This. I'm going to bed in a matter of minutes... I love these 8 hour time-travels!.
Oh, is it sleepy time for you Europeans?? haha suckas.
This. I'm going to bed in a matter of minutes... I love these 8 hour time-travels!.
This. I'm going to bed in a matter of minutes... I love these 8 hour time-travels!.
Do I need to remind you that we get to play the game one entire hour before you guys :3?Oh, is it sleepy time for you Europeans?? haha suckas.
... we'll just have to wait and see about that!No you wont.
You're in Europe IIRC?
Iceland, Azores: 14th May, 22:01 (install: 14th May, 15:01)
UK, Ireland, Portugal: 14th May, 23:01 (install: 14th May, 16:01)
Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Andorra, Spain, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Liechtenstein, San Marino, Italy, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, FYR Macedonia, Albania, Norway, Sweden: 15th May, 00:01 (install: 14th May, 17:01)
Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus: 15th May, 01:01 (install: 14th May, 18:01)
This. I'm going to bed in a matter of minutes... I love these 8 hour time-travels!.
I think I'm going to pop out of this thread until things cool down. Might even go to bed early.
Tell me time wizard!
If I can play at 5:00PM Tuesday Mountain Time Zone in the United States of Amurika, and it is currently 7:25 PM on Sunday, how long do I wait?
Do I need to remind you that we're gonna play the game one entire hour before you guys :3?
Your missing the point. The guy is an accomplished MMO raider with some serious feats under his belt over the years. There are many other accomplished gamers that want to be the first to beat Diablo 3 on Inferno. I'm sure they all have their own personal reasons, but the thing is, they are all making it a competitive game by vying for that world first.
I'll repeat my opinion, one more time. Kripp is a bit arrogant, but it's all in good fun. He a top tier player from World of Warcraft and has proven himself multiple times in world rankings. He's methodical, precise, prepared and enjoys what he does. Many people have enjoyed the videos he has made over the years. He is trying to step it up a notch with the release of D3 and become a much larger part in the gaming public's eye as it's what he loves. I'm assuming he is looking to make a bit of a career out of it as he is now sponsored by curse and partnered with youtube and Diablo 3 will probably be a large stepping stone into making that happen.
That's all. The guy wants to be the best and believes in knowledge and preparation. It's certainly at a much higher level that I would or could ever try at this point in my life, but I certainly don't begrudge the guy for trying to achieve his goals. Even if those goals align or don't align with what I deem appropriate life goals for myself.
*Sorry wasn't trying to drag this out, took me a bit to type it and the thread is moving quick!
You're absolutely right about that! Btw send me a PM when you've reached season 2. DON'T FORGET ABOUT THAT!
Just sometimes?
I'm a master of copy'n'paste (from forums)... not of time zonesTell me time wizard!
If I can play at 5:00PM Tuesday Mountain Time Zone in the United States of Amurika, and it is currently 7:25 PM on Sunday, how long do I wait?
Well I haven't had an 8 hour sleep for ages... but I'm going to try and do it this time! The more I sleep, the closer to the launch I get... and I've got literally nothing to do tomorrow.8 hours? Since when? :x
Screw the haters Yoshi! You're making the wait a lot more bearable and entertaining!
For someone who has NEVER played a Diablo game, would it be just wrong for me to go into D3 willy nilly? I mean not even reading the backdrop, not playing D2 (I have it), not reading a Wiki. Just BOOM, entering the world of Diablo on Tuesday for the first time ever.
It's the story that you'll be missing out on. But there are "in x minutes" that summarize the story so far on Youtube. I need to grab a linkScrew the haters Yoshi! You're making the wait a lot more bearable and entertaining!
For someone who has NEVER played a Diablo game, would it be just wrong for me to go into D3 willy nilly? I mean not even reading the backdrop, not playing D2 (I have it), not reading a Wiki. Just BOOM, entering the world of Diablo on Tuesday for the first time ever.
Feel same!
You're up for one helluva right man, you're gonna love the world of Diablo! Make sure to ask if you have any questions when you start playing! ♥Screw the haters Yoshi! You're making the wait a lot more bearable and entertaining!
For someone who has NEVER played a Diablo game, would it be just wrong for me to go into D3 willy nilly? I mean not even reading the backdrop, not playing D2 (I have it), not reading a Wiki. Just BOOM, entering the world of Diablo on Tuesday for the first time ever.
Normally I would say "FUCK YES!" but I'm being "rational" today.Why are you going to sleep now? Stay up till 13:00, sleep 7 hours and PROFIT!
Sorry boss :3You... just... be quiet!gosh darn it.
I'm going to be going to bed in the middle of the afternoon tomorrow so that I can do some serious Diablo-ing. I'm not... so sure how that's going to work but it'll happen.
Screw the haters Yoshi! You're making the wait a lot more bearable and entertaining!
For someone who has NEVER played a Diablo game, would it be just wrong for me to go into D3 willy nilly? I mean not even reading the backdrop, not playing D2 (I have it), not reading a Wiki. Just BOOM, entering the world of Diablo on Tuesday for the first time ever.
Some of these posts are confusing me.
The game wont be playable for like another 30 hours correct?
Depends on your region.
Oooh, that's quick! Now enjoy the torture that we have to deal with every single weekOh I'm done. I'm all caught up. Waiting on EP7 for Season 2 now like everyone else.
I dont actively hate on these folk, so you wont see any posts from me complaining or whining, but i certainly don't envy them. I kinda view the whole "job" of playing games as an act of desperation honestly. I think people are free to do as they will but if they are going to put there faces everywhere on the internet then they better brace for the impact from the people that are gonna hate. No need to defend these guys. If they cant handle they dont belong doing it.
I don't think there's anything wrong with that guys, just be sure to visit the story backwards
later to get your minds blown lol.
Finally getting around to pre-downloading it now. Kinda weird that Amazon still hasn't charged my card for the CE. I mean, I paid for half of it with an Amazon gift card when I preordered it but, I still haven't been charged for the other half yet.
Any updates on the D2 ladder?
Yup 30 hoursUS Eastern.
Yup 30 hours
Some of these posts are confusing me.
The game wont be playable for like another 30 hours correct?
For some it's an act of desperation, for others it becomes a reasonably well paying job. And props to you for not actively hating.
What you say about them having to be able to handle the hate that's more than certainly coming their way is also true.
What is silly though is what some people seem to be doing, which is coming to a thread that's pretty much all about hype for D3 and saying that having passion for the game is lame. It's ironic how they don't realise how silly it is. I'm not defending the hardcore guys, I don't think they need defending. I'm just pointing out that coming to a hype thread to say how what some devoted players are doing makes you sad is pointless unless you're fishing for some pity.
You have reached the levels of enlightment required to see how stuff that's fun for other people isn't really fun and shouldn't be entertaining for them? Yeah, well, good for you, hope you're having fun in your 'rational' world. Don't really see how not seeing fun where others do makes your world a better place, but hey, as long as it works for you...
If someone is going 'hardcore' in a way that will have an adverse effect on his health then yeah, it could be labeled as sad. But I don't see what's so harmful about having a healthy sleeping/gaming schedule and a well thought out diet - if anything, this is what all the sweets+crisps+red bull for extended periods of time people should look up to![]()
My friends are urging me to play D2 before D3, like we have enough time lol.
Holy tits.Yup 30 hours
♥ Did you finalize your build yet?!Oh sorry I just mean't that GIF for the pro yoshi support!
lol alright, just... save me a Legendary you find in that 1 hr ;3Sorry boss :3
Oooh, that's quick! Now enjoy the torture that we have to deal with every single week![]()
Hard to tell if you are talking to me or the thread, but okay.
Was that sarcasm and a challenge?!lol alright, just... save me a Legendary you find in that 1 hr ;3
Holy tits.
♥ Did you finalize your build yet?!
Was that sarcasm and a challenge?!
But I need my Margaery-fix at least twice a month :_:Plus who needs shows when Diablo 3 hits?
Was that sarcasm and a challenge?!
But I need my Margaery-fix at least twice a month :_:
I am mentally retarded when it comes to PCs but I'm glad to see you getting all of dat sexy gear for this game! All preparation is good preparation!BTW Yoshi, partially built a new PC for this =D
750w psu
8gb ram
Just need a new monitor now as I am playing on my 36 inch TV and unfortunately it won't allow custom resolutions![]()
Don't you ever say that again. Please.She is weird looking.
Its gonna be hard on tuesday seeing all you post about playing it while im waiting till the evening to install my CE.
That reminds me! I should log on to WoW and say goodbye to my friendsHEY GUYZ Yoshi says he'll gib out free Lengendary items for everyone here woohooo HYPE chuga chuga chuga HOOOT HOOOT(whistle)