an aggro or zoo deck right now
Shadybunny was coaching I think this morning and got 0 wins.(hunter)I'm getting destroyed in arena.
Usually a 5-6 wins on average. Be lucky if i can get 2 now. Not sure what im doing wrong.
I feel like spreading plague is worse that ultimate infestation, that card alone kills any chance of an aggro or zoo deck right now
The health of the taunts should be lower
People complain that high cost cards are OP. (These decks can only be contained by face aggro decks).
Blizzard nerfs those high cost cards.
Aggro meta rules.
People complain aggro is ruining hearthstone.
Like I've said before, you guys deserve a pirate warrior/face shaman/hunter meta.
remember the outrage two weeks ago because blizzard "specifically killed Jade and Priest too"
maybe we let the meta settle in
and then accept our Paladin overlords
Didn't they fix the stupid one card reward from arena? Bag of gold, pack, and a fucking vinecleaver. Come on.
I have no idea how hunter is supposed to get through spreading plague ever, like EVER. It's kinda sad watching them try.
Did someone suggest that Priest was a good counter to Jade Druid? With my Highlander Priest deck (Raza, Shadowreaper, Lyra, Velen, Elise, etc.), it's the only opponent giving me trouble. The rest are smoked, even if I don't get the miraculous Raza/Shadowreaper combo going.
Also, it's so fucking awesome to be climbing ladder and doing well with a Priest deck that mixes together so many Priest legendaries. Feels like a total dream team. Can't think of another example in HS history where a class' legendaries all came together so well.
Are you using Geist?
Did someone suggest that Priest was a good counter to Jade Druid? With my Highlander Priest deck (Raza, Shadowreaper, Lyra, Velen, Elise, etc.), it's the only opponent giving me trouble. The rest are smoked, even if I don't get the miraculous Raza/Shadowreaper combo going.
Also, it's so fucking awesome to be climbing ladder and doing well with a Priest deck that mixes together so many Priest legendaries. Feels like a total dream team. Can't think of another example in HS history where a class' legendaries all came together so well.
Also, as always, I seem to play a different game than most of you. I'm not encountering many Jade Druids at all (currently between 10 and 15 on ladder). It's a remarkably varied meta, as usual for me. Seeing all kinds of decks, though no rogues or warlocks at all in ranked right now. And I haven't seen a single Geist played at all either.
Many aggro decks only work if you minion vomit, you have to kill Druid before he plays his big dudes and tanks up with a bunch of armor.nah. just finished a game where shaman devolved my 7 scarabs into 1 health minions, maelstrom'd them away, then bloodlusted me into shards.
spreading plague isn't killing zoo because you can't kill what's already dead.
aggro warrior has brawl. mage can drop any of the spell damage + & flamestrike.
hunter is helpless w/o Rexxar making poison explosion beasts, but the answer for hunter is DON'T VOMIT YOUR MINIONS.
Spreading Plague punishes minion vomit players.
I did, but not with a highlander deck, but a full resurrect priest with obsidians, eternal servitude, onyx bishops, etc.
Many aggro decks only work if you minion vomit.
eh... DKs are too powerful in arena
Ya, I think so.Oh shit, I didn't think they'd be offered there. Was/Is Jaraxxus offered in Arena?
eh... DKs are too powerful in arena
I Kinda need an opinion here. So I made this weird deck here. It's not for serious playing, it's just for fun, but even at making fun decks I suck. The point of this deck is to use and reuse weapons as much as possible with some board control on the side.
2x (1) Deadly Poison
2x (1) Doomerang
2x (1) Hallucination
1x (1) Patches the Pirate
2x (1) Swashburglar
2x (2) Leeching Poison
2x (2) Undercity Huckster
2x (3) Envenom Weapon
2x (3) Fan of Knives
2x (3) Mimic Pod
2x (3) Shadowblade
2x (4) Grave Shambler
2x (4) Phantom Freebooter
2x (4) Runeforge Haunter
2x (5) Assassin's Blade
1x (9) Valeera the Hollow
So runeforge haunter prevents weapon durability loss, grave shambler can be buffed +1+1 with just 2 mana (rouges hero power) and doomerang is amazing for not destroying weapons if haunter isn't played yet. Valera the hollow doesn't fit the deck at all, just placed her there to test how she works. A good card that comes to mind is the lich king, since his weapon (5 -3 resummon minions killed by the weapon) can work amazingly paired with either leaching weapon, envenom weapon, and deadly poison. Doomerang not so much since it will destroy the whole purpose of its death rattle. Anyway can someone give me advice on which cards to change. I don't know which would be better, cards that discover a card from you opponents class or drawing cards.
Shit, that sounds fun. Got a list to share?
This has me currently at my highest rank ever! Rank 3
I used to had embrace the shadows and circle of healing but against druid shadow word horror is way better, also don't be afraid of using SW: Shield on your opponent's minions. The faster you put an Obsidian Statue in the field, the faster you will win