Where am I?
This passes as the top headline?
Article itself is pretty poor reading. Sports journalism is dead
haha inturd, missed penalty
10 hours of Mass Effect 3 and I've only wandered around the Citadel and done 3 missiones.
Dis gonna be gud.
Wait, where's the football talk?
In Cleveland. What do I win?
Lovely place, screw the haters
fooooooooorzaaaaaaaaaaaaaa michael bradley
Can you tell me ifis in the gameJack
Screw football, there is a new mass effect to talk about
Can you tell me ifis in the gameJack
Screw football, there is a new mass effect to talk about
Have you been? It isn't a bad place, but it is nothing worth saving.
Just wait for the Krogan on Volus sex scene.
I have no money to get ME3, so could you all stop talking about it please? Thanks *snif*
I have no money to get ME3, so could you all stop talking about it please? Thanks *snif*
Not yet! But I trust Liz Lemon!
I have two CEs.I have no money to get ME3, so could you all stop talking about it please? Thanks *snif*
That's should be enough of a reason. I love that episode. I also love Jason Sudekis.
Bastard is dating Olivia Wilde, he gets to have awesome sex with her
I have no money to get ME3, so could you all stop talking about it please? Thanks *snif*
You can't get $2.10 cents to rent it from Red box?
Jupp Heynckes is the best paid manager in Germany with €5m salary per year. And the only one from Germany in the top 10 of best paid managers in the world, he's the #5 in that list.
Alex McLeish is amongst the top 20 best paid managers in Europe
Alex McLeish is amongst the top 20 best paid managers in Europe
I've never played Mass Effect. I own Mass Effect 2, but never got round to buying the first one so haven't installed it..
Alex McLeish is amongst the top 20 best paid managers in Europe