Square Enix to Double Down on Xbox Releases, Final Fantasy 14 Producer Says


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Like PS folks did right? 🤣
Damn It Wesley Snipes GIF by IMDb


According to this Twitter user, Japan hates xbox

That strategy announcement is because they are not getting the exclusive money deals anymore

They don’t have an alternative option

Then love will come naturally, exclusive deals are leftovers from the 90s anyway, there's nothing to brag about them.


True. That consistency needed to happen continuously after FF15 was released (maybe even before). Now personal libraries have been built on most people's platform of choice and they probably wont switch.
Also, it is very likely that the pool of people who still chose Xbox, even though they want SE games is very, very small.

Not saying that SE wont find a decent sized fanbase on Xbox, it just seems unlikely imo.

More I think about it, I get it though.....you gotta start somewhere. Best I can say is good luck to them.
Yeah, they had a great start with the FF XIII trilogy and then FF XV, these games were presented at E3 etc... They definitely had a solid base here. The issue is when they decided to skip FF XVI and FF VII. I have friends that have Xbox Ones, they switched to PS5 for these games. So Sony's strategy worked, for sure. But is this a great move for Square-Enix long term ? They have just told us it wasn't. No they have to build interest for the series again.


The Xbox support already got alot better compared to the mid ps4 days. There are some games skipping but only three games actually exclusive because of deals.

Deleted member 848825

Unconfirmed Member
Top tip for SE. Optimise and make your games better and you may sell more of them. I'd be interested. So that's one extra sale.

Good luck selling to an audience who are primarily only going to wait to see if it comes to their sub service.
XV didn't even sell well on XBox. And that was before Gamepass took over XBox.

No joke, I was thinking about making a thread as to what will get a higher player peak on Steam, FF16 or Concord. Concord bombed so badly that I think FF16 will win... but I am thinking it'll be 3-4k tops given that the demo was 7k. XBox would struggle to get anywhere near that.


Day 1 PC releases please. I couldn’t finish Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth because I had to choose between horrible image quality or horrible performance.
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Or, you know, that money is no longer on the table

Why would Sony money hat when MS has given up and gone third party?
Yeah I've been saying for years I seriously doubt Sony is paying much cash for exclusives. Might even more often than not just be a "we will market this game for you" thing. (and yeah if they did pay, it was early gen, to kill Xbox even more)

Even just being exclusive w/o any deal can be a boon lol
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One of the green rats
Day 1 PC releases please. I couldn’t finish Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth because I had to choose between horrible image quality or horrible performance.

This ... Japan has embraced windows and steam much more than Xbox. But still there are deals that keep square from day one pc releases for FF games.

Why? 😤


It’s a little too late for me. Xbox is my primary system, but after waiting for Square Enix to release games on other systems, I bought a PS5 so I could play their games. Why would I now buy them on Xbox when I have them on my PS5?


Writes a lot, says very little
I'm not sure any of this matters, I think that ship has sailed long ago.

So many FF games have been put on that platform, if they wanted to play those games, they had a lot of time to give a fuck.

I think they will try a bit more, the sales will continue to be really low, they will ultimately move on and go back to limited releases also PS, Nintendo and PC.
They just gave the middle finger to Sony money. It ain't what it used to be.

You gotta be Xbox and PC day one. As every screen is an Xbox.
Yea...I don't know how much of this even really has to do with Sony, I mean...those games came to Nintendo systems too and skipped XB...

I think a lot of this might have more to do with how low XB install base actually sells with these types of games, I mean...why would Sony pay for ALL of those games to not come to XB, but agree with them to go on Nintendo systems and why would they pay for something that isn't even selling on XB? lol That just makes zero sense.

So something tells me it was Square going to Sony to seek those deals and maybe they didn't actually really have much interest in putting those games out on XB cause of how low they sell on the platform. I think its likely Sony only agreed to like 1 year and that might be what cause Square to realize Sony is no longer to pay for years of anything and they are likely seeking just 1 year cause....who cares? MOST of those fans buy PS, which means they have no ode to pay Square all this money for something that sells the most on their fucking systems anyway lol It makes no sense.

So it sounds like its Square that wishes this to be more then, Sony or something. Sony isn't forcing them to agree to anything, you have to remember, it is Square that is agreeing to even do those timed deals, Sony doesn't own Square, clearly they don't see the appeal from putting a lot of those games on XB day 1, but I don't really know how much of any of this will matter.

How many massive FF fans do you really think don't own a Nintendo or PS?

They can have a whole generation of day and date releases and I don't actually buy it would change much. I mean, you had FFXIII, XIII-2 and 3 and FFXV and KH3 all release day and date and they still sold less on XB.

So, if you are Sony, this might be a war already won, they wanted the bigger install base those fans by the majority buy on PS, which means with or without a deal, they will move more units on PS, thus Sony is eating good regardless. So if this remains, largely is based on if the XB install base can increase those sales for Square, if they can't, I think you'll see Square just go back to limiting their releases.

XV didn't even sell well on XBox. And that was before Gamepass took over XBox.

This. Its why I say, I don't know if Sony has anything to do with Square's choice to even do XVI as some timed thing. What incentive did Square even have? When both KH3 and XV sell low on XB, it make sense to start looking into just limiting releases.

Maybe they should just do like Rockstar and just port 1 year later or something. They still get sales, their teams are not over extending themselves, the 10% or 18% that wanted it will still get it etc


If FF couldn’t sell on ps5, its a tired IP at this point. I liked Rebirth, but SE is just fucking milking the franchise.

Why have $70 Rebirth release 6 months after $70 XVI?

SE needs a wake up call for all their poor decision-making lately.
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Square Enix the Elden Lords of making bad decisions and making them late I guess

Xbox is ded and now they are going to start porting to it?

Also selling an additional thousand copies on Xbox and/or getting some Gamepass money isn't going to save the current SE, they have no idea how to make games which appeal to anyone anymore it seems like


No surprise here. This was known for over a year when their new CEO took over. If you're a third party publisher, you need to release your games on every platform to maximize the return on investment and to grow your IP's.


rather than Xbox, they better double down on releasing game at Switch 2.

for japanese developers, they more favour mobile/handheld game and Switch are very strong at japan. Switch 2 with better specs than the first console would helped japanese devs to push their game development further and franchise like Final Fantasy could potentially sold better there than even Playstation.
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Moderated wildly
XV didn't even sell well on XBox. And that was before Gamepass took over XBox.

No joke, I was thinking about making a thread as to what will get a higher player peak on Steam, FF16 or Concord. Concord bombed so badly that I think FF16 will win... but I am thinking it'll be 3-4k tops given that the demo was 7k. XBox would struggle to get anywhere near that.

How much did it sell?


The pr
I see nothing wrong with that. Xbox gamers who’ve been complaining better show up and actually purchase these games though.
The problem is those games have been out for a while and I've already played them on my Ps5, if they pretend me to buy them again on Xbox at full price... Good luck... And I would have bought them on Xbox just for the free cloud saves alone...
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