Everyone is voting for Left 4 Dead right?
IF it does go on sale, is it worth it to get both games or just the second?
2nd one IMO. Best online community plus characters and such from 1st game.
Everyone is voting for Left 4 Dead right?
IF it does go on sale, is it worth it to get both games or just the second?
Everyone is voting for Left 4 Dead right?
IF it does go on sale, is it worth it to get both games or just the second?
Just get the 2nd one.
2nd one IMO. Best online community plus characters and such from 1st game.
The second one has the maps from the first game included.
So whats the call on Two worlds 2? Good game or wait for lower price?
So whats the call on Two worlds 2? Good game or wait for lower price?
Does anyone other than Dennis recommend Two Worlds 2?
The second one.
Everyone post their hauls so far!
Serious Sam 3+Deluxe Upgrade
3 Crusader Kings II DLC
Saints Row 3+1 DLC gifted to me
Alan Wake CE+American Nightmare (already had the base game)
Renegade Ops+DLC
Two Worlds II+DLC
Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition (gifted to me)
Any chance that Civ5: Gods and Kings will be part of this sale?
I really hope L4D2 gets it. We need a strong GAF group on this one.
My problem with 3 is that it was developed with the xbox limitations in mind. Meaning the city hub turned out to be several small zones (with frequent loadings), the levels were far smaller than previous games, and no rope arrow from the top of my head.3 is the best game. Most modern and least janky of all of them. Also by far the best atmosphere.
Missed a flash sale during my sleep. It begins.Yep. I wasn't sure if I should of picked it up after reading everyone's thoughts in this thread. Probably should of now :/
I'll let you know in 6monthsDoes anyone other than Dennis recommend Two Worlds 2?
Yay or Nay?
After this all I'm looking for is Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition. And I'm done pretty much.
Yay or Nay?
After this all I'm looking for is Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition. And I'm done pretty much.
Yay or Nay?
After this all I'm looking for is Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition. And I'm done pretty much.
Are Ys Oath and Origins independent stories? I'm trying to decide which one to play first
Well now i have to buy Renegade Ops, even though i can get it for free from PSN.
Damn you GAF.
Are Ys Oath and Origins independent stories? I'm trying to decide which one to play first
Don't fucking buy bunch of heroes.
Bunch of heroes is horrible. Forget about the price it's just shit.
I see nothing interesting in that list. Dead Island is pretty good but I don't know about the DLC. From Dust is supposedly a shitty shitty port. Two Worlds 2 is meant to be a crappy game is it not? Frozen Synapse I played for 20 minutes and forgot about. No idea what Bunch of Heroes is.
I would save your money for another surprise.
Thanks to the genoristy of Chaosblade, I am going to pay it forward.
I will be buying a 4 pack (U.S.) of Renegade Ops in the next few minutes. First 3 people to PM me...let's see..what I can ask for.
1. The name of all 4 Members of U2?
2. The Album Title of the U2 Album that has a Tree in it's name?
3. The name of the U2 album that has a german word as the first word of the album title?
4. Which Fruit (Yes, Fruit) Did U2 Emerge out of during the POP Mart Tour?
Yes it is a goofy thing to ask, but giving away free games and asking for something goofy to do to get them is all in the fun of it.
First 4 users to PM the correct answers get's a copy of Renegade Ops.
Frozen Synapse I played for 20 minutes and forgot about.
The second one.
Everyone post their hauls so far!
Serious Sam 3+Deluxe Upgrade
3 Crusader Kings II DLC
Saints Row 3+1 DLC gifted to me
Alan Wake CE+American Nightmare (already had the base game)
Renegade Ops+DLC
Two Worlds II+DLC
Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition (gifted to me)
Why not? That bad?
I swear I saw people say it was good? How bad is it?
Hmmm, alright time to refine it.
I feel like I shot myself in the foot. The activation for Two Worlds II is such a pain in the ass if it works to begin with.
To each their own. Not my type of game.I have played FS for more than 30 hours. Come on!
Anyone else? Only 2 PM's so far and 1 out the 2 had all questions correct.
Why not? That bad?
I swear I saw people say it was good? How bad is it?
Hmmm, alright time to refine it.
Let's be honest here, people don't like Bunch of Hero's because of one infamous Christmas Achievement. I am pretty sure anyone else who plays this game normally will like it.
I am pretty sure anyone else who plays this game normally will like it.
If I buy the Indie Bundle, will I receive gift copies of games I already own or will I just get nothing for the ones I already have?
A hidden gem in the steam sale some people may not know about is PayDay: The Heist. Just got this yesterday for 5 bucks (still on sale) and I have been playing it alot! HIGHLIGHT OF MY STEAM PURCHASES SO FAR.
I see nothing interesting in that list. Dead Island is pretty good but I don't know about the DLC. From Dust is supposedly a shitty shitty port. Two Worlds 2 is meant to be a crappy game is it not? Frozen Synapse I played for 20 minutes and forgot about. No idea what Bunch of Heroes is.
I would save your money for another surprise.