Ahh yea, right. The other issue with Diablo 3 is that the endgame is just a harder version of content people have already cleared.
Are you guys farming mostly solo or in a group?
Yep, that's a big part of it. It's pretty much the same formula as the 10 year old D2:LoD, yet somehow D2 still did it better.
There's actually a second problem: No socket.
Really important because there's lots of benefits with wizards using Critical Mass and using critical chance/damage items. You could also put a life on hit on there for certain scenarios.
I think really good wands start at:
750 dps
150+ INT
+ one of the following: Critical damage, life on hit, arcane power, IAS
Don't get me wrong, that wand would be great starting inferno. But that level of equipment seems to be so cheap on the AH at this point that I sigh and vendor/salvage it.
It also had many patches and an expansion. Give it time, Blizzard will make this game last forever as well it's in their best interest.
don't worry, easily accessible item editors will extend the late game, people will competing with PvE/PvP using those perfect items they made!![]()
Ok, I cleared all 3 levels of keep depths, then killed siegebreaker. Only got one ilvl 63 rare out of that run, and only about 14 rares total. I can fill up a page of stash with rares in half the time, with more ilvl 63 rares, and not die at all in act 2 vs. 4 deaths clearing the keep depths. 3 of those deaths were probably avoidable, lol, but still.
The only thing I have from that run that I can sell? 4 stat exalted doomcaster recipe. BLEH.
Siegebreaker is trivially easy to kill as a tank doctor, I'll give it that. Just stood and tanked him while spamming bears the entire time.
Ok, I cleared all 3 levels of keep depths, then killed siegebreaker. Only got one ilvl 63 rare out of that run, and only about 14 rares total. I can fill up a page of stash with rares in half the time, with more ilvl 63 rares, and not die at all in act 2 vs. 4 deaths clearing the keep depths. 3 of those deaths were probably avoidable, lol, but still.
The only thing I have from that run that I can sell? 4 stat exalted doomcaster recipe(45k). BLEH.
Siegebreaker is trivially easy to kill as a tank doctor, I'll give it that. Just stood and tanked him while spamming bears the entire time.
How long did that run take you? How long do your act 2 runs usually take?
Are you guys farming mostly solo or in a group?
I've tended to group up more often than not, and was wondering what others' experiences are. Act 2 mostly, since I can use the fun barb.
This is why I only farm act 1 and 2, mainly act 1 because I find it more fun than 2. The speed and ease at which you're killing more than makes up for the lower drop rate. I still get lots of ilvl 63s doing act 1.
1. Get 5 stacks in 10 mins from areas such as Festering Woods, Cemetary, Watch Tower, Leoric's Mansion.
2. Halls of Agony WP, kill Warden, kill Butcher
3. let the ilvl 63s rain down upon thee
Are you guys farming mostly solo or in a group?
I've tended to group up more often than not, and was wondering what others' experiences are. Act 2 mostly, since I can use the fun barb.
That took me around an hour I think. My act II runs are about a half hour. Basically it takes twice as long to get one quarter of the loot. I also kill 2-3 times as many elite packs in the act 2 run.
I could probably speed it up a bit by running past most of the trash until I hit elites---like I do in act 2---but there are some trash mobs in act 3 that are still fairly dangerous to me. A mob of swift skull cleavers can kill me pretty quick. I still have to kite packs of those while I can pretty much stand and tank anything else.
I want to play the auction house game, not this killing things bullshit.![]()
How many champs do you kill in half an hour in Act 2? Even when I have sprint on for 80% of my time, walking time alone eats up more than half an hour when I try to do act 2. And I use the waypoints as much as possible instead of walking when it would be faster to TP -> waypoint. Are you only doing a subset of the champs?
I want to play the auction house game, not this killing things bullshit.![]()
Anyone noticed any change in affix damage?
I haven't farmed much since the drop rate hot fix but to me it seems that desecrator is doing more damage. My LoH and resists used to let me stand in desecrator for a good while in act II whilst fighting but now it seems to be draining my health like it did in Act IV.
These worth anything?
I just found the top pair a few mins ago and the bottom I've had for a few weeks but never tried to sell because I figured most people don't even search for magic gloves, they filter it out to only rare or legendary.
I'd guess 13 to 20, it varies.
sewers - 1-2 stack everything, apply bears
cistern - 1-2 stack everything, apply bears
mines - 2-4 stack everything, apply bears
outpost - 0-1 sometimes there is an elite pack just one screen south of the waypoint, and/or the unique landshark. I check for those, do them, leave.
road to alcarnus 1-2 Across the bridge in first area of town, stack them and apply bears.
Vault of the Assassin 6-9 The elites are at the back of each cul-de-sac, just run to each, skipping the trash, then kill the elites.
I typically have VoA as my starting location so I don't have to waste any time finding it.
Most of the act 2 packs go down really quickly to bear spam. Mosquitos and constructs can take a bit longer because they tend to stay out of bear spam range unless they have teleporter/vortex, which means I have to chase them down or just slow burn them with Acid Cloud.
I wish there were 3 levels to Vault of the Assassin, I'd never go anywhere else.
Oh, and one other thing. I can do Act 1 wearing ~300 MF the entire time, can do Act 2 swapping MF suit in for final mob in elite pack, have to pretty much stick to my best dps/mitigation gear the entire time while in Act 3. Makes a big difference in the number of rares I have to show at the end of a run.
There are probably 100s of extremely similar items on the Auction House for 10k or less.
Magic items are the easiest to search for. There's absolutely no need to do out-of-game price checks for them.
I guess salvaging ilvl61+ is not worth it any more, you get more gold from the vendor then the AH after transaction fees.
Can we please stop with the price checks? You want to know how much it's worth? Put it up on the AH w/o a buyout price. That's your quickest and easiest option.
If you would also like to see the price checks stop, please do not respond to them. Where do the mods come down on this? It pollutes actual discussion and borders on spam, in my eyes. I'm all for showing off cool loot and sales for multi-bajillion gold items, but who wants to do someone else's homework for them?
But why are you happy? ;_;
I see no dex and anything, except vitality.
It actually looks like a good deal, I'm not seeing any 1hbows with ~1k dps and socket going less than 5mil.
I rolled DH and am at lvl 50 now, so I must wait and see what AH got for us@60, but when you've put it that way, then yeah, it may be a good deal.
None of the ones for that much have bids on them though. That means people aren't really buying them/don't really want them. If anything, he paid full price.
Now I feel like shit, thanks guys. That was the first time I posted a PC yet I just tanked all of the hate. I agree, they should stop. I don't even know why I posted it, was lazy and had the pics cutout already.
Now I feel like shit, thanks guys. That was the first time I posted a PC yet I just tanked all of the hate. I agree, they should stop. I don't even know why I posted it, was lazy and had the pics cutout already.
Anyone noticed any change in affix damage?
I haven't farmed much since the drop rate hot fix but to me it seems that desecrator is doing more damage. My LoH and resists used to let me stand in desecrator for a good while in act II whilst fighting but now it seems to be draining my health like it did in Act IV.
Reflect, desecrator, arcane sentry all do damage based on monster dps, so that can vary even within the actAnyone noticed any change in affix damage?
I haven't farmed much since the drop rate hot fix but to me it seems that desecrator is doing more damage. My LoH and resists used to let me stand in desecrator for a good while in act II whilst fighting but now it seems to be draining my health like it did in Act IV.
Reflect, desecrator, arcane sentry all do damage based on monster dps, so that can vary even within the act
Those are factors as well, but high dps monster definitely reflect more (as in higher %) regardless of your damage and mitigationReflect Damage should be based on your damage and mitigation.
I have never, ever seen a blue item that was worth anything except:
a) ilvl 63 weapon
b) amulet with 35% or more MF
Every other blue item I salvage without even checking the stats.
I've been regearing my monk a little bit for act III. I had to increase my DPS for Belial, and now have 19K unbuffed w/ 2.17 APS (Dual Wield).
I was using breath of heaven for the 15% increase in APS. I want to drop that for something else though. I want to be more survivable on the Elite Packs. It's either Deadly Reach > Keen Eye or, Blinding Flash > Searing Light I think.
Do you think the 50% armor increase would be more usefull than an additional "OH Shit Button"? I have 5600 buffed armor now and 750 all resist. I'm already using serenity.
*Mind Explodes*
I don't get it.