Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
What Hayao Miyazaki can learn from High School DxD
I laughed out loud at this. So excellent! XD
Acchi Kocchi is far more likely to lead to diabetes. Good god.

What Hayao Miyazaki can learn from High School DxD
Acchi Kocchi is far more likely to lead to diabetes. Good god.
Not even lesbians could have save this episode.
Sengoku Collection 03
Not even lesbians could have save this episode.
This is probably the worst Kanetsugu ever. I might like this show a little more if it was shorter or something.
26 episodes of this stuff...
I don't know if I can make it.
I laughed out loud at this. So excellent! XD
Sengoku Collection 3
OP is still terrible.
26 episodes of this stuff...
I don't know if I can make it.
Worst OP of the season?
I'm listening to the latest ANNcast and they are discussing Polar Bear Cafe. They cannot figure out who is at home to watch the show at 5:30PM. They bring up housewives. I...I don't understand how people can be this oblivious to the existence of children. 『となりのトトロ』&『火垂るの墓』2本立てブルーレイ特別セット (初回限定[Blu-ray]: DVD
Nice of them keeping the tradition of the double feature presentation of Grave of the Fireflies & My Neighbor Totoro... but in a Blu-ray pack!
duckroll after watching E7AO Ep2:[IMG][/QUOTE]
Awwww. :(
Edit: Oh, out of happiness. That's good then.
duckroll waking up:
duckroll after watching Apollon Ep2:
duckroll after watching E7AO Ep2:
duckroll waking up:
duckroll after watching Apollon Ep2:
duckroll after watching E7AO Ep2:
Sure, I'm sure there's an intent to appeal to them but it's clearly a children's show. It just seems like there was this bizarre expectation from them for working guys to come home from work and be able to watch a show about pandas rolling around. I should've waited to post about ANNcast though because their Apollon section was even better. They talk about how the lighting captures what sunlight looked like in the 60s, and how great the animation is on the piano hands.To be fair, it is based on a josei manga, so I'm sure housewives are part of the intended audience.
Also why does duckroll change genders when he startes watching E7?
lol, I get the feeling people are going to think this show is in its 'introduction phase' for 3/4 of its run. Appreciate it for what it is now!Tsuritama 2 - Series still feels like it's in the introduction phrase of the story, but this episode was pretty damn fun regardless, loved how they introduced the "alien" girl here - no exposition, she just suddenly appeared in the story lulz. I'm still loving the atmosphere, and the music is still so good. Looking forward to next week, since it seems like it's going have more plot development this time around mmmm.
Is he transcribing the music by ear? That's crazy.
According to Kaori Ishihara's blog, (Ano Natsu spoilers)she ended up crying while recording the scene in episode 9 where Kanna urges Ichika to confess to Kaito.
According to Kaori Ishihara's blog, (Ano Natsu spoilers)she ended up crying while recording the scene in episode 9 where Kanna urges Ichika to confess to Kaito.
According to Kaori Ishihara's blog, (Ano Natsu spoilers)she ended up crying while recording the scene in episode 9 where Kanna urges Ichika to confess to Kaito.
Kids on the Slope 02
I'm starting to think you guys were wrong about this being a BL anime.
She's nobodies friend.
I'm assuming the pacing of the storytelling is going be akin to a slice-of-life show, which should be fine, since the atmosphere and characters are good enough to drive that kind of feel, but these past two episodes keep implying there is more to the story then what's on the surface, I get the feeling people are going to think this show is in its 'introduction phase' for 3/4 of its run. Appreciate it for what it is now!
If there was more than one female in the show we could use AnimeGAF's new universal anime watching method to conclude that it's actually a yuri.
I'm just as disappointed as you are.
Meanwhile I was so happy! Character suffering+VA suffering? Sooo good.
The Shinkai studio is pretty awesome with 3D stuff.
and it looks totally like 2D
Sengoku Collection 3
This show continues to get worse. Imagine how horrifying it will be by episode 26. I feel for those poor souls who have committed to watch this for half a year.
Sure, I'm sure there's an intent to appeal to them but it's clearly a children's show. It just seems like there was this bizarre expectation from them for working guys to come home from work and be able to watch a show about pandas rolling around. I should've waited to post about ANNcast though because their Apollon section was even better. They talk about how the lighting captures what sunlight looked like in the 60s, and how great the animation is on the piano hands.
Is he transcribing the music by ear? That's crazy.
Sengoku Collection 3
Please tell me this fucking awful show being 26 episodes long is some kind of sick joke.
It's being sold in 12 BD volumes, so it could theoretically be as low as 24 episodes.
It's being sold in 12 BD volumes, so it could theoretically be as low as 24 episodes.