All The Last of Us 2 leaks/spoilers in here and nowhere else.


Gold Member

So we are still going to have Ellie in the third part 🤦🏻‍♂️
If the ending cutscene holds, the plausible outcome is Ellie and Dina live. A baby is born. TLoU3 will fast forward 10-15 years in the future. Ellie and Dina will be around 30-35 years old and they will have a teenager old enough to do things (like Ellie in the first game).

Will likely be some story where they try to be low key, but something happens like Abby has turned USA tyrant and their job is to knock her off the throne.

I highly doubt Abby kicking the shit out of Ellie and Dina is the last you ever hear about her.
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Airbus Jr

If the ending cutscene holds, the plausible outcome is Ellie and Dina live. A baby is born. TLoU3 will fast forward 10-15 years in the future. Ellie and Dina will be around 30-35 years old and they will have a teenager old enough to do things (like Ellie in the first game).

Will likely be some story where they try to be low key, but something happens like Abby has turned USA tyrant and their job is to knock her off the throne.

I highly doubt Abby kicking the shit out of Ellie and Dina is the last you ever hear about her.

No way they gona fast forward that long (10-15 year )

The way the second game concluded and sets in motion will be the epitome of archnemesis rivalry between Ellie and Abby

The next game will be their final stand off
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If the ending cutscene holds, the plausible outcome is Ellie and Dina live. A baby is born. TLoU3 will fast forward 10-15 years in the future. Ellie and Dina will be around 30-35 years old and they will have a teenager old enough to do things (like Ellie in the first game).

Will likely be some story where they try to be low key, but something happens like Abby has turned USA tyrant and their job is to knock her off the throne.

I highly doubt Abby kicking the shit out of Ellie and Dina is the last you ever hear about her.

Don't make much sense of what the leaker is saying. Neil said people are not ready for Last of Us part 2, so can't be only Joel death. Leaker say Abbey is hunting Ellie because after Joel death Ellie became a killing machine, so 'Ellie' get mercy? The kid in that fight ask for Abbey not kill Dina, not Ellie. Ellie can be heavily injured.


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
Uh god naughty dog did it. Ugliest character of all time. That's a man body with a transgender face. Sad day for sony fans. they killed off Joel for this? So they shove there agenda on our face.

Well Ellie & elephant trunk nose Dina are close runners up. This has to be a cast of the ugliest women in a video game ever.

I'm not interested in in female characters looking super sexy/slutty, but I do prefer to play as someone that doesn't hurt my eyes to look at them.

Jon Neu

How do you know Halley Gross wasn't behind the design of Abby?

I know everything has to be Cuckmann approved. And he probably surrounds himself with other SJW and fires the “problematic” and “toxic” employees as SJW tend to do.


Arrogant naughty dog really fucked up this time. They have been on a gradual downward spiral since the success of Uncharted went to their heads (best game they ever made easily).
First they ruined the multiplayer in U2 ignoring the community and original designers of the multiplayer who did a great job, then they launched Uncharted 3 with severe input lag, a nonsensical story, other serious bugs and balance issues and disgusting monetisation.

From U2 onwards they were constantly putting out PR content blowing their own horns and the gameplay started getting shallower and more linear with more fancy graphics, pointless animations and useless set pieces.
At this point I knew they were too far gone to be saved.
Last of Us released and was a terrible game when you actually look at the gameplay
(high production values fool the masses) yet it was praised to high heaven by a corrupt gaming media that cant examine anything critically especially when it comes from a 1st party studio whose daddy is going to spend millions advertising on your websites and will cut your access if you don't play nice. Sad but not surprising that it came to this but warning signs have been on the wall for years.
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Plot sounds terrible. Rian Johnson terrible. Luckily im never invested in ND games. :messenger_grinning_sweat:
They should go back to making fun dont take ourselves too serious games.

Welp, another must have, long awaited game for the year tossed in the rubbish pile. I hope Cyberpunk turns out to be OK in the end.
I have a feeling CP will go the same violent porn sjw way.
Poor writers making cringey videogames...seems like some Western developers going down the Kojima Squaresoft route.


So is there absolutely no reaction from anyone naughty dog/sony related yet? Well besides the new release date..
Sony disappoints me more every day. This game is pure NWO advertising. For me TLOU is the best game of all time and they have loaded a saga, everything is very forced.

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CliffyB's Cock Holster
Great scene

It was, and it felt right to me to put the bitch down....

That being said, not exactly heroic was it? And in hindsight you can definitely see how it opens the door to bloody consequences down the line.

Its kinda why I dig the idea of them using Abby as a replacement for Joel (as in a PC with a similar feel and style of play) as well as providing his nemesis and the impetus for Ellie's path of vengeance.
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It was, and it felt right to me to put the bitch down....

That being said, not exactly heroic was it?

Hell no. It was fucking brutal.

Hell no. It was fucking brutal.


I gotta admit, I chuckled at that one. Though I think the whole transgender angle is getting a bit annoying. In a joking manner is fine. Calling Abby a really manly woman is fine. But using transgender identity eagerly as a device to ridicule the character just seems weak. If the character is revealed as transgender, people can harp all they want, but feels overall like a circlejerk by overly focusing on irrelevant aspects of a character, when it's the overall plot that's just absolutely looking like it's shit. There's a propensity for "anti-SJWs" to use much of the same behavior as "SJWs", just with less trigger happy banning.
I don't think most people do it in ill will, but it just feels like it's distracting from the main point of how screwed TLoU2 at least seems to be, and more so it feels like trying to flog a dead horse. Not that your picture was my target, it was in the context of the thread funny, even if Abby isn't trans.

I know, its like the anti-SJW lot throwing bitch-fits over the idea that Joel might have comitted violence against women in the past.... WHEN THE FIRST GAME ENDS WITH HIM EXECUTING MARLENE, AN UNARMED WOMAN BEGGING FOR HER LIFE.

She was literally aiming a gun at him, he shot her as she tried to get him to surrender over Ellie. Then she lay there in a pool of blood bleeding, likely dying anyways, and Joel killed her in order to prevent her from possibly going after them, as he knew she wouldn't give up.
Also, why are you going on about violence against women? Kazuma is Joel's spirit animal.


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman


Unconfirmed Member
Now I'm wondering if that doctor was thinking about his own little girl Abby as he prepared to cut open the brain of another little girl & kill her on the off chance that it might lead to a cure for the virus possibly.

I wonder if Ellie mentions that to Abby. "Hey. You know your wonderful dad was gonna kill me, right? Was just gonna cut me the fuck up. Based on a maybe. Real stand up guy. Can totally see why you're out to avenge him".

Fucking clowns writing this shit.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I gotta admit, I chuckled at that one. Though I think the whole transgender angle is getting a bit annoying. In a joking manner is fine. Calling Abby a really manly woman is fine. But using transgender identity eagerly as a device to ridicule the character just seems weak. If the character is revealed as transgender, people can harp all they want, but feels overall like a circlejerk by overly focusing on irrelevant aspects of a character, when it's the overall plot that's just absolutely looking like it's shit. There's a propensity for "anti-SJWs" to use much of the same behavior as "SJWs", just with less trigger happy banning.
I don't think most people do it in ill will, but it just feels like it's distracting from the main point of how screwed TLoU2 at least seems to be, and more so it feels like trying to flog a dead horse. Not that your picture was my target, it was in the context of the thread funny, even if Abby isn't trans.

She was literally aiming a gun at him, he shot her as she tried to get him to surrender over Ellie. Then she lay there in a pool of blood bleeding, likely dying anyways, and Joel killed her in order to prevent her from possibly going after them, as he knew she wouldn't give up.
Also, why are you going on about violence against women? Kazuma is Joel's spirit animal

In fairness, her body reference model is a female CrossFit athlete who guaranteed takes exogenous male hormones, so it’s not far off to describe her as trans.


Gold Member
Remember a few weeks ago when the press were complaning about violence against women in Resident Evil 3........

Will be interesting to see how this goes down.
I'm waiting for Sony's Code of Ethics Dept to crack down on ND to censor their own games for gratuitous stupidity.

Sony seems eager to put the hammer down on anime games. Surely teenage females beating the shit out of each other should be a red flag too.


Unconfirmed Member
It hurts. It physically hurts to watch this garbage.

& I bet they thought they were being so smart as well. "Wait till people see this. We're gonna blow their minds!"

No. My mind is not blown. I'm just done with you now. I've lost all interest in one of my most anticipated games. You done fucked it up.
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