Rey doesn't need training because she doesn't have conventional Force sensitivity per se....No point in arguing with someone who believes they are right. Just because someone is destined for greatness and has royal lineage does NOT make them a Mary Sue.
If that is what makes you a Mary Sue, then Rey cannot possibly be a Mary Sue as her parents are nothing! She is in fact a Mary Sue because of that fact though... she is as skilled as anyone with Han's ship without having ever flown it. She is a master lightsaber user without having never used it. She requires no training to use the force or move a tonne of rocks! I mean honestly, how can she have no training whatsoever and be so adept at using the force? Luke required years of training and still got his ass handed to him by Vader. In fact, even the emperor kicked his ass at the end of ROTJ. He still couldn't beat Vader either is a saber fight.
There is NO WAy known that Luke is a Mary Sue. The ONLY reason why people bring up the Luke being a Mary Sue thing now is because they are butt hurt that anybody dare question a strong female lead as being far too overpowered in a series with set rules in regards to force training and usage.
Anyway, we are all wrong in regards to who is a Mary Sue because 1 guy in here says so...
Rey has an entirely new power: downloading
Whenever a man fails in her presence she downloads talent and skill in whatever the man failed in
-Han failing w/ the Falcon in TFA
-Kylo failing to tamper with her mind in TFA - so she becomes a master of mind control and dominates the Daniel Craig stormtrooper
-Finn failing to combat Kylo w/ a lightsaber - so she becomes super talented at lightsaber duels
-Finally in TLJ she meets Luke Skywalker, the BIGGEST LOSER AND FAILURE AT EVERYTHING, so she becomes super talented at everything imaginable and masters her jedi training in a day