A mother will do anything to protect her kid -- just ask former "Shark Tank" winner Shelly Ehler ... who's picking a fight with a 6'5", 239-pound WWE star after he made her 8-year-old cry.
Ehler -- who scored a $75k investment on "Tank" for her ShoNo towels -- has a serious beef with Alberto Del Rio ... who snatched her son's handmade sign during a WWE event in Anaheim, CA this weekend ... and RIPPED IT UP (or at least tried to).
In the video (above) Del Rio isn't quite strong enough to rip the sign in half (it is cardboard) ... so he takes off small, pathetic, chunks instead.
FYI -- it's standard practice for the wrestlers to interact with audience members "in character." In this case, the sign was pro-Sheamus ... the wrestling arch-nemesis of Del Rio.
But TMZ spoke to Shelly, who says her 8-year-old was terrified by the wrestler's actions and instantly burst into tears. She adds, "Del Rio is a bully. I looked at him and said 'he's crying' ... and he mocked him."
Shelly -- who says her 8-year-old cried all the all way home -- vented her frustrations to the wrestler on Twitter and then fired off a an angry letter to the WWE.
In the letter she says, "Take signs from adults NOT KIDS! My son was bullied by your superstars and it is not okay."
Despite her demands, Shelly claims she's heard crickets from Del Rio -- but his manager tweeted her back and said, "lol blah blah blah."
FYI -- as soon as Shelly contacted Sheamus about the incident ... he immediately offered to send her son a signed photo and meet with him next time he's in town.
Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2012/10/09/wwe-a...s-shark-tank-son-cried-apology/#ixzz28nFncR53
SO impressive. I do think he'll need to come up with a new gimmick soon, though. The "No/Yes" thing is already starting to feel a little stale. "I'm the tag team champions" is pretty great, but he can only ride that horse for a little while as well.
My already mentioned idea of a ridiculously large security group surrounding him at all times. I'm talking like 30 people deep.
Bring back the Russo Pope Mobile.
Deliver all promos from the Pope Mobile that is slowly circling the ring, allowing fans the opportunity to throw booze bottles and cigarettes at it.
Combining both the Pope Mobile and ridiculously large security group.
Doing all promos Via Satellite...but making sure it is known he's in the arena.
Doing all promos Via Satellite inside a Pope Mobile surrounded by 30 security guards.
I remember on Raw last week (maybe it was Smackdown) Punk ripped up a kids sign and the kid looked like the happiest guy on earth.
And two weeks ago, Punk was interacting with those two kids. He was "fake" giving them high fives. I would be so pumped if a wrestler did that... but then again I can see how a child could think that the wrestler was picking on them or something.
None of this would have been an issue 20-30 years ago. THERE I SAID IT!
I remember on Raw last week (maybe it was Smackdown) Punk ripped up a kids sign and the kid looked like the happiest guy on earth.
Timing is perfect for what? How is full force punching a fan in the face twice while not even on camera perfect? I fail to see why this would make any sense whatsoever to be a work. Talent and fans physically striking each other is never a good thing except in Japan. That's something that never, ever is encouraged or acceptable in US wrestling, especially WWE. When it is an angle, it is pretty obvious it is an angle. IE, by being the focal point of cameras and talked about by announcers.
- Punk running through the crowd .. why is the most dangerous person on the roster running through the crowd?
A mother will do anything to protect her kid -- just ask former "Shark Tank" winner Shelly Ehler ... who's picking a fight with a 6'5", 239-pound WWE star after he made her 8-year-old cry.
Ehler -- who scored a $75k investment on "Tank" for her ShoNo towels -- has a serious beef with Alberto Del Rio ... who snatched her son's handmade sign during a WWE event in Anaheim, CA this weekend ... and RIPPED IT UP (or at least tried to).
In the video (above) Del Rio isn't quite strong enough to rip the sign in half (it is cardboard) ... so he takes off small, pathetic, chunks instead.
FYI -- it's standard practice for the wrestlers to interact with audience members "in character." In this case, the sign was pro-Sheamus ... the wrestling arch-nemesis of Del Rio.
But TMZ spoke to Shelly, who says her 8-year-old was terrified by the wrestler's actions and instantly burst into tears. She adds, "Del Rio is a bully. I looked at him and said 'he's crying' ... and he mocked him."
Shelly -- who says her 8-year-old cried all the all way home -- vented her frustrations to the wrestler on Twitter and then fired off a an angry letter to the WWE.
In the letter she says, "Take signs from adults NOT KIDS! My son was bullied by your superstars and it is not okay."
Despite her demands, Shelly claims she's heard crickets from Del Rio -- but his manager tweeted her back and said, "lol blah blah blah."
FYI -- as soon as Shelly contacted Sheamus about the incident ... he immediately offered to send her son a signed photo and meet with him next time he's in town.
Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2012/10/09/wwe-al...#ixzz28nFncR53
Sounds like the NJPW PPV was pretty awesome, may have to check it out.
Best part of RAW (other than JBL's commentary) was Punk screaming "WHAT A MANOEUVRE!" in Vince's face.
- Where is Ambrose? It's obvious that fans are getting tired of stale characters. Chop the roster and get new blood in there....
- Where is Ambrose? It's obvious that fans are getting tired of stale characters. Chop the roster and get new blood in there....
Yeah a guy in a Lenar shirt appears to push Punk twice and then the bald guy with the glasses hits him in the back of the head on accident. Just a bad situation all around. I guarantee they will ban guys going into the audience now. With that said, the guy in the Lesnar shirt deserved to get his ass knocked out
Hm, this is surprising:
Rounding. Clearly the vote isn't tied but rounding both numbers still gives you 50%. Could easily be 50.4% to 49.6% but we'd have no way of knowing.Clearly, there's an odd number of votes, how can it be tied?
Clearly, there's an odd numbeer of votes, how can it be tied?
So it was the bald fucker AND some jakass in a grey t-shirt. can you imagine how fucked it would have been if he fell down those stairs?
Edit: Apparently this is the lesnar kid: https://twitter.com\hn
Rewatching the Punk/Vince parts of Raw again.
Those two together are gold.
The likes of RAW:
- Ryback did not Shellshock Punk. No need to. Have people pay to see it
- Punk's feud with Vince and eventual feud with Austin (planting seeds now)
- Ryback in the mix for Hell in the Cell. WWE has a contingency if Cena can't perform. If Ryback is in the match, I will buy. If anything .. I want to see him go for more than 10 minutes. It's still probably going to be Cena since I don't see Punk going over Ryback this early
- Antonio Cesaro .. money. He needs a legit feud
- Good to keep the Prime Time Players chasing .. they looked good in the lose. It will make their eventual win all the more important
- Punk and Bryan are just awesome together. That line by Kane calling Larry King Skeletor made me spit up my water. Speaking of which, I though Larry King was a good sport about it .. I smell Kofi push!
- seems AJ is being dialed back .. I think that's a good thing. No need for over exposure
The dislikes of RAW:
- Where is Ambrose? It's obvious that fans are getting tired of stale characters. Chop the roster and get new blood in there....
- So what's the state of the WWE Vince?
- Seems Kaitlyn can wrestle .. but what's her personality. No building of her character makes the match with Eve a little flat
- Punk running through the crowd .. why is the most dangerous person on the roster running through the crowd?
Can we talk Cena for a second btw? Because God he was awful last night in the opening promo. And what was up with him randomly asking AJ out? Was I missing some US inside joke about that burger joint (in and out or something)?
Also, did Cena get an arm tattoo? Goodbye boy scout image.
That was medical tape.