*nods* Venturing out tonight.Until the next one.
*nods* Venturing out tonight.Until the next one.
and goddamit, what the fuck is with these disproportionate numbers of ugly, fat white women checking me out on these dating sites. goddamn, I aint that type of brother.
I know what to think, just not how to deal with itErr, so you go to meet a girl and when you get there she's kissing another guy and you don't know what to think? Are you just looking for friends? I don't understand.
Finally got around to mentioning my OKCupid profile to my therapist, so at my most recent session (yesterday) he helped me improve it a bit. Also just shaved the stache off again and had a haircut and have a party invite tonight (though I don't imagine there'll be any single women there) so hopefully will get an updated picture of me.
Weird scenario:
-I ended up with a group of drunk girls and two other guys.
-One of the girls was flirting hard with me while drunk.
-She was going around kissing random guys (about two others at least outside the room we were in)
-At one point we ended up outside and she held my hand and asked me if i was single
-Long story short everything was cut short because one of my friends got alcohol poisoning. She's fine though.
-I didn't remember her name. Shit sucks. Oh well.
The world just loves to be my cock block.
Be happy. If you had sex with her when she was drunk, the law would have dictated that as rape (at least in Florida anyway).
wat? I live and Florida and did not know it is rape if the girl is drunk. Nobody teaches that shit!
Be happy. If you had sex with her when she was drunk, the law would have dictated that as rape (at least in Florida anyway).
I'm sitting next to a hot girl at a Christmas party right now and I'm fucking freezing up!
Act chill. Just make casual conversation. Treat her like a normal person.
"Confidence is being able to talk to a pretty chick with the same level of comfort that you could talk to an ugly chick."I'm sitting next to a hot girl at a Christmas party right now and I'm fucking freezing up!
God damn I suck. I literally can't think of shit to say and going against everything I preach. I threw in some bull shit about the va tech game, but they're getting their asses beat so not much of a game to talk about. The vibe isn't there and mostly my fault for not jumping in sooner.
I feel so off tonight like I need to get out more on my own and practice interacting with random people again.
Good news and update:
I think this is a good sign right...?
Definitely a good sign, be careful not to over communicate though. If you're digging her then send her a text and see if you guys can do something next week.Good news and update:
I think this is a good sign right...?
Great post man.So yeah, I don't know if this is too LiveJournal-esque or anything, but I decided I would share it.
Last Weds, I met this girl. Totally random, she was a friend of a friend that just came to hang out and study and we hit it off. Now for the past year and a half, I had been fucking depressed as shit about my ex (only ex) breaking up with me and I thought I was too much of a loser who lacked social skills to ever get a girl again. I thought, and still do think, that to this day think, that I just got lucky and it was just a stroke of luck that got me the girl. Literally, one day I just got frustrated with being single and went up to this girl who I considered an acquaintance and started talking to her, one thing led to another and I had a year and a half long relationship with her.
But after the breakup, and what was a particularly difficult and rocky relationship, I thought all hope was lost really. Flat out, I took it like a bitch. I couldn't maintain a relationship, I could not prioritize the girl in the middle of all the other happenings in life, and I thought honestly that I'd never get a girl again cause I didn't know how to talk to them, and couldn't approach them. But now, out of nowhere, this situation arose where I got an "in" through a mutual friend that allowed me to bypass that introductory barrier of "what do I say? how do I start this conversation?"
This is, by no means what I'd say is a solution to the problem of not being able to open conversation, but it has indeed done something for my confidence level. Now that this girl and I are texting back and forth pretty much from dawn to dusk, it really does open your eyes to the value of being assertive when it comes to talking to girls and how in some cases, being yourself and not really withholding anything in fear of someones reaction can work out in your favour. A lot of the advice in this thread boils down to "just do it," or "stop being afraid," which is kinda difficult to process when you've built up this sort of mentality that you need to be adequate or adequately prepared or else you'll be insta-rejected, or even the mentality that you are guilty until proven innocent when it comes to being judged by the opposite sex.
But it's completely true. All that matters is confidence. The day I met this chick I couldn't possibly have looked any less adequately prepared or desirable; I hadn't shaved for a week and it was a particularly bad day acne-wise, but I stayed true to myself and didn't put up an act. And yet still I get a sense inside that she's very interested. It just goes to show that once you stop getting hung up on everything superficial, you can really come out as a winner where you least expect. I'm not exactly sure where I'm going with this as I'm kinda just streaming it out here, but I hope that if anyone takes away anything, it's that you gotta fucking believe in yourself before you expect others to believe in you, and I wish all my single brothers the best on their endeavors.
Congrats! You just have to break her in a little, no worries.So I touched bare vagina for the first time today!..
But seriously, apparently it kind of hurts when I stick my middle finger in. I have big hands so that may be the reason? She's a virgin, so that probably has something to do with it.
I should clarify, I meant all you need emotionally/mentally. The physical factor is there but confidence, IMO, triumphs over any construct you could possibly materialize in your head to aid you in the pursuit of your goals with the opposite sex. You may feel like you need an adequate persona, or need to change yourself or your traits for you to be even deemed lovable, but confidence, as hard as it can be to find sometimes, shatters those barriers and gets you so much closer to your goals rather than living to appeal to a facade.Definitely a good sign, be careful not to over communicate though. If you're digging her then send her a text and see if you guys can do something next week.
Great post man.
While I don't agree that confidence is ALL that matters, it's certainly one of, if not the most important factors in talking to women. It's a tough thing to build, but when you do things really start to fall into place.
Congrats! You just have to break her in a little, no worries.
So I touched bare vagina for the first time today!..
But seriously, apparently it kind of hurts when I stick my middle finger in. I have big hands so that may be the reason? She's a virgin, so that probably has something to do with it.
Definitely a good sign, be careful not to over communicate though. If you're digging her then send her a text and see if you guys can do something next week.
Great post man.
While I don't agree that confidence is ALL that matters, it's certainly one of, if not the most important factors in talking to women. It's a tough thing to build, but when you do things really start to fall into place.
Congrats! You just have to break her in a little, no worries.
Awesome, brother! Can't wait to hear about it.Just had the most fun date I've ever had. I have some work to do that I neglected to go on said date... but I will type out a quick update on it later on, pretty standard stuff but she was gushing about the date the entire time. Rise Against and Flobots were awesome too, so were Riverboat Gamblers.
Edit: just so I have a bit of a starting point when I post later... quote of the night was "This night has been so amazing, this has been the best first date I've EVER been on. Seriously. You win."
Drunk + Battlefield 3 isn't a bad mix at all, just take out all that other stuff and you've got a successful night.Minor update on my situation: I'm tired of being single/single life in general. Miss my ex GF terribly. Regret that I lost her and hurt a girl I really had something special with. I don't even want to hang out with other girls anymore... just want this one.
I almost feel like putting on that song 'Don't Know What You've Got' by Cinderella, getting drunk as fuck and crying while playing Battlefield 3/looking at pictures of me+her.
Sigh. Resist.
wat? I live and Florida and did not know it is rape if the girl is drunk. Nobody teaches that shit!
Awesome, brother! Can't wait to hear about it.
Drunk + Battlefield 3 isn't a bad mix at all, just take out all that other stuff and you've got a successful night.
Really though I wish there was something I could say to you that would make things easier, but there isn't. I think you're at the low point of this situation right now and things will eventually start to look up. Break ups are never easy, especially when you still hold a lot of emotional baggage from the situation, but it does and will get better.
Hang in there. And seriously, have a few beers and turn on Battlefield. Anything to keep your mind off the situation for awhile.
Thanks man. She told me tonight she wants to have 'break-up sex', which is really sexy and cute of her. I'm really pleased by this because A. she is the best kisser ever B. I've never had more passionate, romantic sex than with her, and C. I love her so it's gonna 'feel good, man.'
Be happy. If you had sex with her when she was drunk, the law would have dictated that as rape (at least in Florida anyway).
Just exactly what I needed to hear in the bolded and awesome post by the way. Thanks again bro. And I wish you the best also. I'm definitely using your advice. It really starts at you loving yourself and caring for yourself and not giving a fuck what people think about you as far as gossip and criticism is concerned.So yeah, I don't know if this is too LiveJournal-esque or anything, but I decided I would share it.
Last Weds, I met this girl. Totally random, she was a friend of a friend that just came to hang out and study and we hit it off. Now for the past year and a half, I had been fucking depressed as shit about my ex (only ex) breaking up with me and I thought I was too much of a loser who lacked social skills to ever get a girl again. I thought, and still do think, that to this day think, that I just got lucky and it was just a stroke of luck that got me the girl. Literally, one day I just got frustrated with being single and went up to this girl who I considered an acquaintance and started talking to her, one thing led to another and I had a year and a half long relationship with her.
But after the breakup, and what was a particularly difficult and rocky relationship, I thought all hope was lost really. Flat out, I took it like a bitch. I couldn't maintain a relationship, I could not prioritize the girl in the middle of all the other happenings in life, and I thought honestly that I'd never get a girl again cause I didn't know how to talk to them, and couldn't approach them. But now, out of nowhere, this situation arose where I got an "in" through a mutual friend that allowed me to bypass that introductory barrier of "what do I say? how do I start this conversation?"
This is, by no means what I'd say is a solution to the problem of not being able to open conversation, but it has indeed done something for my confidence level. Now that this girl and I are texting back and forth pretty much from dawn to dusk, it really does open your eyes to the value of being assertive when it comes to talking to girls and how in some cases, being yourself and not really withholding anything in fear of someones reaction can work out in your favour. A lot of the advice in this thread boils down to "just do it," or "stop being afraid," which is kinda difficult to process when you've built up this sort of mentality that you need to be adequate or adequately prepared or else you'll be insta-rejected, or even the mentality that you are guilty until proven innocent when it comes to being judged by the opposite sex.
But it's completely true. All that matters is confidence. The day I met this chick I couldn't possibly have looked any less adequately prepared or desirable; I hadn't shaved for a week and it was a particularly bad day acne-wise, but I stayed true to myself and didn't put up an act. And yet still I get a sense inside that she's very interested. It just goes to show that once you stop getting hung up on everything superficial, you can really come out as a winner where you least expect. I'm not exactly sure where I'm going with this as I'm kinda just streaming it out here, but I hope that if anyone takes away anything, it's that you gotta fucking believe in yourself before you expect others to believe in you, and I wish all my single brothers the best on their endeavors.
So, I went to this college event, it was pretty okay - I got a lot of attention cause of all my dancin'. There was one girl in particular who was cute, but more importantly, her personality was really super attractive. I still haven't asked a girl out in my life, so even though I told myself I would, I didn't get her number (or her name, it was too loud for me to catch it when she told me it).
BUT, I took the most initiative I've ever taken in my entire life with a girl, and I emailed a mutual friend and asked him if he knew if she was single, and if he could give me her contact info. He wasn't 100% sure if she was single, but he gave me her full name to add onto facebook.
So... I requested an add just last night, when(if) she accepts... where do I go from there? I'm starting to get all in my head and wonder if she seemed at all interested, like I thought she did last night.
What makes me think she was; she initiated conversation on multiple occasions with me, asked my name/what I was taking in school, talked a lot about my dancing in a friendly way, at one point asked me to dance for her sister (she missed all my dancing), all and all... there seemed to be interest, but I don't really know what interest from a girl looks like yet, at least not with 100% certainty. GAF tell me to relax/what to do next.
Have a question. I have 1 problem: being witty. I used to be able to make everyone laugh, especially girls when I was younger, but then I turned introvert, stayed home more often, etc. and you guys know the rest of the story.
Now after years of that I have the personality of a wet rag (at least in front of people I don't know. If someone knows me then I become more open). But I'm just not good at steering conversation in my favor. There's guys that can turn any statement into a joke or witty line that makes people smile.
That's what I need because right now if I were to go up to anybody I'd go completely brain dead/freeze. I'm unable to just simply think of an interesting topic to talk about right then and there, so it makes me seem boring. But really it's just the nerves and the expectation that a guy is supposed to make a woman laugh and feel comfortable. If I were to feel comfortable with this ability then the confidence would come very easily. The "have more confidence" advice doesn't work if you have no clue what to say once you get up to the girl. It feels like I might have to write mock dialogue and conversations and memorize that, try to anticipate what she might respond with etc. but that all seems very technical for no reason. Conversation should be fluid and improvisational (which I'm terrible at).
Now after years of that I have the personality of a wet rag (at least in front of people I don't know. If someone knows me then I become more open). But I'm just not good at steering conversation in my favor.
Have a question. I have 1 problem: being witty. I used to be able to make everyone laugh, especially girls when I was younger, but then I turned introvert, stayed home more often, etc. and you guys know the rest of the story.
Now after years of that I have the personality of a wet rag (at least in front of people I don't know. If someone knows me then I become more open). But I'm just not good at steering conversation in my favor. There's guys that can turn any statement into a joke or witty line that makes people smile.
That's what I need because right now if I were to go up to anybody I'd go completely brain dead/freeze. I'm unable to just simply think of an interesting topic to talk about right then and there, so it makes me seem boring. But really it's just the nerves and the expectation that a guy is supposed to make a woman laugh and feel comfortable. If I were to feel comfortable with this ability then the confidence would come very easily. The "have more confidence" advice doesn't work if you have no clue what to say once you get up to the girl. It feels like I might have to write mock dialogue and conversations and memorize that, try to anticipate what she might respond with etc. but that all seems very technical for no reason. Conversation should be fluid and improvisational (which I'm terrible at).
So... I requested an add just last night, when(if) she accepts... where do I go from there? I'm starting to get all in my head and wonder if she seemed at all interested, like I thought she did last night.
The main problem isn't that you want someone to date. You want an audience for your supposed stand-up routine. I would bring an applause sign to your next social gathering.
holy shit what?
what if we're both drunk? double rape?
what if only the guy is drunk, did the girl rape him then?
knowing the hypocrisy of the law, probably not.
this is so fucking stupid.
aw maaaaaaaan. check this out;
I went to a wedding last nite!! Met an amazing girl! we hit it off, talked for hours about stuff like kpop and my new iphone and stuff,
she's 35... I'm 27 @_@
dont get me wrong, she's maad cool and Im definitely gonna hang out with her later and stuff,
but the thing is... would you go for it??
freakin korean girls lol. she looked 29
1. This is condescending for no reason.
2. You need to be at least halfway funny/amusing to get girls, don't act like this isn't true.
Thanks Jambi and Cubs for the responses btw.
Im not jus trying to tap tho.Yes tap that, Korean girls are beautiful and very youthful.
showing them my new iphone and all that, and none of them interest me.