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Girl/Dating Age Part 2: A combined effort to give advice for those in need

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what usually works for me. ((not reccomended for everyone )) jokes. some guys want that serious macho look. good for you. play your strengths. PLEASE GAF, everyone here needs a social talent. dance ,magic,whatever.

((these past couple of months on this site feels like such a great community.thanks again))



If you display confidence you'll pull women in.

I proved this to myself yesterday as I was heading home from work, I had a good stride and confident look on my face (very slight eyes squint, slight closed mouth smile and relaxed face to be exact) and guess what happened? I noted that the majority of women that came across past me and next to me were looking at me making eye contact with me (in a I'm open for you to talk to me kind of way), it's a thing I almost forgot how to pull off but I can do it all the time if I want.. Time to do it all the time instead of having a serious mentality I usually set since I'm a guard lol.. That just keeps them away.

Think confidently, from the mind it'll be translated into the body and the women will pick up on it.

Haven't you guys noticed how the women that WALK the most confident ALWAYS draw the most attention in a commanding way despite them possibly not being the best looking ones in the crowd? That's how this shit works man.
Ah, so it's just the spin he puts on confidence. That's fine, but the way he was going on about it made it sound weird and not just a little creepy.


Alrighty GAF, I'm in need of some assistance here.
I've recently gotten together with a longtime crush of mine. She's a very modest, relatively shy theater girl who plans for the future rather than living without a care in high school as most others seem to do. Recently, she's admitted to having a major "complicated fear" that relates to me. After a little digging, apparently it has a little bit to do with religion (she's Christian & Missionary Alliance, if anyone of Religious-GAF has the capability to fill me up on that) and one of the consequences that she dreads is that I'd want nothing to do with her after learning of it, which is the whole driving factor behind this fear of hers. Then she told me she'd be pretty damaged (mentally, I'd assume) if I did indeed act as she feared. That was all I got before she promised she'd tell me everything in approximately a month depending on my actions, so I told her I'd lay off until then.
So, what I'm really trying to figure out is what to do within this time span. Should I completely drop the issue and let her tell me on her own, or do I bring it up whenever it's appropriate to? I'm extremely curious as to what it is, especially when it's serious enough that a girl would tell me she could become mentally damaged as a result of my actions :\.


As for this girl, the whole emotional blackmail and "I'll tell you in a month if you behave!" bullshit would be a straight "fuck off" form me.


Ah, so it's just the spin he puts on confidence. That's fine, but the way he was going on about it made it sound weird and not just a little creepy.

I guess he wants to get you into the mindset so you convey it. Maybe he needs to go into more detail about how to go about it.


Alrighty GAF, I'm in need of some assistance here.
I've recently gotten together with a longtime crush of mine. She's a very modest, relatively shy theater girl who plans for the future rather than living without a care in high school as most others seem to do. Recently, she's admitted to having a major "complicated fear" that relates to me. After a little digging, apparently it has a little bit to do with religion (she's Christian & Missionary Alliance, if anyone of Religious-GAF has the capability to fill me up on that) and one of the consequences that she dreads is that I'd want nothing to do with her after learning of it, which is the whole driving factor behind this fear of hers. Then she told me she'd be pretty damaged (mentally, I'd assume) if I did indeed act as she feared. That was all I got before she promised she'd tell me everything in approximately a month depending on my actions, so I told her I'd lay off until then.
So, what I'm really trying to figure out is what to do within this time span. Should I completely drop the issue and let her tell me on her own, or do I bring it up whenever it's appropriate to? I'm extremely curious as to what it is, especially when it's serious enough that a girl would tell me she could become mentally damaged as a result of my actions :\.
I'm not sure what I'd suggest, but you're fine with no sex until marriage I'm assuming?


Back from the date.

If this post sounds like a pimp-post, it is definately not.

Little backstory, I found this girl on OKC (dutch equivalent), but she didn't want to date because she was dating with someone else. Then someone else comes along, had two dates with this girl. She is into me, and I like her. Talking comes naturally and she is okay-looking. Still, I can't shake this nagging feeling that I'm settling with her (education-wise, vapid as this may seem).

Then the other girl from OKC comes back and wants to date. I say yes, and we just had a pretty good date. Talking doesn't come as naturally as it does with the other girl, she is less outspoken and we don't have as much in common. But she is stunning, she is really smart, has a very interesting studie/work and we still had a pretty kick-ass date. Talking went well, just 'not as' well. Maybe jitters, it was the first date after all. Second date with this girl is definately coming.

But the first girl is also still there, wanting to hook up with me. Dragging it out seems cruel, but I don't feel I'm ready yet to make a choice, not before I get on a second date with the second girl.

Feels good on one hand, and bad on the other. I'll say that you can go from having nothing at all to having one too many in just a few days. Keep on trucking, everyone out there.

Which one?
guys i am almost in tears right now. I just found out my girlfriend has an active updated okcupid account and is listed as single and looking for long-term and short-term relationships... what am i supposed to do here? :(


guys i am almost in tears right now. I just found out my girlfriend has an active updated okcupid account and is listed as single and looking for long-term and short-term relationships... what am i supposed to do here? :(

Maybe she wants to boost her ego?

Don't go all crazy on her. Only if she acts weird and suddenly texting way more than she used to, you might want to bring it up.
I know this probably has been asked a million times already but...

How does one go about talking to a completely random girl?

Case in point. I'm waiting at the train station, and I see this girl (obviously).

Now I see lots of pretty girls, but this one drew me like no other.. maybe it was the petty coat I dunno.

I wanted to get her number and ask her out, but I had no idea how I go about approaching her without looking weird. Normally there is SOMETHING I could start a convo with, but the only thing I could think of was "you're not from around here?".. but it was too late by then...

What's worse is how melancholy I felt after that missed opportunity, god I feel pathetic -_-
We met on okcupid. We have been in a relationship a long time now. This past week she has been distant and cold to me and when I hit her up about it she said that she was "thinking a lot about things" or something like that. I reactivated my account so that I could delete it permanently and let okcupid know that I had found my true love on their site (they will ask for her account, just to help them out) I may have wanted to also check and see if she still had an account to, it was in the back of my mind. and sure enough she does and she upated pictures and her profile and shes was last logged in this morning.
I'd say it's one part. I'd say practice, practice, practice. Also, make female friends even if you can't get in a relationship that are just friends. Think positive, think constructively.

Like with anything, you soon will start to really 'get it'. Like me, at any one time I look at myself ~4 months back and some of the stuff I did and I'm like 'wtf', it's hard to even imagine doing that, it just doesn't make sense.

There are a lot of subtleties, like any complicated thing. Be open to learning.
That's fair. Considering I'm a couple years older than the girls at this college, that age/maturity gap could be a part of it, too.

I do notice that I'm a lot less "timid" about checking out girls or trying to make eye contact with them. I think my body's unfulfilled urges are taking over my psyche, haha. Unabashed approaches will likely be the next part of this progression....
We met on okcupid. We have been in a relationship a long time now. This past week she has been distant and cold to me and when I hit her up about it she said that she was "thinking a lot about things" or something like that. I reactivated my account so that I could delete it permanently and let okcupid know that I had found my true love on their site (they will ask for her account, just to help them out) I may have wanted to also check and see if she still had an account to, it was in the back of my mind. and sure enough she does and she upated pictures and her profile and shes was last logged in this morning.
The thing to do here is make a fake profile with a/some pictures of a hot dude, then get her to meet up with you, and when she does it'll be awesome. Then you can have some piña colada and get caught in the rain.

Or just call her out on it. If she's been acting distant like you describe, I think you unfortunately already know what's going on. Sorry bud.


We met on okcupid. We have been in a relationship a long time now. This past week she has been distant and cold to me and when I hit her up about it she said that she was "thinking a lot about things" or something like that. I reactivated my account so that I could delete it permanently and let okcupid know that I had found my true love on their site (they will ask for her account, just to help them out) I may have wanted to also check and see if she still had an account to, it was in the back of my mind. and sure enough she does and she upated pictures and her profile and shes was last logged in this morning.

She's checking out her options before she makes a decision about you. Chances are she's over the relationship and just doesn't have the courage to tell you. Or she's just evil and wants to fuck around.

Don't even bother trying to justify it, just move on.


The thing to do here is make a fake profile with a/some pictures of a hot dude, then get her to meet up with you, and when she does it'll be awesome. Then you can have some piña colada and get caught in the rain.

Or just call her out on it. If she's been acting distant like you describe, I think you unfortunately already know what's going on. Sorry bud.

The fake profile scenario screams for a GAF-thread if done appropriately.


She's got something to hide. Sorry dude but that relationship is over. Drop her, especially if she's going to act like a child about it.
I know this probably has been asked a million times already but...

How does one go about talking to a completely random girl?

Case in point. I'm waiting at the train station, and I see this girl (obviously).

Now I see lots of pretty girls, but this one drew me like no other.. maybe it was the petty coat I dunno.

I wanted to get her number and ask her out, but I had no idea how I go about approaching her without looking weird. Normally there is SOMETHING I could start a convo with, but the only thing I could think of was "you're not from around here?".. but it was too late by then...

What's worse is how melancholy I felt after that missed opportunity, god I feel pathetic -_-

Unless you take the same route every day and always see her, you'll likely never see her again. So you really have one chance, and even if you fail horribly, you can easily move on.

Afraid of looking like a creeper to others? They won't remember you either. Heck, some (men) will even be jealous that you manned up and talked to her.

As for an opening line, maybe the train is late, or it's full, or the weather sucks, or the classic "do you know the time?"
Unless you take the same route every day and always see her, you'll likely never see her again. So you really have one chance, and even if you fail horribly, you can easily move on.

Afraid of looking like a creeper to others? They won't remember you either. Heck, some (men) will even be jealous that you manned up and talked to her.

As for an opening line, maybe the train is late, or it's full, or the weather sucks, or the classic "do you know the time?"

You're perfectly right.

And I probably will never see her again :( But that's life.

The fact is, the way my mind works is, I think of something I could say, and then my brain counters it with why I shouldn't say this.

"Do you know the time?" never works these days (not because I haven't tried it, but because everyone has access to the time.. unless that's the point (which it is.. obviously))

Pah, I suppose I'm just bothered by the fact that this is bothering me so much.

But regardless, you are right about me being afraid of looking like a creeper. I don't have an issues with approaching girls, when there's at least something to go off. But when there's nothing to go off, I don't think I'm that charming, or afraid of looking weird or creepy.

One other thing I might as well bring up is.. how do you go about assessing your self? Me being me, I'm always overly critical about every aspect about myself.
I don't know what my strengths are.
The thing to do here is make a fake profile with a/some pictures of a hot dude, then get her to meet up with you, and when she does it'll be awesome. Then you can have some piña colada and get caught in the rain.

That would have been amazing. If you were angry enough you could have recorded it and everything.

I find girls often do this in this day and age because its so easy. When they get 'fed up' instead of trying to work the problems out, they just go about finding a replacement. Would it have killed her to at least SPOKEN about it? Something KIND OF similiar happened to me, but my ex did move away pretty far and also came clean about it becoming an issue. It was only me wanting to try and work through it, not both of us, so it was obviously coming to an end... But for that to happen just out of the blue like that with no warning.. Fucking harsh. Chin up Fisticuffs.
she's being stupid.. she claims i'm being jealous and insecure because she has an online dating profile when she's supposed to be my fucking girlfriend. She claims she never had any intention of cheating on me. How can i belive her?!
she's being stupid.. she claims i'm being jealous and insecure because she has an online dating profile when she's supposed to be my fucking girlfriend. She claims she never had any intention of cheating on me. How can i belive her?!

You need to be rational and ask her why she still has an online dating profile?

The rest is just her deflecting and trying to put the issue back onto you.
she just told me its not a conversation to have over text.. i guess the truth it coming :(

It's better to talk this over with her than have her one day tell you out of the blue or just to not tell you at all, like what happened with my first girlfriend. That one stung like a bitch and I'm not sure I've ever recovered completely from it.

Speaking of problems, the online dating thing is ... well, not going very well. The lone girl interested in my up and deleted her profile yesterday without so much as even saying goodbye, so I guess that's that and I'm back to square one. Hard to stay so confident when failure is around every corner, it seems. *sigh*

Sadly, I also don't live in an area condusive to lots of fish to choose from, so to speak. So my options were already limited as is. I'm beginning to think it's some issue with me I don't know about that's not confidence related or just some horrific bad luck.


I have held off posting this until I was in a much better state of mind, which I have been the past 2 weeks...

I've moved on and have been talking to a few girls, so I think I'll post it now... just copy/pasting from my blog.

http://migm.co/insomniac-music-theatre-9-the-killers-spacema said:
This next part is where I start losing my mind. Funny how it's not the place to live, or getting a job, that causes my panic. I figure all that will always sort itself out. I get stupid over some of the dumbest things. It's unfortunate, because there's really nothing to a lot of what ends up irking me for long periods of time, yet they seem to always weigh the heaviest on my mind. I've tried stalling long enough while typing this convincing myself not to even bring this up, but after an unfortunate internal mental blowup a few fridays ago, it's probably time I at least allude to it a little. Generally, I'm one to not wear my emotions or even anything too personal on my sleeve, as I don't believe it's a burden for everyone to have to bear. I've posted many times before about people who seem to post things only to gain sympathy from others, and how annoying it is, when clearly the problem is so miniscule that if you actually described what the problem was, people would laugh at you. I would much rather let 1-2 people know about it, and leave it at that. For some reason, I have a bit of a change of heart with this particular subject matter. Not that I necessarily want every single person who follows me to read it, but I suppose I just want it to be accessible if anyone really wants a rare look into what's going on in my mind when there's no football or tv shows or gadgets involved.

There I go stalling again.

To try to make this shorter I'll kind of run through a quick summary of everything. Girl and I have known each other for a while, and despite a lot of baggage and a slight case of insanity, I couldn't help but get caught up in her nonsense. We started hanging out amongst friends again, then eventually moved it to more traditional date settings. Movies, lunch and what not. Despite this, she swore to me she didn't want anything serious as she had just gotten out of a long distance relationship. Nothing serious? That works for me. So I thought anyway. Texting at all times of day, from the crack of dawn until one of us finally either passed out next to our phones or one of us decided it was finally time to call it a night. Despite her insisting on nothing serious, everything pointed in the direction of serious, to the point where she'd start asking questions like if I'd be ok if she went to see a movie with my brother and sister (my siblings and I decided long ago we would go see Transformers 3 opening night, just because, stupid movie for us to go to together like we did with the other two.) I thought it was cute of her to ask, and even invited her along, but she declined, saying she would feel weird.

I don't want to get into too many details, but there were a few situations like this that came up where she would ask questions like that. Maybe to try to scare me off, maybe just to get a rise out of me, but I'd always call her bluff. I've got no problem introducing good friends to family, the same applies for any girl see as more than just someone to mess around with. The further along things went, the more it seemed it was just a way to try to push away, as I would imagine most guys (myself included) would run away at the thought at some random chick meeting all their close friends or family. That's usually the case for me as well. Something seemed a little different this time around though, but I may have misjudged where the "different" was coming from. A few things started changing, texts began to be ignored, invitations to lunch/movies were being ignored/declined. (Sidenote: One thing I really dislike is animosity towards my friends in any form. Blatant or passive aggressive. It annoys me.)

Is this thing on?

One day, after asking her 3 times that week if she wanted to go see a movie, with the text being ignored, while entire long conversations about other random things were answered immediately, I decided I would put out an invite to whoever wanted my extra pass to the movie online, and give it to whoever asked for it first. Well, there was a response right away, and it happens to be a good (female) friend of mine, who I've know about the same amount of time as the girl this entire novel is about, and was roughly part of the same circle of friends I guess you could say. In any case, we went to see the movie, laughed the entire time, had fun watching it. The friend posted that we went to see it, I commented about some funny parts of the movie, her friends asked yea or nay on going to watch the movie, typical online banter. Nothing out of the ordinary I thought.

Texted girl A after I got home from the movie with the usual goodnights but I got no response, assumed she had just passed out early as she tended to do. We spoke some the next morning, and as I went to look for her page, I noticed her account was gone, which I found really strange. I asked her about it as I sent her the link to whatever it was I was going to show her and she said she just never used the account anymore and decided it was time to delete it. Strange timing, but I guess that's not out of the realm of possibility, she didn't really appear to use it all that often. I couldn't help shake the feeling that she was upset at me having gone to the movies with my other friend. She always feigned jealousy towards the girl since I was "always hanging around with her". She just happens to be in the same close circle of people I hang out with often. She's a good friend, but nothing has ever come from that, and neither of us appear to be going down that road either.

Despite this, I just assumed it was a coincidence, and went about my way. We continued to converse over the next 3 days, our last conversation revolving around being paranoid that someone could read her text messages. She had a lot of issues about thinking people were stalking her, and installing keyloggers to her computer, and mentioned many different stories where she thought an ex was trying to gather info on her. I can't imagine why, you'd think they'd be ready to let the paranoia and secrecy fade away and look for someone who was actually willing to open up and let things happen rather than run and hide from whatever the situation brought to the table. So anyway, the rest of my summer has been coming to the realization I don't have a job yet, and I have to move back into my mom's place in the next few weeks... maybe it was just wanting to grasp to the one good thing happening at the time, but just like everything else, it decided to just get up and leave. C'est la vie. I was purposefully vague with some of the details just for anonymity's sake, although there will be enough people that'll probably decode this, including the person it's about. Whether she reads it or not doesn't matter. Whether anyone else reads it or not doesn't really matter either. I just wanted to vent, and now I've vented. It's probably a couple weeks too late, as I had to excuse myself from a friend's birthday party not too long ago due to just randomly feeling awful as I'd had too much to think (and drink), but better late than never.

That's all. Carry on with the rest of your day. I've wasted enough of your time.
Ask some of your closest friends. It might sound lame but if they're your friends, they'll probably answer you honestly.

If it could be awkward, make up an excuse. Like, you're writing a cover letter for a job application and you want to talk about your "soft skills". Or invent a game where you describe each other with three words.

You could also take a personality test. It may not reveal your strengths, but it'll tell you if you're more extroverted than introverted, rational or reflexive, etc.
I've given my number out to three women on okc. Two of them have messaged me back with their numbers and one has texted me back. Is this a common occurrence for anyone else here?
Question: Is a big part of it just being assertive? It feels that my "boring" or "unmanly vibe" that a lot of girls throw at me comes from the fact that I'm not an ass or pushy with them.

Funny enough, this topic came up with my GF a few days ago. A good friend of hers was having lunch with her new BF and invited my GF along because she was nervous about the guy. Anyway, long story short, I was asking about her friends new BF and asked if he seemed decent, being that they had met in a bar and he was only intended to be a one night stand.

She mentioned that he was polite and had "gentlemen" qualities like opening the door, wanting to pay for their meal, etc, etc. Despite that though, she said that I seemed like I had the nicer attributes but wasn't a push over. She literally said that I had attributes that nice guys lack (which immediately reminded me of this thread and some of the advice on here).

Why? Because the "nice" qualities I have seem natural, whereas his nice and polite qualities seemed artificial and forced. That's what she said anyway.

For instance, I had mentioned how "inconsiderate" it was for her friend and new BF to ask the waiter to take away their plates when it was clear that my GF wasn't done yet. I did this pretty passively and more or less in a joking manner (although I do feel it was kind of inconsiderate), but she said things like this make me a genuinely nice person, instead of an artificially nice person that pushes in chairs, opens doors, pays for every meal, etc. I'm thoughtful, not artificially polite.

Moreover, she literally said that I wasn't a pushover. If I don't want to do something or if I have a disagreement, I speak it. I do it with tact, but I do speak my mind. She said it's not sexy when guys just kind of do whatever she wants because she knows that they might want to do something different but never say anything about it, because they're scared of conflict. She said it makes them seem kind of wussy. I'm not sure why she brought this up but I get the impression she kind of thought of her friend's BF this way. I don't know. *shrug*

So yeah. Kind of rambled on there but that's the difference. It's not about being an ass or being pushy. It's about not being a pushover and letting everyone walk all over you, making all the decisions, avoiding disagreement, etc, because you're scared of someone not liking you.

I've given my number out to three women on okc. Two of them have messaged me back with their numbers and one has texted me back. Is this a common occurrence for anyone else here?

I never had too much trouble getting phone numbers on that site. *shrug*


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
she just told me its not a conversation to have over text.. i guess the truth it coming :(

she might try to talk her way out. It's VERY convenient to have a guy and be looking for someone... "better". My advice - 1)listen to your gut 2)if your gut doesn't protest much, dump the girl, this will make her uncomfortable and off-balance. Girls really don't like when guys dump them, it's a huge blow to their ego. That's why I always prefer to make them dump me. No hard feelings on both sides.
Girls really don't like when guys dump them, it's a huge blow to their ego. That's why I always prefer to make them dump me. No hard feelings on both sides.

Screw their feelings. If you want to leave, leave. Do what's best for you, don't worry about anything else.

Sigh. It's like men have given women complete control over the relationship.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Screw their feelings. If you want to leave, leave. Do what's best for you, don't worry about anything else.

Sigh. It's like men have given women complete control over the relationship.

the world is a small place, I dump her today and meet her tommorow on some tender where I need to sell my stuff.
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