Wish I could customize buttons![]()
I thought you can? I heard from one the streams that you can. Am I wrong?
Wish I could customize buttons![]()
Wish I could customize buttons![]()
Watching that video above and wow, looks surprisingly great.Boss fights are hard if you don't use the timing right, it's so awesome.
I am just sad that this isn't a co-op.
Do they have all the different control schemes in the demo at least? And are any superior to the standard setup?
Just different scheme, they're not really too different, lol, I wanted to change the grab button and dash
Go back to the face sitter thread and look for the latest OXM video, difficultly is one of the highlights of this game.
I just noticed a ton of Street Fighters names are in under monikers. Pretty epic.
Vergil, Dante, Lady, and Trish as well.
Well, let's just say that I'm glad Diablo III coming because it shames and steps all over this. It's just not for me.
I hope Capcorn has some success but this one may need a sequel or to really mature. If it makes it that far.
Wish I could customize buttons![]()
O - X Respectively? ... I think i could get used to the dash but grab not being R1 or O is gonna be a lil weird for me.
hmm, the first 4 control schemes swaps the shoulder buttons around so Type B has R1 for grab/shoot, and the L/R2 buttons as skills
1.7 GBsHow big is the download?
Jumping on a griffin's back and hacking at it's neck while it's on fire is definitely something that could sell me on this game. Color me impressed.
I was hoping to take a ride on it, but its takeoff shook me off of it. Definitely like that aspect of it though. Demo's got me very interested in this now.Grabbing onto him and then crawling around as he takes flight is definitely a great experience. Show me another open world action/adventure/RPG hybrid that allows you to do shit like this. Yeah... generic my ass.
1715 mbHow big is the download?
I just killed the griffin by throwing my pawn into it. Game of the Year.
I was hoping to take a ride on it, but its takeoff shook me off of it. Definitely like that aspect of it though. Demo's got me very interested in this now.
Does every created character ends up with a giant nose?
Killed the griffin with the HUD turned off. Super awesome. Wish you could roll though.character creation ain't bad.
Does every created character ends up with a giant nose?
I knew there was tons I was missing. Will need to try it out.You can dodge; not sure if its Strider specific, but I think its Right bumper and X?
Dealbreaker question:
Is there a boob size slider?
Dealbreaker question:
Is there a boob size slider?
Go play Demons/Dark Souls now.
It gave me enough of a taste that I can tell it is what I wanted. It is basically what I have been watching in all of the footage, only I was in control this time. It plays and runs great and looks plenty good enough on the visual front. Especially the lighting and monster design, which is fantastic. The game is going to be amazing. At least for me anyway.