The design for the Pied Piper ship is infinitely inferior to the Gekko-State ship.
La Muse from Kiddy Grade is remarkably similar in design.

The design for the Pied Piper ship is infinitely inferior to the Gekko-State ship.
I would. Skipping episodes is not watching a show. It's incomplete.And warning you about all the Nanami comedy episodes! I think it's easier to deal with them when you're prepared. I did forget about 27 being one, though unlike the others I think that one's actually kind of funny, whereas I'd rather chop my arm off than watch Nanami-sama Secret Diary again. That's 24. You could probably skip it and I bet no one but Hito would think less of you.
It's easier to destruct someone's perception of anime than to construct one.Apparently getting people to watch terrible anime is the "in thing" this season (and last season, and the season before that...) mainly because it's much easier to do.
If you tell someone that a show is terrible, when they go and watch it because it's terrible they'll have no complaints!
If you tell someone a show is good, but they don't actually like it, then they'll be disappointed.
The only reason to be disappointed with a recommendation for a 'bad anime' is when it isn't bad enough.
More the reason why we need to do God's work!Plus, Macross Plus is a mecha anime and no-one likes those anymore. People probably don't even know what a Vf-1 valkyrie is.
Those are pretty much my impressions after watching the first episode about a week ago. I kind of felt derp because the show didn't bother explaining Mahjong the way Chihayafuru explained Karuta. I also had a wtf moment again with the bonding montage. The whole episode made me feel like the one person in the group of people who didn't understand a joke and just sort of smiles stupidly wondering what in the world people heard that I didn't.Saki From the South Side A 01
Not knowing mahjong everything revolving around the game was completely obtuse to me. Not world ending but it becomes immediately obvious that the show has no intention of explaining any of the intricacies. Because of this I had to question, why mahjong? It mostly just seems like an excuse to tie the series to a specific subject and name drop terminology. Unlike Chihayafuru where the characters appreciation for the sport is pretty plainly laid out I have no idea why these girls like mahjong so much, and it doesn't seem like there's much love for the game in the way its portrayed in the show.
So I was expecting some slow character build up that would maybe do some of these things and bring the girls together or something. Nope, nine minutes in you get the bonding montage.
I would. Skipping episodes is not watching a show. It's incomplete.
It's easier to destruct someone's perception of anime than to construct one.
We could be better than this. We could do more for the community.
Why are you ignoring the multitudes of objective criticism made against the show here? I don't care if you like the show but sticking your fingers in your ears and ignoring stuff like that and just saying the only reason people here hate it is because they hate Key is downright false and really annoying.
And if the entire plot made no goddamn sense and if they abruptly shifted from weird schizophrenic action/comedy to a hastily-pasted-together-with-spit-scotch-tape-and-gum "love" story between generic no-personality MC and a white-haired mentally disabled otaku spunk rag with no distinguishing features and a personality so devoid of anything resembling characterization that it makes Qui-Gon Jinn look like Hamlet in comparison. Oh (ending spoilers), whoop-de-damned-doo.she received his heart in a transplant while she was alive
You might be able to tell that I didn't like this show.
I never skip episodes. Must be a shounenbro thing.
If I had to skip episodes to make a show good then I would just not watch the show at all and watch something that I can watch without making arbitrary changes of my own to make it good.Skipping episodes can vastly improve a show. It's a good thing to do in a number of circumstances.
Skipping episodes can vastly improve a show. It's a good thing to do in a number of circumstances.
Objective criticism of a Key show, on GAF? Hah! It's not objective. It's very strongly biased against Key.
To be fair, A LOT of people like it.
Angel Beats is an outstanding show, your hating it doesn't change that. I know animegaf has taken upon itself to be the internet's #1 Key-hater destination, and I've said plenty of times how much I disagree with that (because I think Key is great), but that doesn't make it in any way true or accurate. It just makes it your opinions.
This sounds like something a quitter would say.
Stay the course. Ride out the storms. Victory is so much sweeter.
It's easier to destruct someone's perception of anime than to construct one.
We could be better than this. We could do more for the community.
Of course it doesn't make sense! It's supposed to be silly, this idea that her uniform skirt is some kind of mark of her station. Especially how Gruier phrased it. It's treating a very silly idea as if it were of the utmost importance. Notice how Marika herself is flabbergasted?There's absolutely no reason why she shouldn't wear pants, particularly when trying to disguise herself... as I said before, Gruier's statement doesn't make sense. I guess you mean that people identify her as the highschool girl space pirate, so she has to dress in a school uniform all the time? What? But when not in school plenty of anime schoolgirls dress in other things, including pants...
Exactly. It's not an "anime girls" thing; it's a general high school girls thing.(Also, of course, only in a place with mandatory uniforms like Japan would you get a concept like "high school girl equals skirt".)
Skipping episodes can vastly improve a show. It's a good thing to do in a number of circumstances.
I know. Giving straight responses to jokes is my thing. Dunno why.I was joking...
Have you seen Wolfs Rain?
I don't like AB either but ehhhh, that's harsh.I don't mind the animeGAF label, but I had 13 posts in the last thread. Keep that animeGAF hivemind bullshit to yourself. I hate AB because it's a bad show. That's all there is to it.
If you like it, that's fine. But it's still a terrible show. There's nothing wrong with liking terrible shows, if all you're gonna do is like it. When you start proclaiming it as a great, or even good show, when it's obviously an ill-made piece of trash, you're gonna have people disagreeing with your opinion.
If I had to skip episodes to make a show good then I would just not watch the show at all and watch something that I can watch without making arbitrary changes of my own to make it good.![]()
Tell you what, I swear I'm gonna start watching LotGH for realz this time as soon as one element in my MAL gets cleared out.Well, the best way to recommend an anime is to some it up in a neat catchprase or write a whole thread for it. I've already done that for Rose of Versailles, Mushi-Shi, Angel's Egg, Legend of the Galactic Heroes (0 posts, you guys suck), Giant Robo, Patlabor, Kaiji/One Outs, GAINAX and Master Keaton. It tends to be the stuff that I am most passionate about.
True wisemen know when not to START a show.
Skipping episodes can vastly improve a show. It's a good thing to do in a number of circumstances.
Tell you what, I swear I'm gonna start watching LotGH for realz this time as soon as one element in my MAL gets cleared out.
Hmm, I guess. But the way ABF talks about it, if he recommended it to me like that and I actually watched it because of him, I'd want to find a way to get him permabanned to pay him back. That's be the only way I could consider us even.
This sounds like something a quitter would say.
Stay the course. Ride out the storms. Victory is so much sweeter.
Well, the best way to recommend an anime is to some it up in a neat catchprase or write a whole thread for it. I've already done that for Rose of Versailles, Mushi-Shi, Angel's Egg, Legend of the Galactic Heroes (0 posts, you guys suck), Giant Robo, Patlabor, Kaiji/One Outs, GAINAX and Master Keaton. It tends to be the stuff that I am most passionate about.
The ones outsourced to Korea, I imagine. They are pretty awful.What are these Nadia episodes people are referring to?
Nope. Especially with episodic shows, cutting out really awkward or boring episodes improves the whole experience and saves me a lot of time.
Well, you're talking to somebody who has dedicated themself to watching every single episode of DB and DBZ. I'm probably crazy and should be tuned out!If you watch, for example, 100% recap episodes with no new material you're literally wasting your life.
Which is your own choice, of course. A series is not some monolithic structure [most of the time], it can be chopped up and separated however you chose, largely due to the inconsistent nature of TV anime production.
its an interesting show with nice music
and problems
I think you may have the wrong movie because that doesn't describe Angel's Egg at all.I have a lot of issues with Angel's Egg mainly it feels like an 'art' film in that it feels like the writer having a self-jerk about how many philosophical terms he can fit into a film.
It's also poorly paced (for example - an uninteresting, barely resolved subplot is brought up 2 or 3 episodes from the end when it should be engaging us with the central conflict, which also happens to be the only remotely interesting one) and suffers from completely flat characters all with a predictable, token "tragic" past. I'm not convinced that the timeline offered by the ending for the three main characters makes any sense whatsoever. The tonal shifts between almost always unfunny & awkward comedy, SERIOUS DRAMA, and random concert scenes (ok, those were kind of tolerable?) is handled horribly jarringly every single time and gives the impression that the show has no idea what it wants to be and, instead of picking one thing and sticking to it (even generic KEY VN drama is better tbh) it whiplashes all over the place for the worse.
And did we mention it's fugly as hell?
Angel Beats is entertaining to me, and guess why I watch anime?
I think you may have the wrong movie because that doesn't describe Angel's Egg at all.
The thing about Angel's Egg is that its religious imagery and musings aren't meaningless mumbo-jumbo as they often are in anime. Oshii had something he wanted to say, drawn from his personal experiences, and he said it. He knew what he was doing.I have a lot of issues with Angel's Egg mainly it feels like an 'art' film in that it feels like the writer having a self-jerk about how many philosophical terms he can fit into a film.
Subtle Nadia Island episodes warning.
I have a lot of issues with Angel's Egg mainly it feels like an 'art' film in that it feels like the writer having a self-jerk about how many philosophical terms he can fit into a film.
I plan on watching LotGH this summer.
Nope. Especially with episodic shows, cutting out really awkward or boring episodes improves the whole experience and saves me a lot of time.
The thing about Angel's Egg is that its religious imagery and musings aren't meaningless mumbo-jumbo as they often are in anime. Oshii had something he wanted to say, drawn from his personal experiences, and he said it. He knew what he was doing.
It's really not.I was in an artclass of about thirty people, two who were philosophy majors and one who had a degree, and nobody liked it for that exact reason. It's way too open ended in regards to interpretation and narrative.
Nope. Especially with episodic shows, cutting out really awkward or boring episodes improves the whole experience and saves me a lot of time.
Angel Beats 1
For the hnng?
You were warned dude!
This is why you don't listen to anyone in art class. Or philosophy majors.