Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite |OT| Marvel vs. Capcom: 4 Female Characters


Just finished the story, lol. Some of that was legit like MK4 level. Some of it was ok. And a wee bit of it was legit funny/cool. I liked Frank West's intro.

I'm glad it was a thing. Final boss was cool.


Sales aren't looking too hot on steam atm. Looks like it'll be under whatever SFV had at launch by a good amount.
I think it'll manage at least 1 million though out of their 2 million estimate.
Quick everyone buy as many of the costumes as you can to save the game on steam! Oh, wait Capcom didn't think to launch their game as a service game with a store again.


And that ends the Story Mode. What glorious cheese. I love it. Hopefully there's a DLC second chapter later, wrap up some loose ends, be even more cheesy.

In case someone does have trouble with the final boss in the game, here's how I did it:

Final Boss Spoiler:
Your team is first X and Thor, just spam Power Surge and try to get Ultron Omega's HP lower. You don't need to kill him, but you need to make him flinch and release Dante. Then as Dante and Captain Marvel, remember one thing: Dante's Devil Trigger regenerates HP while it's active. And Ultron Omega loves to give you breathers where he puts up his hands as a guard. Hitting those hands builds a ton of meter. So keep that Devil Trigger running and auto-combo Ultron Omega in his big ugly face. That's enough to win, even I could do it.

So next question is to pick some characters to look into. X is the fanboy choice, but wow are the mission combos just needlessly complicated for little gain. I'll have to figure that out myself, I guess. I... don't hate that. From the story, I want to look at Morrigan, Dante (I really, really, really doubt I can make Dante work), and maybe Captain America or Iron Man. I wasn't really that impressed with Cap. So I guess I'm looking at X/Morrigan or X/Dante as my team for the Beginner's League sometime tomorrow. I wanted to give people who are good a chance to disqualify themselves from that. I know a little Morrigan from TvC and MvC3, and Dante is just... I mean I'm sure there's a combo in him for every need. I guess I just have to look for mine.

I don't want to do optimal combos yet, if ever. I just want combos I can do. There's no reason to go for something way out of my league and get frustrated again.


Sales aren’t looking too hot on steam atm. Looks like it’ll be under whatever SFV had at launch by a good amount.
I think it'll manage at least 1 million though out of their 2 million estimate.

Part of me thinks that even getting that 1 mil will be enough. So much of this game is recycled.
MFW the preorder reciept had a second code:


Didn't play much Marvel 2 so the control scheme switch from 3 is messing with me a bit, as is the lack of a universal launcher. LP/HP, LK/HK, and command normals or specials to launch is gonna take some getting used to vs the old ABC S layout.

X is really fun with all of his buster followups and the shenanigans with boomerang cutter and ice shield. Jedah's roundtrip/harvest thing is my jam, but it feels like they made it a little less active since the build at PAX which has been my only other hands on time with Infinite aside from Evo.

Haven't kept up with almost any of the pre-release stuff or tech people discovered in the story demo and during extended con sessions so I'm figuring stuff out as I go.
Dirty casual's first thoughts

-Cant believe the game is here. It's MAHVEL time!
-This button binding issue is really hurting my Zero. It hurts me how not effective I am with him
-X is everything I wanted and more
-Thanos is crazy fun, I was playing a lot of Thanos/Jedah and having a blast
-Whoever said the story was a saturday morning cartoon was dead on
-Gamora and Chun are crazy


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
are all PC peeps just playing casual? can find those instantly, but nothing in begginers league or ranked right now


Where are you getting steam numbers from?

Steamspy isn't accurate currently. But the Peak numbers are currently low.
Hopefully they rise closer to SFV. Because if not the sales will be even lower than I thought and SFV didn't even do all that well on PC.


While this doesn't factor into PS4 and Xbox. It gives a bit of a general idea.
Since most PC success translate to consoles successes (Tekken 7 being a recent example)
Is it me or is IAD using UpForward -> Forward faster than IAD using 2P?

Like button based IAD requires a minimum height that the 96 input doesn't.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
RIP 10 win streak achivement, got rekt by a gamora/X ;_;


I've played a bit of the game, and I still don't understand why Capcom dropped the LMHS control scheme. I have to contort my hand into a claw to pull off even the simplest combos. It doesn't feel intuitive at all.


Where are you getting steam numbers from?

I've played a bit of the game, and I still don't understand why Capcom dropped the LMHS control scheme. I have to contort my hand into a claw to pull off even the simplest combos. It doesn't feel intuitive at all.

Yeah can't say i'm a big fan to that change either. I'll adapt but I know even years from now i'll be going "We need LMHS back"
I've played a bit of the game, and I still don't understand why Capcom dropped the LMHS control scheme. I have to contort my hand into a claw to pull off even the simplest combos. It doesn't feel intuitive at all.

Did you play MVC2? It feels like home to me.


Yeah I'm more than used to the new layout by now but still prefer LMHS.

Also I think I'm gonna go with this layout:

LK HK Stone

For the easy wavedashes. I had an easy plinking button in Marvel 3 for plink dashes so I'm used to a button being all the way over there.

Did you play MVC2? It feels like home to me.

I did but using the MvC3 veterans with the MvC2 layout felt awkward at first.


Did you play MVC2? It feels like home to me.
I did, but that felt overcomplicated to me as well. I really thought Capcom nailed the Vs. control scheme with MvC3. I'm sure I'll get used to the controls in time, but I don't think I'll ever prefer them over MvC3's.


I've played a bit of the game, and I still don't understand why Capcom dropped the LMHS control scheme. I have to contort my hand into a claw to pull off even the simplest combos. It doesn't feel intuitive at all.
Because they removed DP and reverse DP motions from almost all characters, and to make that work, you can't use an LMHS structure because it doesn't give you enough command options. PP/KK doubles the amount of possibilities to negate the effects of removing those input options.


Because they removed DP and reverse DP motions from almost all characters, and to make that work, you can't use an LMHS structure because it doesn't give you enough command options. PP/KK doubles the amount of possibilities to negate the effects of removing those input options.

I really think they should have just kept DP motions then, personal preference for them aside.

Ryu still has them anyway so if they're trying to ease people into the game I'm not sure why they gave him, the beginner character, Shoryuken still.

Also LOL@the tutorial teaching you to air dash and then teaching you to jump. Like...what


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
But there is no 10 win streak achievement.

ah ha! in that case just RIP the streak :p

Need to train with Ghost Rider, but also find someone else for Hulk. Didnt really like Hawkeye unfortunately :(

Gonna do the story mode tomorow, Im almost falling asleep at the desk here. Someone should setup some PC noob lobbies soon tbh.
Man, I am so bad at this game. Too rapid for my eyes and before I know I am dumbfounded and lost. Love the series but forever lost with it at the same time. Just have to get used to it over time.


I am watching Aris's stream right now and oh my god you're killing me Chris

Between his voice acting and his Hogan pose tag-out animation
Ah man I haven't won a single match yet, getting destroyed, feels.

I can't continue a combo beyond the initial aerial rave and I keep getting pinned by Hawkeyes spamming arrows.
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