After a series of zombie-like movies, I thought I was burned out on zombies as well, until Zombieland came out and that kind of rejuvenated the entire thing with a fresh take that focused on survivors (until the ending became a bullet dance and...whatever). But the entire journey of the movie developed the characters and their connections very well.
I felt the same about the Walking Dead early in Season 1 (and now I've pretty much lost interest).
The fact that something is derivative (And don't get me wrong, this is derivative as hell), doesn't make it "less good" as you say. Comon, that's not even using logic, you're letting your emotions get the best of your judgment. The only thing is, if you're gonna do something that's been done like this, you've gotta make it the best. If I wanna make a modern warfare shooter, it'd be met with the same criticisms. So if I set out to make one, I'm gonna make it "the defacto modern warfare game". It has to be the best or it'll disappear into time.
Is this game the best "zombie" game? I don't know. I haven't played it yet, and neither has anyone here, so stop jumping to conclusions. Just wait until we see more. Optimistically speaking: There are twists, and plenty of character development, and the gameplay revolves around being resourceful and cautious guarding from zombies and humans alike.
If they set out to make something great, even if it IS generic, it can still be noteworthy by being at the top of the stack. And lets face it, nothing with zombies that came out in the last couple of years was any really good..... Except for Dead Island, and even that game had it's mess of hang-ups due to some poor design decisions. Naughty Dog is capable of this too, don't get me wrong, but we don't know yet because no one has seen the game yet. Simple as that.
If the game comes out as Uncharted: Zombie clone, I'll be disappointed to, so I'll wait until I judge.