Then you're paying a premium for a curated service and end up paying closer to "full price" anyway. I'm not claiming the discounts are a problem. I'm describing how subscriptions work. A person subscribed to Game Pass who misses the window to get the game and/or misses the window to buy it is still outta luck. The whole point is to keep your subscription going. PS+ worked the same way. i cancelled PS+ for the same reason. It had discounts too but they weren't worth it to me. I'm a quality over quantity person. That isn't a slight against Xbox brand, but it is aimed at subs. Saving some money on purchases isn't worth being funneled into the games they want me to purchase.Well at the end of the day anyone subscribed to gamepass still had the option to buy. So I see no issue until they are exclusive to GP. Having options is what’s great. Not to mention getting a discount if you ever considered buying. Not sure how that’s a problem.
It's like a "sale" at the clothing store or the grocery store, and the person with a hole in their pocket feels like they are "saving money" while they shell out hundreds. It's an old and time-proven marketing tactic.
You pay for the privilege of renting these games, and then you have the privilege again of paying above and beyond your subscription fee to "own" them at a "special discount price" (subsidized by your monthly fee), and the "ownership" won't matter for most people because you'll still be subscribed anyway.
In a few years we'll be getting all the same back-and-forth arguments about how "Game Pass just isn't worth the latest price hike" countered by "you don't understand, the value is so much better now, of course they needed to increase the price".