ElzarTheBam+Thee Henery+neoism+BigShow36
Team: Alpha Cleavage.
ElzarTheBam+Thee Henery+neoism+BigShow36
Team: Alpha Cleavage.
You belong to my Team. Screw Monsterfracas.
Edit: Just saw that the team changed :s, interesting.
Okay, based on stats alone, here's what I think. Sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings, just trying to trueskill it up.
Devo: High Tier 1
Me: Mid Tier 3
TCKaos: Bottom Tier 5
Shadders: Bottom Tier 6
I dunno, looks a little underpowered to me. Based on Tier placement alone, the old team actually seemed pretty balanced to me (1+3+3+6), but perhaps I have bias. I've played with Devo and Tawpgun quite a bit so I think we could probably work well together.
Yep, just sold Reach to GameStop for $15 bucks. Feels good, man
Booties and kylej on the same team? I like it. Time to roll.
im tier 1? not sure how accurate that is... didnt see the rest of my team yet
time to get some practice in, cant disappoint lol
Team CarryWu!Louis Wu+Risen+Overheat+Tha Robbertster
let's play tonight lil Boot Eez.
a zoojoo (THEZoosJoos): Tier 6: BPR=34 K/D=.74 WP=44%/Swat
I gotta help remodel a bedroom then play all night
idk, it him saying people were elitist for thinking the BR is better to use. Maybe I'm misunderstanding him.
If you just find using close range weapons more fun, then whatever. That's fine. But if you find the effective in the grand scheme of things, I think you're talking out your ass or playing with very easy players.
You were misunderstanding me. Read my posts again. All I said is that in their proper role they are useful, I never once said that the BR was worse. I even said to go out into open areas with a short range weapon is stupid! I use the BR/DMR when I am in open areas. Why is it that nobody seems to understand what the hell I'm saying? Instead they take it upon themselves to dig up my stats and mock my playing ability.
Maybe instead of speculating on balance the captains or fracas could try organizing some test games/scrims?
I had to create this on the IPad, therefore I can't find a proper cropping tool, can someone here kindly crop the image, so that all that remains is the logo itself and not that background? Please.
Yes! Thank you.
I now rate you higher on the junior scale for this! Bottom would be OddOne of course! :P
Will Edit my original post.
Yes! Thank you.
I now rate you higher on the junior scale for this! Bottom would be OddOne of course!
Will Edit my original post.
Trey, what's your Gamertag?
Reach mlg settings are amazing. Although I don't think id mind slightly slower run speed + Sprint and zero bloom... and stopping power.
I still really hate bloom.
I have monkey on my FL, but I've played like 2 games with him. Whereas I've played loads of games with sighkoon.
But it's not like that matters anyways, we have too much eslim.
So you are in the field of thinking Bungie improved the starting weapon slot by bringing back the AR? That was such a formidable starting weapon over what you began with in Halo 2? I felt, at least with a SMG in dual wielding, I had a chance once I was able to pick up a PR or Magnum in smaller case maps (which worked fine because they were everywhere; whereas H3 you had single spikers everywhere for... what purpose?). Anyways, my chance for survival is no greater or different than if I were holding an Assault Rifle. I have seen no difference between the single SMG and an AR other than Bungie beefing up the melee damage and making the infamous AR rush melee a new identity to the Halo triangle.The SMG, Spiker, and Plasma Rifle were solid weapons in Halo 3 and the Magnum had it's place. Their usage rates only went down because of the deemphasizing of dual wielding in Halo 3. Dual wieldable weapons were useless in Halo 2 when not dual wielding (all-but-broken Plasma Pistol exempted). They weren't used because they were good weapons, they were used because the sandbox essentially forced you to match up your starting SMG with something because it was near useless on its own. Trying to balance weapons while also accommodating dual wielding was so difficult, that dual wielding has been dropped from every Halo game since 3. And this is without even touching on how badly balanced the Battle Rifle turned out to be in Halo 2.
Sprint is terrible and you should feel bad for making this post.Reach mlg settings are amazing. Although I don't think id mind slightly slower run speed + Sprint and zero bloom... and stopping power.
I still really hate bloom.
Just doing what any decent Gaffer would do.lol j10
Yes! Thank you.
I now rate you higher on the junior scale for this! Bottom would be OddOne of course!
Will Edit my original post.
Yes you are, go you. I like this one guys
Also another Dr Who fan in here is great.
TimelordGAF unite.
I would have hoped you Incorporated the real alpha cleavage:
shm Elzar.
Sprint is terrible and you should feel bad for making this post.
I looked at it, it was just way to intricate to incorporate.
789shadow+OdysseusVA+The Real Napsta+ImperialInPeril
Alright, let's go Team Weak to Bullets.
We'll sweep this tourney.
As long as no one has bullets.
Im ok with thatI'm a little sad I never had a Junior phase. Could have been fun.
Team CarryWu!
High base movement speed is just fine. Sprint only makes people run away. Really wondering how much shooting someone will slow them down in Halo 4.It is a bit too fast in reach
If it was a little slower + stopping power it'd probably be fine. So halo 4 basically.
High base movement speed is just fine. Sprint only makes people run away. Really wondering how much shooting someone will slow them down in Halo 4.
Hm, cant say I have played with any of these guys... i think.
so, no idea if this is a great team or not.
Oh and, Great Halo 3 games last night. sorry i had to leave so abruptly, had important stuff to do.
High base movement speed is just fine. Sprint only makes people run away. Really wondering how much shooting someone will slow them down in Halo 4.
I hope its a balanced amount. I want sprint to still be effective but not a pokemon red escape rope
I remember hearing it wasn't in the E3 build.Yea, it really encourages running in reach; and its easy to run with all that bloom.
Looks like there is quite a bit of stutter when you get shot from the mlg vids.
I remember hearing it wasn't in the E3 build.
Barrow your new team is fine.
I got nerfed to oblivion.