Phoenix RISING

Subset Games, makers of one of the GOATs, FTL: Faster Than Light make a transition from rouge-like RTS to a grid-based tactics game where the goal is not so much as to defeat your opponents, but to "play defense." The monstrosities known as the Vek have invaded Earth from the underground (think in terms of Locusts from Gears of War, but Godzilla sized). Control powerful mechs to prevent extinction of mankind.
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Humble Store

ItB isn't much to look at just like FTL, but man, the depth of this game is obscene for such a simple 8x8 tile. Unlike FTL where you could end up against a Zoltan ship with Engi B on the first sector (RIP), in ItB, winning and losing is a matter that is mostly in your hands--and brain.
I've only included screenshots of three terrains when there are four. I am playing on Normal, and will earn the fourth island as nature intended. As you can see, terrain can catch fire or smoked or ice can be shattered into water, impacting grid conditions. On the ice grid is my favorite team so far, the Rusting Hulks. The mech that can shield itself and adjacent allies is obscenely effective. The jet's maneuverability and neutralization of enemy attacks is crazy. And then there's the standard artillery mech.
There are other teams that I have not quite figured out yet. Zenith Guard with the ram mech and drone that can throw shields from a distance...I have not figured out the utility yet. And Blitzkreig squad would be cool if I could figure out the utility of the hook mech. Throwing boulders is cool to block projectiles but not enemy artillery, and the boulder only pushes horizontally instead of all four directions like the standard Rift Walker artillery.
Anyone else playing this brilliant game?