The final fantasy audience is deeply fragmented because Square's development of the IP since the PS1 days has been very erratic.
Aesthetic and gameplay elements are rarely built on, and are instead comprehensively overhauled every game.
Compare how Sega has built up the Persona (from 3 on) and SMT franchises in recent years vs how Square did with their own crown jewels and you will see a massive difference imo. They're also doing the same with the Ichiban installments of Yakuza.
This just proves that most gamers just want to play the same shit over and over and don't actually want pubs to be innovative.
SQE forecast sales numbers are realistic to the budgets given to their developers. They were clearly expecting FF series to sell similarly to successful AAA Japanese games like Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, and Souls series but failed because of exclusive strategy they were adopting not inline with industry standards. Square Enix overestimated Playstation exclusive deal and underestimated multiplatform business strategy.
Where does it say they are explicitly disappointed with ff sales?