Manvoice or not, she's obviously taking some type of male-hormone "supplement." Women don't produce enough testosterone to become that jacked and lean.
To be fair, so do a lot of male guys as well. I agree that she does look manly, but there are also a lot of women that look manly without building muscles and/or using PEDs. Feels a bit unrealistic for someone in a post-apocalyptic society, though extremes in order to seek revenge is pretty typical of revenge plots. And despite being somewhat grounded, TLoU can often take liberties in terms of realism. So all of this whining from some members about unattractive buff Abby feels a bit pathetic. It's a fair criticism in terms of appeal, but feels pointless when the game bases its appeal on gritty ugly realism. I can get some of the complaints about a bunch of kids wrecking Joel, but even that's a pretty typical trope. "Heroic figure gets beat up/killed by a bunch of kids/deadbeats or new player". I wish I could point to a specific example, but it's at the tip of my tongue. I was thinking DB/DBZ or Bleach's Fullbringer, but it's not exactly right. It's kind of a mix of those typical interim villains or New Gen villains (usually just beats the protagonist, leading to depowering him/her and then they work to get their power back and grow. The Dark Knight Rises falls within this to a degree), some not really powerful person with a gang of nobodies, driving a
YouKilledMyFather motivation based around a
CycleOfRevenge plot. In some cases
Sacrificial Lion mixed with
BadassDecay would set up growth in the protagonist, as well as a revenge story that . In this case it just seems played straight with a
DecoyProtagonist and introducing something that's not related to the previous part's theme, but trying to follow up the previous part's story.
All of the various whinings about insignificant stuff feels like a big irrelevant tangent compared to what utter mess the plot is from what has been revealed. I can only hope the execution makes up for it, though I'm cautious and likely watching some playthroughs of the beginning of the game until I buy it.
I'm also slightly bothered by another white girl with brown hair and green/grey clothes. There is a degree of realism to the clothing part, in terms of camouflage, but brown hair ain't a part of it. Blonde, black or red/ginger. Anything but brown. Don't even need to be white even, as it could even be an asian or light-skinned latino doctor as I don't believe we saw his face, or his wife could be black, making the kid mixed (though I guess they'd want to avoid it seeming like it's Marlene's kid, which most would think considering her role in the first game). Heck, even if clothing realism would be the reason, it still doesn't do much favor to a game's look. Sometimes distinctive character might be more important than wallowing in greens, browns and greys. I thought we were all tired of the typical white bald/brown haired guy in brown/green/grey clothes last gen. I appreciated them giving Ellie a red sweater in TLoU to contrast it to Joel's green jacket. Hope they at least have some costume options. Even switching the color of her shirt to a more red or burgundy one.
Still not sure how people can act shocked when its been expected that Joel was going to die in the game from the moment it was announced!
No one is surprised that Joel dies. They are surprised at shit plot in doing so. A shitty plot can be saved by gameplay and/or characters and their execution in the boring plot. But in this context it just sours due to how it feels like it pisses on the previous game and tries to follow a completely new theme. Despite that, it might still be good, depending on gameplay and character interactions and dialogue (which was TLoU's strong point). Still... I'm currently staying a bit skeptical and likely watching the start of the game in a let's play before I buy it. Never had much faith in ND writing sequel stories ever since their somewhat iffy work on Uncharted and that franchise is far more forgivable than TLoU.