They have to be planning big things for Braun right? I mean he's a big dude, he's over as fuck, they even let him beat the shit out of Lesnar. I feel like Lesnar shouldn't have come back. They've made him too strong, finally they built up a full time guy to look like he can damage Lesnar, and he just comes back and whoops everyone's ass. A Braun title reign leading to Roman winning at Mania would be more meaningful imo.

I could see Brock/Braun at Survivor Series

And then when Braun loses Reigns will really look strong overcoming the odds at Mania and retiring Brock


Nak is not good.

Nobody believed me when I said House Show Nak was a thing in Japan

Now that he's gone to a place where he can phone it in almost all the time, we've had more bad PPV matches out of him in one year (vs Dolph, vs Corbin, vs Jinder) than he had in New Japan his last 3 years there
I could see Brock/Braun at Survivor Series

And then when Braun loses Reigns will really look strong overcoming the odds at Mania and retiring Brock
Reigns needs another PPV win, but Braun needs a long title run....I just don't know who his opponents will be. I still think that he and Roman are gonna be tag champs one day.

Nobody believed me when I said House Show Nak was a thing in Japan

Now that he's gone to a place where he can phone it in almost all the time, we've had more bad PPV matches out of him in one year (vs Dolph, vs Corbin, vs Jinder) than he had in New Japan his last 3 years there
It's just sad.


You know who's on the same roster as Nakamura and could bring him to work hard in matches? Both AJ Styles and Sami Zayn.

Lol but no, he's in a feud with Jinder Mahal. Directly after being in a feud with...Baron Corbin

If I were Nak I'd say fuck this shit and just mail it in too.


I could see Brock/Braun at Survivor Series

And then when Braun loses Reigns will really look strong overcoming the odds at Mania and retiring Brock

Yeah, thats how it likely plays out. I just don't understand why they don't use the opportunity to build a new monster that actually shows up every week and doesn't cost millions for every appearance.


Now that Summerslam is basically 2nd Mania, I'm just hoping that Raw after Summerslam will follow suit.

I need something to make up for the nonsense finishes last night.


Imagine showing up on SportsCenter after getting hit in the face with an office chair.

And that's your job.

"How was your day at the office honey?"

"It was tough I had to gig and juice because I potatoed somebody and had to protect my heat and their gimmick"


Nobody believed me when I said House Show Nak was a thing in Japan

Now that he's gone to a place where he can phone it in almost all the time, we've had more bad PPV matches out of him in one year (vs Dolph, vs Corbin, vs Jinder) than he had in New Japan his last 3 years there

Also doesn't help that he went from not having anyone telling him what he can and can't do in his matches to probably 7 different people coming up to him and telling him "don't do this", "do this instead", "we don't do that here", etc.


And that's your job.

"How was your day at the office honey?"

"It was tough I had to gig and juice because I potatoed somebody and had to protect my heat and their gimmick"

"I think I'm having psychological problems."

"Oh my gosh. Honey do you want to go to a doctor? We'll get through this together!"

"No, I mean in-ring psychology! We're having the big rematch next month and we're expected to go broadway. I need to keep up the pace, but at the same time keep my opponent's heat strong. Not to mention keeping myself over. I want to shoot the single, you know, 1,2, get it again?"


On the current main roster;

AJ Styles
Shinsuke Nakamura
Kevin Steen
Samoa Joe
Brodie Lee
Fergal Devitt
Claudio Castagnoli
Uhaa Nation
Máscara Dorada
Cedrick Alexander

And WWE is still as shit as it's ever been. Some of those guys aren't even on TV, and others have been signficantly harmed as talents.


I don't know, I feel like he got a pretty good pop for lubing his way out of the cage.
Lol that shit was like reliving WCW 2001. People had something to laugh at finally after that dreadful fucking match. I mean, it got a pop out of me too, because of how absurd it was.
Raw after Summerslam is usually pretty good
We better get another repeat of the GOAT promo from Titus Worldwide.

Now last night you all... I mean earlier tonight you guys hurl-heard that the New Day, talking about winning the WWE Tag Team champions... being the t-becoming the WWE Tag Team champions, last summer, right here, in Brooklyn. Now what you all forget, sometimes, is that going into that match that the Prime Time Players were your tag team champions, w-going in. So every time I get draaaaagged back here to good ol' Brooklyn... I always get someone answering the same question. Whether it be one of them broke brothers from Bushwick, or one of them uppity hipsters from williamsburg. They ask the question: "Was that the worst day of your life?" I look at em. And I say no. That wasn't the worst day of my life, cause when I flash this million dollar smile, I tell ya right now baby, that was the BEST day of my life. It wasn't the worst day of my life cause I dropped the tag team titles, it was the best day of my life, because I dropped the dead weight that was Darren Young. Oh no no no, let's let's let's let's be real. There's no Ride Along - there is a reason there's no episode of Ride Along with the Prime Time Players. Pretty difficult to do when it's only one Prime Time Player. And he would not be relevant - Darren Young would not be relevant if it wasn't for me. Much like Jay-Z wouldn't be relevant if it wudn't for Beyonce. Oh yeah you booin', but it's true, think about it! Bob Backlund. How is Bob Backlund gonna make Darren Young great again, when he wasn't ever great to begin with? I would be all over the main event. You would be wearing my T-shirt. Hell, I would be your Universal champion right now, if it wasn't for Darren Young. Y'all wanna talk about some Bobbbb BACKLIN. Well tonight, I blame YOU Darren Young. I blame YOU for all the failures that I have not ha-no-had since I been here. I blame YOU for not being in the main event. I blame YOU for not being the WWE Champion. And I'll tell ya tonight, tonight. You come out here tonight so I can bury you, and be done with you, all together. Come on out here Darren Young, give these people what they want. They want you, come on out here. Come on, we gon' make Darren Young great again, come on Darren.

I'll tell ya what's going on right now. Ol' crazy, wild-eyed, bobbb BACKLIN is back there tellin' him, don't go out there, don't go out there. Cause... he knows... damn well, that Darren Young is too stupid to come out here. So- ......

I want Darren. I don't know who y'all want, but I want Darren to come on out here. I want Dar-ren. Okay. That old crazy man please let this man come out here. I mean t-AY! Who is Bob Backlin anyway? Who is Bob Backlin? Who does Bob Backlin- Ay ay, don't you come out here. I will beat yo-
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