Now to clean up the poop, literally.Nice job on that bust. The streets of GAF are a little safer now.
Now to clean up the poop, literally.Nice job on that bust. The streets of GAF are a little safer now.
Snitches aren't allowed to post in this thread.Now to clean up the poop, literally.
We should come up with a bot that instabans anyone who uses the term "Sonygaf" more than 5 times in an 8 hour span.
Jesus Christ would you grow the fuck up already.Snitches aren't allowed to post in this thread.
But thats not a lie thoughWe should come up with a bot that instabans anyone who uses the term "Sonygaf" more than 5 times in an 8 hour span.
But its constant use causes people like me who do prefer Sony to not take part in discussions because any Sony discussion devolves into console warring nonsense.But thats not a lie though
Thats also true unfortunatelyBut its constant use causes people like me who do prefer Sony to not take part in discussions because any Sony discussion devolves into console warring nonsense.
You may have noticed over the past couple of days, that there were several users with the ban reason being:
Alt account of prior perm'ed user.
We want to be transparent with all of our actions, especially banning. We discovered several accounts that belonged to the same user. This user has been creating discord on the gaming side for many, many months. Aggressively trolling for their favorite brand in a borderline shill-like manner.
They seemingly wanted to give the impression that "only Xbox fans were getting banned", when in fact, a good portion all belonged to the same person. Here are the accounts associated with this user:
@meirl Post Feb 14, 2020 Permanent You were banned two weeks ago for entering each topic and crying about Sony. Check your recent history. [Update: alt account.]
@JaffeLion Post Feb 22, 2020 Permanent Your incessant need to try and create drama where there is none doesn�t go unnoticed. [Updated to perm, alt account.]
@Panaphonics Post Mar 7, 2020 Permanent You just had to take it a bit more extra. [Upgraded to Perm, alt account]
@HolyTruth Mar 8, 2020 Permanent Alt account of prior perm�ed user.
@Heinrich Mar 9, 2020 Permanent Alt account of prior perm?ed user. @Nasemann Mar 9, 2020 Permanent Alt account of prior perm?ed user. @Bandi Mar 9, 2020 Permanent Alt account of prior perm?ed user. @SimonGosejohann Mar 9, 2020 Permanent Alt account of prior perm?ed user.
Meirl and his army of alts.
I'm beginning to think that you Meirl, Bandi and Heinrich are exactly the same person.
Either that or you're all bots.
By the way, I called this.
Hobbes move over, I'm the incident manager now.
No it wasnt.Bring back the Nintendo Revolution speculation days. Now, that was silly and exciting.
Welcome back punk!#FREEMHK
No it wasnt.
Well, not if you weren’t born yet.#FREEMHK
No it wasnt.
When they showed those dildo remotes everybody stopped caring lmao.Well, not if you weren’t born yet.
When they showed those dildo remotes everybody stopped caring lmao.
I remember the Wii Music 5/10 meltdowns on GAF
Yep. All 100 million+ of them.When they showed those dildo remotes everybody stopped caring lmao.
Oh the irony... got yourself banned with a post insulting the Digital Foundry, I knew JaffeLion was part of it. Pretty damn sad someone has to make so many alt accounts. That explains why all of meirl/jaffe/heinrich's post always comes off as personal attacks/console war.
Oh the irony... got yourself banned with a post insulting the Digital Foundry guy.
100 million old people that don't even like video games. Correct.Yep. All 100 million+ of them.
Read only the bold and guess which person in gaming xaero is talking about.demigod being a complete and total cunt? Why I never...
Dude is a genuine piece of shit in literally every single post I've ever seen him make, and the fact that he went and pushed John away simply because Demi can't stop being a console wars bitch for 5 minutes is flat out ridiculous. A 6 day ban for that shit is a slap on the wrist and in my honest opinion, this place would be better off without him.
100 million old people that don't even like video games. Correct.
I’ve barely noticed the console warring because I just don’t click on those threads. If I see “next gen” in the title, I skip past it. It’s just not interesting anymore.
Back in the old days, next gen discussions were exciting because the various consoles were so different and quite often featured interesting innovations in the hardware. But, nowadays it’s so boring and samey. How many teraflops will this black box have compared to the other black box?
Boring. Idgaf.
Bring back the Nintendo Revolution speculation days. Now, that was silly and exciting.
I'm sure all the little kids are enjoying this handheld along with their iphones. What's your point?![]()
This is after 3 years.
The Wii was officially on the market for 11 years.
8 years to go.
Gamecube had better games though.And it turned out to be a GameCube 1.5 with an air mouse.
Read only the bold and guess which person in gaming xaero is talking about.
demigod being a complete and total cunt? Why I never...
Dude is a genuine piece of shit in literally every single post I've ever seen him make, and the fact that he went and pushed John away simply because Demi can't stop being a console wars bitch for 5 minutes is flat out ridiculous. A 6 day ban for that shit is a slap on the wrist and in my honest opinion, this place would be better off without him.
demigod being a complete and total cunt? Why I never...
Dude is a genuine piece of shit in literally every single post I've ever seen him make, and the fact that he went and pushed John away simply because Demi can't stop being a console wars bitch for 5 minutes is flat out ridiculous. A 6 day ban for that shit is a slap on the wrist and in my honest opinion, this place would be better off without him.
I'm sure all the little kids are enjoying this handheld along with their iphones. What's your point?
Gamecube had better games though.
You don’t wanna know what brap’s definition of splatoon is.I thought we were going to have a splatoon party together when you got back![]()
I think I saw a picture of it in the meta thread.You don’t wanna know what brap’s definition of splatoon is.
I remember the Wii Music 5/10 meltdowns on GAF
Were people mad because the game was bad or were they mad that reviewers were giving it low scores?
As it stands, DF content is on youtube, not on GAF, I don't get why he thinks he should defend criticism to DF everywhere.
There is a difference between criticism and being a cunt. Demigod was being a cunt. He could have stated his issues with DF in a more adult manner, but didn't. This isn't the first time he has done so either.
This isn't unique to demi in general. You have people on a daily basis trying to start something with others or outright calling them shit without any repercussions. It is very easy to form a mob and sick it on a user when they all pat their own back as well. We are NOT an echo chamber. His ban was warranted yes but have some tact people. We are better than that right? I'm sure the mods will perma/give him a longer ban if he continues to attack other members and I hope that goes for everybody that acts this way as well.There is a difference between criticism and being a cunt. Demigod was being a cunt. He could have stated his issues with DF in a more adult manner, but didn't.
This isn't unique to demi in general. You have people on a daily basis trying to start something with others or outright calling them shit without any repercussions. It is very easy to form a mob and sick it on a user when they all pat their own back as well. We are NOT an echo chamber. His ban was warranted yes but have some tact people. We are better than that right? I'm sure the mods will perma/give him a longer ban if he continues to attack other members and I hope that goes for everybody that acts this way as well.
I'm not knocking anybody about that itself. People that act like dicks relentlessly get a perma ban eventually.Demi is in the spotlight due to providing a perfect example of the kind of behavior that people like myself have been getting more and more angry with.
Absolutely, again this isn't a demi exclusive issue though.It’s a conversation that’s needed to happen in full for quite some time, and Demi is the straw that broke the camel’s back.
At the end of the day I hope he does what he has to do. If he isn't having fun anymore I don't blame him if he decides to go or take some time off. I understand that well myself.Coincidentally, I’m having a PM convo right now with a prolific, good thread creator that is giving serious thought to leaving Gaf due to people like these. So, you’ll have excuse my utter lack of sympathy for these clowns.
Tell Ibiza and/or manabyte to stick aroundDemi is in the spotlight due to providing a perfect example of the kind of behavior that people like myself have been getting more and more angry with.
It’s a conversation that’s needed to happen in full for quite some time, and Demi is the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Coincidentally, I’m having a PM convo right now with a prolific, good thread creator that is giving serious thought to leaving Gaf due to people like these. So, you’ll have excuse my utter lack of sympathy for these clowns.
Tell Ibiza and/or manabyte to stick around
Lol. Won’t say who, but yeah.
I basically told them I respected whatever they needed to do, and understood, but to figuratively ignore the retards and focus on the good posters here that enjoy and value their contributions, and how much I appreciated them.
Maybe advice worth reposting in general. The opinion of someone who console wars on the internet all day for a life, is worth exactly jack.
LOL. If there's one person to defend him on this site, not surprising it would be from you. All Sony fans seem to stick together.I don't normally post in this thread, but I think I should say something in light of Demi's ban......Everyone knows that I don't advance insults, it's the only reason I have reported anyone on here despite what you have heard or were told, like when Bill O Rights said I often report people after my last ban. Truth is, I could careless about people's preference in console gaming, if anything I'll be the first to defend a man's right to prefer, we can discuss the objective stuff and even some of the subjective stuff, but I could never justify personal insults during these exchanges.....Yet, there is a clear difference between an insult and criticism...
Now in the past, DF has given us many reasons to post threads and discuss the underlying tech and performance, they along with the pioneer of youtube video analysis (lens of truth) have done lots to advance analysis of games and we can thank them for that......Yet the difference between DF and Lens of truth is that the '"What I prefer, or platform leanings" to objective analyses never permeated through because they gave absolutely no opinions, they only gave hard stats......
In light of that, it is clear to anyone that objective data presented can be debated, especially if it's wrong or faulty, subjective takes can be debated especially when it wish-washed with objective data...My meaning is, if you have a procedure on how a faceoff is won or lost be consistent at all times across the board, with all staff members...….You cant say framerate mattered more in 2013 and now say resolution matters more now, be consistent.....You cant have said 600p vs 640p was a world away and try to minimize 900 vs 1080p, its these things people pick up on in DF's writing and analyses that they criticize. People also criticize them when they get numerous objective and graphical features wrong, like resolutions, not getting features right or not acknowledging clear deficits in some games techwise, it's why you are doing an analysis...
Now the crux of the matter is this, if you are presenting tech details, you will get criticism, that's guaranteed especially if you have made several mistakes or people perceive a straight bias in your tone.....We can all declare that Leadbetter is filled with glee when he discusses XBOX, I have no problem with that, but from the time you sit on that tech chair I should not see that, I should see a balanced individual and that has been one of the criticisms directed at the owner of DF...…..And more specifically the case in question, Dark10x, I have no issues with Dark personally, but I do have some issues in some of the inconsistencies in his analyses, sometimes, but moreso DF in general......So in such cases I will let it out, but less so these days....
I think Dark10x is way too sensitive, it's like he wants nobody to criticize DF or his work, how can you expect that, it's just not feasible, so why go parading the entire internet to see what people who disagree with you has to say and get personal about it...….In many cases, people have criticized DF, not even his analyses and he has come knocking, farless when it's his, you just can't expect to have everyone agree with you, and you also cant dismiss everybody who opposes you or brings fourth valid criticism and brand them as people who hate you, as people who are toxic etc......Try to get better as you can see you have lots of support but what is wrong with getting better or less biased?
Again I say, I don't forward insults, and people want to silence me just for my opinions, yet if you care to go back, Dark has lodged many slings my way, yet I've never gotten personal with him, just criticized some inconsistent figures or tones of things he missed......Yet, there is something fundamentally wrong when you cant listen to another man's take or sit down and see what he's saying and concede a point or two....What are you getting angry for? And finally I also sympathize with people going through depression, but I think Dark10X has used this too much in the forum setting when het gets criticized, either that or he says he's going to leave, it's like he's saying that now to get overwhelming support, this is unfair to people who are just giving their take on a youtube video, we do not deserve to feel that we are the reason for you being ill, that type of projection is really not warranted...…...As it stands, DF content is on youtube, not on GAF, I don't get why he thinks he should defend criticism to DF everywhere...…..It's directed at DF not you personally, even if it's you video, it's directed at the inconsistencies, not you.....Just try to address them and you will hear less of said criticisms because people will be satisfied with your bettered standard....
Here you are playing victim again. Oh showing off that you have a bigger dick with your collection that you probably got for free or didn't even pay for with your money? Nobody gives a shit. Your site is biased and it clearly shows. Your name is tied with Digital Foundry, deal with it. If you had any ounce of ethic you would've spoke up but no you can't stand up to your bosses who puts food on your table. For a guy that dissects games, you can't even tell me that AMD's presentation clearly meant RDNA 2 for both consoles? Are you fucking kidding me. Stop being disingenuous. Go play victim on ree where they worship you guys.