Are you okay ? you look angry, take a deep breath, exhale.
Ok let's recap :
Everybody got the joke, expect you & (fanatics).
it was like what are you expecting ?
It was a bit aggressive compared to other comments i quoted isn't it ?
Saw a beef starting, i put a reminder to calm things down
Doesn't it look like a L shape ? This was on the road to PS5 keynote, looks like a PS3 Slim, i'm confused.
Another joke "what for", jet engine

You'll be okay, you just need time.
I've been accused of many things & i don't care, i do post stuff about Sony, Microsoft & Video games, and i'm still being called a fanboy because there is no news regarding Playstation 5, don't worry when there is some (news) you will see me posting them on Gaf.