Diablo III |OT3| Turn On Elective Mode, Get an Authenticator

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Well, I guess I've finally hit the breaking point for this game.

I'm stuck in A2 Inferno with both of my characters.

Demon Hunter and Witch Doctor. It has gotten to the point where the game is not even fun anymore. It is literally impossible for me to progress. Both characters have 30k+ life and get one shotted with relative ease.

I have no luck farming goblins. I have no luck with AH, and I've pretty much been reduced to starting a new character just to rid the frustration it has caused. I really don't know what else to do.

I farmed A1 inferno for items/gold but it yields less than favorable results.

Any suggestions?


Well, I guess I've finally hit the breaking point for this game.

I'm stuck in A2 Inferno with both of my characters.

Demon Hunter and Witch Doctor. It has gotten to the point where the game is not even fun anymore. It is literally impossible for me to progress. Both characters have 30k+ life and get one shotted with relative ease.

I have no luck farming goblins. I have no luck with AH, and I've pretty much been reduced to starting a new character just to rid the frustration it has caused. I really don't know what else to do.

I farmed A1 inferno for items/gold but it yields less than favorable results.

Any suggestions?
Wait for the 1.0.3 patch where farming in act 1 will be viable?


Is that really the only thing to do? I read up on the changes they are going to make and it does seem viable, but it also seems cheap.

Well you can buy a bunch of +disc gear and run past stuff on your DH or farm up a bunch of gold for upgrades. Damage should be smoothed out with 1.03 but more importantly the improved loot tables will make farming any act a bit more viable. Lower ilvl stuff from farming Act I currently is a frustrating prospect given you need to get past the Act II hurdle for the good stuff.


Blizzard really needs to add all the item modifiers to the search criteria and fix some. I really wanted to see if I can find some +% Elemental damage gear but no way to look for any =/


Blizzard really needs to add all the item modifiers to the search criteria and fix some. I really wanted to see if I can find some +% Elemental damage gear but no way to look for any =/

The entire search shouldn't have shipped as it is. I'd like to be able to filter for whatever combination of six modifiers I want rather than having to scroll through pages of stuff with poor itemization outside of the three criteria i can list.
Since people are still posting items here and the community thread isn't very active, can someone tell me if this is any good, AH seems to think around 400K if i'm reading it right?

I still haven't seen a set or legendary yet (unless I missed a drop offscreen somewhere).

In late Act 3 of Hell now which is ~55 hours or so on the DH, with an additional ~16 hours down on a Wizard that has cleared Normal.
I'm progressing through act 2 inferno. 140 or so hours. No sets ... 2 legendary items. Both shit. One I got on act 1 normal. Level 9.

I'm excited iLvl 63 stuff will start to drop act I soon. I'm progressing through act II but can only fight about 20% of the elite packs. I have no iLvl 63 gear and farming seems like it would be slow.


Since people are still posting items here and the community thread isn't very active, can someone tell me if this is any good, AH seems to think around 400K if i'm reading it right?

Brah if you are putting it up on the AH for 400K I will buy it from you instead. Just hold it on until tomorrow so I can farm that much.

It requires a bow though...


I'm pretty happy that my monk can handily survive throughout Act 2 Inferno. I've been doing Kulle runs with random people, and it's a bit more interesting than Butcher runs. I die a few times here and there to some really hard things, but I tend to die far less than most of the other random people I play with. Unless it's a crazy combo I can usually power through. Also survived a bit in Act 3 today, so I'm happy with that, too. I'm a monk, by the way, so this means a lot

The entire search shouldn't have shipped as it is. I'd like to be able to filter for whatever combination of six modifiers I want rather than having to scroll through pages of stuff with poor itemization outside of the three criteria i can list.

Seriously, having only 3 criteria choices is crazy as hell and annoying.


Brah if you are putting it up on the AH for 400K I will buy it from you instead. Just hold it on until tomorrow so I can farm that much.

It requires a bow though...

Pretty sure the quivers work with any of the ranged weapons so unless you're a melee DH you should be fine.
The entire search shouldn't have shipped as it is. I'd like to be able to filter for whatever combination of six modifiers I want rather than having to scroll through pages of stuff with poor itemization outside of the three criteria i can list.

No, NO! The UI genius should be fired for making the item preview in a list only pop up in the 10% of the row that has the icon. My arm hurts as I lock my shoulder and elbow in place to ensure I draw a straight line down a page.

You would think with 5+ years and, what, thousands of beta testers who weren't me, someone might have brought it up ... =(


OH that's right duh... I have one with my Xbow too. That message doesn't even show up if you are playing DH.

Yeah I will take that Quiver for 400K. I will come up with the gold tomorrow.


Bought my first item from the AH. Still feels kinda wrong :( But figure I needed an upgrade for Inferno. Ah well.. perhaps I'll start using the AH meta game more now.


Guys this should probably go without saying, but if you're buying a plan for something (gem/blacksmith), make sure the person actually puts the correct item in the trading window. This goes doubly for blacksmith plans where a 4/5 prop is virtually worthless, while a 6 prop is worth a ton. Someone just tried this on me (unsuccessfully).


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Blizzard really needs to add all the item modifiers to the search criteria and fix some. I really wanted to see if I can find some +% Elemental damage gear but no way to look for any =/

I'm surprised you can't search for sockets either.
There's a new way to steal gold from people using the AH cancel exploit thing. DON'T BID ON ANY AUCTIONS! YOU CAN LOSE ALL OF YOUR GOLD!

Also you can get infinite gold with the AH cancel thing if you have a friend to work with.


Brah if you are putting it up on the AH for 400K I will buy it from you instead. Just hold it on until tomorrow so I can farm that much.

It requires a bow though...

I don't think the quiver is worth that much honestly, lacks vit and crit chance. :p


So close to a great item, just lacks speed and DPS:


Still might use it to replace my current weapon:


2K DPS loss but I do gain a big chunk of HP and some LoH


Quick question, are there any plans at all for us to access Auction House through a web browser or something? Would there be too many security issues with that?

At the very least so we can just check the status of our items but no bidding, selling, etc?


Fucking pissed that I cannot really play tonight because a rollback is clearly coming with the fucking gold steal and dupe exploit shit right now.

What? What now?

Just dont bid on anything, I wouldnt risk buying anything either and losing it in the rollback. The clock bug has opened a way to steal folks gold.

Im guessing this leaked out now because the people who discovered it was waiting on the night before the RMAH to exploit it to shit before it goes live tomorrow.


Come on, man. You don't need dupes when you find set items like you found earlier, lol.

You mean this?


Yea, this would've gone for millions

Nope. Also don't bid on anything - real easy way to have gold stolen.

What? Why? I was actually looking for an amulet and just bid on some just now. I mean, I only have a couple million but ppl can steal your money? Shit. =S

So much for always fucking online.
Dropped from the game...
Duping, lag, and complete server drop off.
Thanks for such a secure and streamlined player experience Blizz...wtf happened to you.


No, NO! The UI genius should be fired for making the item preview in a list only pop up in the 10% of the row that has the icon. My arm hurts as I lock my shoulder and elbow in place to ensure I draw a straight line down a page.

You would think with 5+ years and, what, thousands of beta testers who weren't me, someone might have brought it up ... =(
The UI genius should be super fired for allowing you to click on both the name and the item when using alt, thereby invariably causing you to pick up an exorbitant amount of crap.
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