It may be, and you know that I prefer to judge the game by myself than to see the analyzes, but in this case, if the data shown is true, for me it is not what I expected
Most things are better when they surprise you.
It may be, and you know that I prefer to judge the game by myself than to see the analyzes, but in this case, if the data shown is true, for me it is not what I expected
Of course and look, my intention was write as I would have expected to see in the history of the game, but if there are more things to show, go ahead.Most things are better when they surprise you.
I especially liked the part were they say this game honour ellie and joel...
Is honour some kind of technical term used during golf plays?
The only thing that make me sad is that i can't kill the edgy annoying brat in the finale while using female joel, it was one of the highlight of the leaks for me.Theres gonna be a lot of respect with golf hard beating in the head, spits in a dead body, Ellie hard beating, Dina shots in the back and then followed by a hard beating.
See? Tons and tons of respect.
True about the music. Whites not only like but have been copying black music since forever.
The only thing that make me sad is that i can't kill the edgy annoying brat in the finale while using female joel, it was one of the highlight of the leaks for me.
Let's see if you can say fuck or fucking every three words while i beat you with a golf club n°3...
But unfortunately it seems they are going with a happy finale. it already comfirmed Ellie won't be killing Abby at the end of the game?
i was talking about abby killing ellie, not the it already comfirmed Ellie won't be killing Abby at the end of the game?
Nope no ending is confirmed all speculation.
i was talking about abby killing ellie, not the contrary.
i was talking about abby killing ellie, not the contrary.
Because her face is modeled after an attractive woman and it's an attractive face.
That face doesn't remotely look even in the same city as Abby's ingame face.![]()
(to my knowledge)
That face doesn't remotely look even in the same city as Abby's ingame face.
Voice != face.I'm not 100% on her being the face model, it's hard to look up because they wanted the character secret but she IS the voice for Abby.
Voice != face.
I don't need google fu to tell me that person's face doesn't look anything like abby's face.I mean, if your google fu is better than mine you can find out who the face model is all you want.
Prediction of what will happen
- Critics will give the game perfect reviews before the game is released.
- The game finally releases and sells well.
- The masses who haven't seen the leaks will finish the game and there will be a massive backlash over the decisive story.
- Metacritic will receive a huge critic score but a really a low user score. Until Sony forces Metacritic to remove all negative user reviewers but leave all the bots that left positive reviews. Just like what they did with Death Stranding.
- Naughty Dog will use the LGBTQ+ community as a shield to deflect any criticism towards them.
- Fans that do not like the story and express their opinions online will be branded with "ists" and "isms" by journalists, news outlets and crazy people. Meanwhile, Anti-SJW activist channels on Youtube will milk the situation for will its worth and turn the topic of the game into a dumb culture war.
- The game will only increase hatred towards LGBTQ+ people due to the absolutely horrible representation of Abby. Thanks, Neil.
- Naughty Dog's reputation will be greatly damaged and any future announcements will be meet with scepticism instead of blind faith
This absolute Nostradamus. This my bookmark for when it happens. He forgot to add the "but it sold gazillions and reviewed well" parry.
This absolute Nostradamus. This my bookmark for when it happens. He forgot to add the "but it sold gazillions and reviewed well" parry.
Anybody that hates LGBT people because of a video game was just looking for an excuse.
What will most likely happen
- The game will score at least a 92 on Metacritic because it will be a good game.
- They will compare the review scores to "Star Wars" and "Birds of Prey" as proof that the game will sell poorly despite good review scores.
- People are going to say the game only reviewed well because of the liberal game journalist.
- The far right YouTubers who haven't played the game will cherry pick reviews that "support their narrative"
- Most popular YouTubers will enjoy the game.
- The game will sell at least 3.4 million copies during the first week.
- The Go Woke, Go Broke crowd will disappear because they can no longer capitalize on negative press.
- Gamers who avoided spoilers are going to look back and call out YouTubers who reacted to fake leaks.
Yeah, Neil Cuckmann being a crazy third wave feminist who thinks Anita Sarkeesian is a modern heroine and her teachings have to be spread among his games is the definition of being a cuck and inserting muh feminist peopaganda into his games.
He literally tells you he is doing that, yet you get triggered at the mention that he is doing that
That’s the insane part.
Again, he literally has told you he choose to design those characters in a non-sexualized way because of his politics and following the teachings of Anita Sarkeesian.
It’s literally the textbook definition of a political agenda. How is that so hard to grasp?
On the one hand we have:
a) countless hours of effort invested into the game (with lavish budget, cause, Sony's exclusive, motherfucker)
b) great visuals and fancy tech, as ND is also paving the way for other Sony studios
c) great reception of TLOU, god forbid, a story about a white guy and a white girl as a secondary character
On the other:
"unfirable" asshole who is pushing agenda of our sex negative overlords.
It still selling well doesn't prove Dickman didn't damage the sales, duh?
D3 sold well.
I think most of the people angry about this are the ones who didn't even like the first one because they consider it a so called movie game or walking simulator.
The leaker may have damage some sales, not Neil.
To me the perfect ending was when Thanos won. He should have disappeared as well, it would have been unbeatable.There's people who want to talk about the great ending to Avengers: End game, and then there's the small crowd who want to focus a lot on the female avengers scene at the the and complain about how this scene is being "took woke."
Not at all. This game has entered into the cultural political battle. Agendas at play to destroy the game. “Cuckmann must go down!” There’s not a lot of Star Wars/marvel news so tlou2 has filled that void for now.I think most of the people angry about this are the ones who didn't even like the first one because they consider it a so called movie game or walking simulator.
A movie game implies that it has little to no gameplay. The first one had plenty of gameplay. Play it on grounded and see how much of a movie it is.
Based on what? Exactly what, bar your wish, makes Neil "not damage 'some' sales"?
To me the perfect ending was when Thanos won. He should have disappeared as well, it would have been unbeatable.
Yeah, that scene is cringy.
That was a long time ago, and it does not change the fact that it's still a movie game.
People love creating theories in their head because they're so involved in politics.
This is exactly right. Imagine the game comes out and is 10/10 in every area. Would the anti sjw types change their arguments at all? Probably not. Because their complaints are all superficial and based off the identity of the characters.It's his game and people want to make everything about politics.
Joel dies by a woman?
"They're taking all the men out of the game. They want to make Joel into the bad by showing their hatred towards white men!"
Abby being a playable character?
"This is about identity politics. They want to push this trans character to be progressive."
None of this is true, even the plot revolving around a Christian Cult. People love creating theories in their head because they're so involved in politics.
The point is that people were upset that this happened. People are letting small things like this get to them.
Anti sjws and sjws are very much alike in the sense that facts don't matter. TLOU2 has been deemed a culture war battleground even though it should not be.This is exactly right. Imagine the game comes out and is 10/10 in every area. Would the anti sjw types change their arguments at all? Probably not. Because their complaints are all superficial and based off the identity of the characters.
The first tlou had this agenda. That talk you’re bitching about was in reference to the first TLOU. And I’m still waiting to hear how Ellie/tlou was ruined as a result of Neil wanting to create a non sexualized female character. Please elaborateI’m not really interested in repeating everything all over again, but you somehow are still incapable of grasping the fact that the creator of the game has told the world his game has a political agenda based on third wave feminism.
It’s not people“creating theories”, it’s literally an objective fact.
Anti sjws and sjws are very much alike in the sense that facts don't matter. TLOU2 has been deemed a culture war battleground even though it should not be.
The first tlou had this agenda. That talk you’re bitching about was in reference to the first TLOU. And I’m still waiting to hear how Ellie/tlou was ruined as a result of Neil wanting to create a non sexualized female character. Please elaborate
If your going of object able facts you could supply quote he says he has a '' secret agenda and it's getting less and less secret as talk about it'' he then goes talk sexualisation of characters. Its your choice to interpretate to this being a political agenda.
I’m not really interested in repeating everything all over again, but you somehow are still incapable of grasping the fact that the creator of the game has told the world his game has a political agenda based on third wave feminism.
It’s not people“creating theories”, it’s literally an objective fact.
You’re acting as if Neil’s politics in his games are toxic sjw bullshit. So how was the fact that Ellie wasn’t sexualized bothersome to you? That was his ‘agenda’ in the first game. Please elaborate.When did I said the games are ruined?
The games can have cringy feminist tropes and fantasies and still be awesome. Like Uncharted 4, for example.
Neil has an agenda