I gotta admit, I chuckled at that one. Though I think the whole transgender angle is getting a bit annoying. In a joking manner is fine. Calling Abby a really manly woman is fine. But using transgender identity eagerly as a device to ridicule the character just seems weak. If the character is revealed as transgender, people can harp all they want, but feels overall like a circlejerk by overly focusing on irrelevant aspects of a character, when it's the overall plot that's just absolutely looking like it's shit. There's a propensity for "anti-SJWs" to use much of the same behavior as "SJWs", just with less trigger happy banning.
I don't think most people do it in ill will, but it just feels like it's distracting from the main point of how screwed TLoU2 at least seems to be, and more so it feels like trying to flog a dead horse. Not that your picture was my target, it was in the context of the thread funny, even if Abby isn't trans.
She was literally aiming a gun at him, he shot her as she tried to get him to surrender over Ellie. Then she lay there in a pool of blood bleeding, likely dying anyways, and Joel killed her in order to prevent her from possibly going after them, as he knew she wouldn't give up.
Also, why are you going on about violence against women? Kazuma is Joel's spirit animal