Yes he is. Of course you have a body language vibe etcIs this guy for real? Your "vibe"? o_0
I'm gonna try out some contacts on Monday, actually, if my schedule permits it.
Yes he is. Of course you have a body language vibe etcIs this guy for real? Your "vibe"? o_0
I'm same age as you, have no friends or girlfriend how do you think I feel ? Focus on yourself, stop acting like girls are superior to you and you are crap. Remember that there are people who are in a worse position than you are. And you are fortunate to have these friends at least.Went out for drinks with some people from work today. They all had dating stories. I didnt. Some had dates line up this weeked. I am worthless.
I'm same age as you, have no friends or girlfriend how do you think I feel ? Focus on yourself, stop acting like girls are superior to you and you are crap. Remember that there are people who are in a worse position than you are. And you are fortunate to have these friends at least.
If I had friends like you I'd get a date quite easily, you at least wouldn't look like a complete loser outside in a company.
I'm same age as you, have no friends or girlfriend how do you think I feel ? Focus on yourself, stop acting like girls are superior to you and you are crap. Remember that there are people who are in a worse position than you are. And you are fortunate to have these friends at least.
If I had friends like you I'd get a date quite easily, you at least wouldn't look like a complete loser outside in a company.
HA HA HA HA HAFirst date with a new girl from work, we get in my car, and the first fucking words to come blasting out of the stereo? "PUT THE PUSSY IN A SARCOPHAGUS!!!"
First date with a new girl from work, we get in my car, and the first fucking words to come blasting out of the stereo? "PUT THE PUSSY IN A SARCOPHAGUS!!!"
First date with a new girl from work, we get in my car, and the first fucking words to come blasting out of the stereo? "PUT THE PUSSY IN A SARCOPHAGUS!!!"
Just asked my friend out
Her face lit up, gave number
Not as hard as guessed.
First date with a new girl from work, we get in my car, and the first fucking words to come blasting out of the stereo? "PUT THE PUSSY IN A SARCOPHAGUS!!!"
First date with a new girl from work, we get in my car, and the first fucking words to come blasting out of the stereo? "PUT THE PUSSY IN A SARCOPHAGUS!!!"
First date with a new girl from work, we get in my car, and the first fucking words to come blasting out of the stereo? "PUT THE PUSSY IN A SARCOPHAGUS!!!"
So I may be completely over thinking this, but if a girl says yes to going out to dinner with you, and yes to me picking her up....that's a date right? lol. we haven't said like ok it's a date cause that would be pretty awkward. so yeah.![]()
Man, I am kicking myself for not getting contactss sooner. Went out to a nightclub after work and this blonde chick with the perfect amonnt of meat on her who I've seen there a bunch was eating out of the palm of my hand. We'd flirt every now and then befire, but she was waaay more eager to be around me tonight. We danced hard together, I'm pretty sure she felt my hard-on poking her back at times, lol.
Time to eat some bread now, I am fuckkng drunk as hell.
This girl I took out for first date the other night just phone txted me before I even had a chance to call her tonight for the first time since.
"So what skill do I need to train up for next time we meet? haha. Hope your having a good day "
lol what? is that refering to those arcade games we played after we ate?
Guess she also wasnt turned off by how I asked if she wanted to make out in the carpark but she said no not there.
Have you fucked her yet?
Yes.Is this guy for real? Your "vibe"? o_0
If im talking to/hooking up with a girl and she constantly brings up other guys who hit on her and try to get with her just to laugh about it, should i assume she thinks id want to know, or that shes trying to make me jealous? Why would she be trying to make me jealous if she knows i'm into her? Is it something else?
I spoke to the ex for the first time in a month and a half today. It went well. She said she hasn't worked out her problems and she doesn't feel comfortable seeing me on more than a friend status right now. I guess it's good.
She was happy to hear that I was actually doing the things that she told me to do on my own. We spoke about our breakup. I wasn't too comfortable with talking about it, but it seemed like she really wanted to. She told me that she knew that the only way for her and I to change for the better was to end it. She also said that I didn't need to go to AA, and I agreed. I now realize that going to AA was a major over reaction.
I guess I'll try and pop in from time to time and just hope for the best while enjoying my time being single. I just started talking to one of the really cute girls I spoke about a few posts back. She seems really into me and we're going to hang out after break.
So I may be completely over thinking this, but if a girl says yes to going out to dinner with you, and yes to me picking her up....that's a date right? lol. we haven't said like ok it's a date cause that would be pretty awkward. so yeah.![]()
Ugh, I give up.
Actually started taking to someone on OKC, and two days later, they delete their profile. What the hell?!?! She seemed to really dig me, too, but she'd been saying there were a lot of folks on the site who were creepers, so I guess she gave up or something? I dunno.
Man, this sucks. I was actually getting somewhere and BAM, now I have nothing.
This girl I took out for first date the other night just phone txted me before I even had a chance to call her tonight for the first time since.
"So what skill do I need to train up for next time we meet? haha. Hope your having a good day "
lol what? is that refering to those arcade games we played after we ate?
Guess she also wasnt turned off by how I asked if she wanted to make out in the carpark but she said no not there.
Friendzoned right from the start.Girl mentioned "here's to being friends" as we got our drinks. Haha.
Needless to say, that totally fucked my mindstate up. I went on a walk through a pitch-black trail with her, and then spent 6 hours on her bed watching movies and shit. All without doing anything. I feel like if she hadn't have dropped the F bomb on me I would've been able to make a move. We had great conversations and stuff, and she's a really nice girl, but I couldn't help but view it as a non-date after that.
I probably should've dipped sooner since I wasn't feeling it.
Girl mentioned "here's to being friends" as we got our drinks. Haha.
Needless to say, that totally fucked my mindstate up. I went on a walk through a pitch-black trail with her, and then spent 6 hours on her bed watching movies and shit. All without doing anything. I feel like if she hadn't have dropped the F bomb on me I would've been able to make a move. We had great conversations and stuff, and she's a really nice girl, but I couldn't help but view it as a non-date after that.
I probably should've dipped sooner since I wasn't feeling it.
What kind of music do you listen to? >_>
Thank goodness most of the stuff I listen to has no lyrics.
Ugh, I give up.
Actually started taking to someone on OKC, and two days later, they delete their profile. What the hell?!?! She seemed to really dig me, too, but she'd been saying there were a lot of folks on the site who were creepers, so I guess she gave up or something? I dunno.
Man, this sucks. I was actually getting somewhere and BAM, now I have nothing.
Online dating is easy as long as you're decent looking.
You just need to be funny and willing to make some concessions on looks.
Having good comedic timing is hard to learn but you can pretty much perfect anything with practice.
Slightly overweight is great because it's easily fixed. Look for people who could greatly improve their appearance with small changes that others can't so easily see past.
If you're looking for a finished product, you better be perfect yourself because women who 'have it all' either aren't on dating sites or are so incredibly picky that you don't have a shot.
Ugh, I give up.
Actually started taking to someone on OKC, and two days later, they delete their profile. What the hell?!?! She seemed to really dig me, too, but she'd been saying there were a lot of folks on the site who were creepers, so I guess she gave up or something? I dunno.
Man, this sucks. I was actually getting somewhere and BAM, now I have nothing.
If you display confidence you'll pull women in.
I proved this to myself yesterday as I was heading home from work, I had a good stride and confident look on my face (very slight eyes squint, slight closed mouth smile and relaxed face to be exact) and guess what happened? I noted that the majority of women that came across past me and next to me were looking at me making eye contact with me (in a I'm open for you to talk to me kind of way), it's a thing I almost forgot how to pull off but I can do it all the time if I want.. Time to do it all the time instead of having a serious mentality I usually set since I'm a guard lol.. That just keeps them away.
Think confidently, from the mind it'll be translated into the body and the women will pick up on it.
Friendzoned right from the start.
Hey - at least she was upfront and didn't lead you on I guess.
Question: Is a big part of it just being assertive? It feels that my "boring" or "unmanly vibe" that a lot of girls throw at me comes from the fact that I'm not an ass or pushy with them.
I just looked it up. It's from a Kanye West song...
Question: Is a big part of it just being assertive? It feels that my "boring" or "unmanly vibe" that a lot of girls throw at me comes from the fact that I'm not an ass or pushy with them.
If you display confidence you'll pull women in.
I proved this to myself yesterday as I was heading home from work, I had a good stride and confident look on my face (very slight eyes squint, slight closed mouth smile and relaxed face to be exact) and guess what happened? I noted that the majority of women that came across past me and next to me were looking at me making eye contact with me (in a I'm open for you to talk to me kind of way), it's a thing I almost forgot how to pull off but I can do it all the time if I want.. Time to do it all the time instead of having a serious mentality I usually set since I'm a guard lol.. That just keeps them away.
Think confidently, from the mind it'll be translated into the body and the women will pick up on it.
Thats a great part 1, but part 2 is where the real challenge is. actually starting a conversation by being capable of building off of nothing.
So, date tonight with Girl #2. Actually a bit anxious since I don't know much about her, but we'll see how it goes. Just playing it normal.