scar tissue
Well, not exactly the same per say in some aspects.
I mean, I got myself into therapy and also got myself a personal trainer, that's two big things there. Plus I got a job since I think I was unemployed at the time of my ban.
baby steps!
Dude, you've come a long way. Much more than baby steps.
I won't lie, it's not smooth sailing from now on or anything, but you have all the tools to succeed. You've still got a long path ahead of you but if you keep soldiering on, I think you can arrive at a point where you are somewhat happy in the next year.
Like I already mentioned earlier ITT: I didn't think it was possible half a year ago, but my life is pretty decent despite my social anxiety. Not great, still plenty of awkward moments and being a virgin still sucks.
But I've found some new friends, gotten to know a few people in my classes at university, and I generally get the feeling that if I jumped off a building tomorrow, quite a few people would care.
And sometimes, if only for a day or two, I almost feel like I live a normal life.
You can do it too!