Rin doesn't deserve colour. Nod.
They all deserve color but the right ones are colored at least
Rin doesn't deserve colour. Nod.
There's also a fair bit philosophical stuff but it's been ages since I last saw it outside of sakuga compilations up in the net. :<I bet there's a lot of CG in it! lol
(So random action scenes then?Although I suppose Universal Soldier was a sequel to Blade Runner, so why not.)
Ghost in the Shell
And as much as I like the world and the ideas, I can't imagine how they could drag this out to a 52 episode anime series. I'm not even sure that I'd want to check out the sequel because where else can you go after that ending?
Rin doesn't deserve colour. Nod.
Just a cute New Years episode. There's not much else to be said about this episode. Besides being much better than the previous episode.![]()
There's no such thing as too much to drink!
I wonder what they're implying here...
There's also a fair bit philosophical stuff but it's been ages since I last saw it outside of sakuga compilations up in the net. :<
Oh and there's CG used but I don't really remember it getting in the way of just how fantastic the movie looks.
I thought Innocence was an excellent film but it might share of the issues that you had with the first film. As much as I loved the film, the dialogue wore pretty thin after a while. Even so I think it's definitely worth watching even from just an artistic and atmospheric stand-point.
Also, it's one of the only anime films where I think the use of CG worked great.
Rin doesn't deserve colour. Nod.
Glad you enjoyed it! I have the same issue with it that you brought up: exposition dumps. It's unfortunate that much of it is necessary to properly flesh out the concepts and information to the point where it's worth examining, but I didn't mind it too much. It's clunky, but it's a nice departure from other movies/ovas that don't bother explaining anything within a reasonable amount to the viewer. Having seen the Stand Alone Complex series 1 before ever watching the movie definitely softened the blow for understanding jargon and how some elements operated in the world.Ghost in the Shell
And as much as I like the world and the ideas, I can't imagine how they could drag this out to a 52 episode anime series. I'm not even sure that I'd want to check out the sequel because where else can you go after that ending?
I'm not sure if I could recommend it with great enthusiasm.I hope this gets a good answer because that's one reason I'd been tentative about finally getting around to the sequel.
This grated too as there was apparently some sort of rainbow filter in effect that was just straight ugly. I don't remember it being used all that much if at all in the first (which in turn is an indictment of the first since I watched it this week and can't remember shit) but it just turned everything ugly. I assumed it's use would be confined to the setting it was first used in but nope!
Kanokon: The Girl Who Cried Fox 6
Just a cute New Years episode. There's not much else to be said about this episode. Besides being much better than the previous episode.
This mirrored shot is also used in Angel's Egg and, iirc, some promo art for Beautiful Dreamer (though I don't remember it actually being used in the movie.)
Oshii doesn't give a shit about plot, so, Innocence is much more about a deeper exploration of the themes brought up in the original. It's very different from and independent of the original, for better or worse. It's also fucking amazing - you should see it for the mansion scene alone, one of the best of his career imo. I think these movies do the Blade Runner thing ('what does it mean to be human' in a world where artificial people exist...or whatever) way better and more thoroughly/thoughtfully than Blade Runner.
I'm not sure if I could recommend it with great enthusiasm.
On one hand, it has some really great visuals and tone, but the amount of never-ending philosophical nonsense spewed by every character throughout the movie is difficult to weather. It felt much more like it was meant to be a novel instead of a film. That said, if you like Batou and wouldn't mind spending a little more time in the GitS universe, I think it would be worth investigating. Just be prepared for a much slower and tedious film than the first one.
Gundam Wing 5
I wish we would stop focusing on Relena so much. Shes dull and gets in the way. Sure Dr. J told her things to develop Heero, but his development could have come from so many other areas. Actually, I don't even see what her significance in the plot is anymore beyond providing an entertaining scenegrabbing the purse bomb the lady left and then taking it back to her, made me laugh so much for some reason, lol
Trowa should have stayed with Quatre, though its nice Quatre got attached to him so quickly. And Heero and Duo still provide tons of laughs.as if he'd shoot at him, Duo should know better by now
Don't worry she gets much less annoying later.I've started watching this as well. Relena is annoying as hell.
Don't worry she gets much less annoying later.
Pokemon B/W Rival Destinies 23
She's really into muscles.
The fights weren't that bad. No wtf moves or anything really like that. There's just a lot of Pokemon muscle porn going on here.
You can't beat that scene when it comes to deep-throating food.Banana.
Banana banana banana.
The mirrored image is such a simple but effective technique when it comes to introspection. It's probably why twins are a go to image/trope as well.This mirrored shot is also used in Angel's Egg and, iirc, some promo art for Beautiful Dreamer (though I don't remember it actually being used in the movie.)
Oshii doesn't give a shit about plot, so, Innocence is much more about a deeper exploration of the themes brought up in the original. It's very different from and independent of the original, for better or worse. It's also fucking amazing - you should see it for the mansion scene alone, one of the best of his career imo. I think these movies do the Blade Runner thing ('what does it mean to be human' in a world where artificial people exist...or whatever) way better and more thoroughly/thoughtfully than Blade Runner.
Yeah, there are just times when you just see it coming and it slows the film to a crawl. It just seems like the film could have been tighter if it trusted the audience a bit more.Glad you enjoyed it! I have the same issue with it that you brought up: exposition dumps. It's unfortunate that much of it is necessary to properly flesh out the concepts and information to the point where it's worth examining, but I didn't mind it too much. It's clunky, but it's a nice departure from other movies/ovas that don't bother explaining anything within a reasonable amount to the viewer. Having seen the Stand Alone Complex series 1 before ever watching the movie definitely softened the blow for understanding jargon and how some elements operated in the world.
I'm not sure if I could recommend it with great enthusiasm.
On one hand, it has some really great visuals and tone, but the amount of never-ending philosophical nonsense spewed by every character throughout the movie is difficult to weather. It felt much more like it was meant to be a novel instead of a film. That said, if you like Batou and wouldn't mind spending a little more time in the GitS universe, I think it would be worth investigating. Just be prepared for a much slower and tedious film than the first one.
The two seasons of Stand Alone are their own separate stories from the film, and they are pretty good. I much prefer the first season's overarching plot, but the second had some good episodes that looked at teammates on an individual level. However, I felt the second season's overarching plot was far weaker in comparison to the first.
Am i really the only one that likes Rin? Maybe it's her hair.....
Go ahead man, be a rebel.
I dare you.
Am i really the only one that likes Rin? Maybe it's her hair.....
Everybody likes Rin's zettai ryouiki.
Noooo! There are too few watching it as is!Dropped Eureka Seven:AO, Muv Luv, and Tari Tari.
Summer has been very disappointing, I can't get into Eureka Sevenever since Naru NTR'd Ao, I just can't like it.
Noooo! There are too few watching it as is!
Can't believe people stopped watching taritari.
It got cute insects
And undulation
That is anime in a nutshell right?
You know how you started with a remark about how scifi has changed? That's the distinction between the movie and TV right there.So, the anime does its own thing... but it doesn't even touch on the Major's metaphysical identity issues?
I keep forgetting to start this one. I really need to fix that... >>;
Believe.I'm in until the end. Our faith will be rewarded when it finally turns into anime of the season.
Kokoro Connect 4
More light drama, and Inaba reconfirms herself as the best character. I'm enjoying this show more than I thought I would.
Kanokon: The Girl Who Cried Fox 6
I wonder what they're implying here....
I just assumed they'd be similar, being based on the same source material and all... but that makes sense. lolYou know how you started with a remark about how scifi has changed? That's the distinction between the movie and TV right there.
Saw a lot of comments about this in this thread so I decided to give it a try. Got past most of the "awkward" moments but then I got to the mid-point of episode 6. I'm gonna get put on some kind of list for watching this aren't I?
Saw a lot of comments about this in this thread so I decided to give it a try. Got past most of the "awkward" moments but then I got to the mid-point of episode 6. I'm gonna get put on some kind of list for watching this aren't I?
Can't believe people stopped watching taritari.
It got cute insects
And undulation
That is anime in a nutshell right?
Kokoro Connect 4 and Sword Art Online 4 have turned into white knight shows. Does Kokoro Connect get a free pass because it has a character who is genre savvy, or is it even worse because?she falls for him anyway
Sigh, anime.
Uhhh pretty sure wet pussies are NSFW, dude.
SAO is hopeless! Kokoro?I think more drama will complicate stuff and keep the guy from having the girls entirely falling for him. That trust was formed on shaky grounds and it'll take just one uncomfortable event or untimely body switch to blow it!
It's just weird that in Kokoro, the guy has basicallySAO is hopeless! Kokoro?I think more drama will complicate stuff and keep the guy from having the girls entirely falling for him. That trust was formed on shaky grounds and it'll take just one uncomfortable event or untimely body switch to blow it!
It's pretty hopeless man. lolWait what? How is SAO hopeless?
What if the end reveals that everything was in Kirito's head as he dies from sleep deprivation and dehydration from playing an MMO for several days straight? And then a middle aged Japanese woman comes out and stares disapprovingly at the viewer while shaking her head?It's pretty hopeless man. lol
It's just weird that in Kokoro, the guy has basically.built up a harem, but they have - at least up until now - avoided having him deal with the only other guy in the group in any serious/meaningful manner
It's pretty hopeless man. lol
Kokoro Connect 4 and Sword Art Online 4 have turned into white knight shows. Does Kokoro Connect get a free pass because it has a character who is genre savvy, or is it even worse because?she falls for him anyway
Sigh, anime.
(I suppose a White Knight Chronicles joke is required here?)
What if the end reveals that everything was in Kirito's head as he dies from sleep deprivation and dehydration from playing an MMO for several days straight? And then a middle aged Japanese woman comes out and stares disapprovingly at the viewer while shaking her head?
First gif is awesome. THe second? Not so much...