you girls keep putting flowers in your hair. awww yahh.
"No shade" = "no disrespect"
I'm not puttng weight on either except that they're both dumb and threads like that have been shut down quick.
Sure, but you know those threads only pop up on rare occasions and are quickly shut down. Let's not act like they're allowed to stay open and foster as everyone tries to one up each other to see who can be the most misogynistic.
I don't think they're representative (I certainly hope not), but I'm still confused as to why you guys aren't going after them for saying such things. You seem to spend more energy going after Dev for posting her opinion in them. You said before that she came to this thread to bitch about them and that they were ruining her forum experience, but this is a thread for girls to talk about issues such as misogyny and frustration, and I completely feel her frustration with the frequency of these kinds of things.
We get worked up because it's something we face nearly everyday, and it's exhausting to both fight it and see our opinions dismissed as the whining/bitchings of militant lesbians. I know it's hard for guys(or people in general) to care about things that don't affect them, but I hope at least if there were some assholery threads about African Americans/racism that you would care enough to say something.
I don't think it was that thread by itself per se. There have been a lot of these lately, and it seems natural to me that she should be able to come back to a thread specifically for girls to vent about that.
Why are all these guys in Girl Gaf, let me say that again, Girl Gaf, telling Girls how to feel? A thread set up for girls to talk about what they want, and if that includes venting about whatever upsets her so be it.
Is it so bad that I find some entertainment in watching people like Devo pick off low-hanging fruit? It's sort of a fun little guessing game that I've made for myself that I undertake prior to clicking gender-oriented troll threads: how many pages before it happens and how many targets get squashed? I lurk in here for similar reasons from time to time. I imagine there are others who do the same.While reading the last few pages I noticed something. Why are there so many dudes posting in a women specific thread? Really, I'd like to hear why. What's up with the sausage festival in here? Are some of you this desperate for female attention?
I never would have thought to compare Black Swan to The King's Speech, but he does make a good point. In Black Swan every top woman is damaged to the point of breaking.Any feminists understood black swan like this?
(would suggest watching from the start, makes it easier to follow, ends around the 5:30 )
Well, there's Luna(something, I forgot her full username), but she doesn't post that often lately.Are there any moms on GAF? Occasionally we get threads/discussions from dads, and it's usually interesting to see the GAF perspective on fatherhood. Just wondering if there are any moms to share their stories.
Duki came up in here to start some garbage and it looks like he definitely got some garbage. See ya next month, breh!
Duki is one of the highest quality posters on GAF. No need to be a dick.
Yep, his posts in here and the other topic showed exactly that...
Perhaps people in this thread are too sensitive? Perhaps Duki calls them out for exactly that?
Perhaps people in this thread are too sensitive? Perhaps Duki calls them out for exactly that?
So the posting standards we've created are not, primarily, about morality,but making sure that as many demographics as possible feel comfortable here, ultimately increasing growth and GAF's advertising revenue? That's fine, but I feel like this is a point that needs to be made more clear. You should (and probably do) also know that for a long time GAF's moderation was laxer in some respects, and that a lot of older members may need a fuller understanding of what is and is not allowable. While to you, what constitutes bigotry may be obvious, I imagine you will concede it is possible that for some people it is not.
Sorry for the intrusion, ladies.
Perhaps you are too sensitive.
Break the rules, get a ban.
Cry more.
This is exactly one of the problems. Now, I have not been here nearly as long as many others, but with that being said I have noticed a strong uptake in moderation in the last year or so. What was acceptable or at least allowed before now isn't. One thing that bothers me and others is the lack of consistency on the part of moderation.
One individual can make a remark that doesn't lead to a ban while the exact same remark can and many time does lead to a ban when being said by a different poster. I have been called out by a member in a different thread and when I decided to respond to said member with a 'why you mad?' response (it wasn't the troll/banned you mad, it was a why are you mad response) I was banned while the other person wasn't.
How am I being too sensitive by making the comment that I did?
This post is so completely irrelevant to what is at the heart of the matter.
Um, it was a response to Sharp's post which is relevant.
And this is why I'm spending most of my time over on gaming side. Less hassles and bizarre threads right now.
Who is "duki?" I assume that is shorthand for a poster's name. But whom?
Edit: I see now. He made two posts total and I didn't notice them.
It ain't so bad really. ClovingSteam's kinda making a stand. It's interesting when gaffers stand up for one another.
I like Duki but I'm not defending him because he's a fellow member of GAF.
Interesting. Do you at least hold Duki in great esteem?
lol what?
you don't? then why are you defending him? lol!
I'm so confused. Is he a friend? significant other?
Regardless of what one thinks about Duki, the point that he made and Sharp as well is relevant to this forum.
If you're going to troll at least put some effort into it. If you're unable or simply refusing to see the connection between Sharps post, Duki's issue that he raised, and my point, then there is nothing left to be said.
Oh this is a political uprising? Right on! What's your agenda? what's the end goal? what do you want us to wake up and realise?
lol what?
Regardless of what one thinks about Duki, the point that he made and Sharp as well is relevant to this forum.
Or perhaps Duki is just incredibly ignorant as to why such things might possibly offend us? As many have said, this is a thread for girls to discuss things and vent their frustrations. Devo had a perfectly legitimate reason to be upset at the numbers of idiotic (to women, if not yourself) threads popping up, and this is very much the thread for her to be posting those frustrations in.
Thank you for proving my point about the inconsistency on this forum regarding moderation.
This is exactly one of the problems. Now, I have not been here nearly as long as many others, but with that being said I have noticed a strong uptake in moderation in the last year or so. What was acceptable or at least allowed before now isn't. One thing that bothers me and others is the lack of consistency on the part of moderation.
One individual can make a remark that doesn't lead to a ban while the exact same remark can and many time does lead to a ban when being said by a different poster. I have been called out by a member in a different thread and when I decided to respond to said member with a 'why you mad?' response (it wasn't the troll/banned you mad, it was a why are you mad response) I was banned while the other person wasn't.
The easiest way to avoid contextual problems, however, is simply to not take the chance and avoid hyperbolic statements entirely.
Because both men and women enjoy tuna sandwiches.
Is it so bad that I find some entertainment in watching people like Devo pick off low-hanging fruit? It's sort of a fun little guessing game that I've made for myself that I undertake prior to clicking gender-oriented troll threads: how many pages before it happens and how many targets get squashed? I lurk in here for similar reasons from time to time. I imagine there are others who do the same.
This is always a concern, and something we try to mediate. However, keep in mind that moderators are not omniscient. We do not see every single post in every single thread every single day. Sometimes, bannable offenses get past us. If you see one, it is perfectly fine to contact me or another moderator to point it out -- it helps make this forum a better place.
But this shouldn't excuse bannable offenses. If you do something inappropriate, claiming someone else did something inappropriate and got away with it does not make your post any more appropriate.
Lastly, context matters. If someone said, "Because America is evil and wants to destroy the world," that post may be bannable in some contexts (if it appears to be a serious statement) while in others, it may not (if context makes it clear that it is being said sarcastically). The easiest way to avoid contextual problems, however, is simply to not take the chance and avoid hyperbolic statements entirely.
My issue with this is the fact that hyperbole for some may be completely serious for others. It's just a huge grey area that gets covered by different mods in different ways.
Opiate, I am not expecting or asking for moderators to be omniscient, I am asking them to be consistent.
No. I'm just amused by people who dig holes for themselves and are completely oblivious to it.So you guys are just nuthuggers of certain female posters? This is the conclusion I've arrived at. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Opiate, I am not expecting or asking for moderators to be omniscient, I am asking them to be consistent. If my post leads to a ban then surely the moderator who banned me saw what I was responding to and if he saw the post I was responding to which is against the TOS of this forum and doesn't ban said person for breaking said TOS, then that is inconsistency at its core.
In this very thread I am being trolled. Being asked (I assume sarcastically at that) if I am supporting Duki because he is my SO (really?) and that is apparently acceptable. I don't mind that the post in question was being made since I have thick skin and can take a joke. My beef is again the lack of consistency. If someone is able to get around the TOS by stating 'I was just playing' or 'I am seriously asking honestly', then such an excuse should be taken into consideration for all bans.
Whether duki deserved the ban is not for me to decide (though I retain the right to my opinion) but Sharps post is relevant and brings up a significant and valuable point. The TOS isn't followed to a T because many people are not banned for breaking said TOS' while others are banned for lesser or similar 'crimes'. It creates extreme frustration.