Fitness |OT4| Squat Booty, Summer Cuts, and Super Swoletrophy

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Up seven pounds in eight weeks. Could be better, could be worse. Lifts are constant or improving, so I'm happy. I've been getting 4,000ish calories a day, I'm still fasting 14-16 hours a day, and I'm sleeping 8-10 hours every night. Only downside is eating that much in such a short period puts me off from yoga in the evenings. If I'm too stuffed I don't want to do shit.


Up seven pounds in eight weeks. Could be better, could be worse. Lifts are constant or improving, so I'm happy. I've been getting 4,000ish calories a day, I'm still fasting 14-16 hours a day, and I'm sleeping 8-10 hours every night. Only downside is eating that much in such a short period puts me off from yoga in the evenings. If I'm too stuffed I don't want to do shit.

That's probably about perfect progress to be honest. Much more than that would mostly be fat. Good job man.


Attempted 365x5 on Deadlifts today.

My grip completely and utterly failed after the 4th rep. Had to wait for about 30 seconds and then did a single. I think I need me some straps at this point.


Up seven pounds in eight weeks. Could be better, could be worse. Lifts are constant or improving, so I'm happy. I've been getting 4,000ish calories a day, I'm still fasting 14-16 hours a day, and I'm sleeping 8-10 hours every night. Only downside is eating that much in such a short period puts me off from yoga in the evenings. If I'm too stuffed I don't want to do shit.
Why are you putting your body through fasting like that and then gorging on huge meals?


Up seven pounds in eight weeks. Could be better, could be worse. Lifts are constant or improving, so I'm happy. I've been getting 4,000ish calories a day, I'm still fasting 14-16 hours a day, and I'm sleeping 8-10 hours every night. Only downside is eating that much in such a short period puts me off from yoga in the evenings. If I'm too stuffed I don't want to do shit.

4000 calories? 10 hours of sleep?

Where is this fantasy land so I can join the club hahaha :p


Ok. Well I guess that means its the smart choice.

LOL. To offer a bit more explanation, and I'm sure MJ can explain himself better than I, but intermittent fasting to bulk will let you put on weight with less fat gain than traditional bulking. I'm not saying you'll gain as many pounds over time but you'll gain less fat. So the trade off becomes this:

A. Eating a fuck ton in a 4-8 hour period and fast the rest of the day while getting all required Macros in or
B. Eating a fuck ton throughout the day while getting all the required macros you need.

A gets you less fat, but maybe less bulk, if you care about that. B gets you more overall weight but you'll probably have a bit more of a cut, if you care about that, on your hands at the end of the game. This, however, is an INCREDIBLY simplistic look at it.


Brian Burke punched my mom
10 hours of sleep?

Where is this fantasy land so I can join the club hahaha :p

I figured that there's 24 hours in a day. You sleep 6 hours and have 18 hours left. Now I know there are some of you out there that say well, wait a minute, I sleep 8 or 9 hours. Well then just sleep faster I would recommend.

- Austrian Oak


You could try googling the negative side effects of Intermittent Fasting before simply presuming that there are.
I have no doubts there are people out there who believe what your saying, but fasting for 14-16 hours and then gorging on large meals puts stress on your organs like your pancrease and your liver. I'm not sure how you could say that's not a true statement.


I have no doubts there are people out there who believe what your saying, but fasting for 14-16 hours and then gorging on large meals puts stress on your organs like your pancrease and your liver. I'm not sure how you could say that's not a true statement.

There are some issues with stress, indeed. However, if the diet is solid, there's not a ton of stress going on in ones life, and the individual is getting 8-10 hours of sleep, it's not that much of a concern.

It does required dedication, in a different way, than your standard bulking style.


Didn't Arnold sleep crazy amounts in his prime? Just go out an nap between workouts on a California beach. Not a bad life.
Haven't really posted back pics and with everyone else doing them, why not.


Mine stick out the back of my shirts now, pretty substantially. People tend to ask how I've balanced my chest/back, and that means a shit ton to me since I have a barrel chest.


ORAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I'M COMING FOR YOU FOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ok. Well I guess that means its the smart choice.

So eating 6 small meals through out the day is that much smarter? ok.

seriously though, I think you're seriously overestimating whatever stress the body may under go. I have a 6 hour eating window, plenty of time to get in my calories. And if for whatever reason I need more calories/time, then I just adjust my hours accordingly.


Time to go under the critical eye of Fitness-GAF.



Started 5/3/1 nine months ago. Wish I could find a decent before shot, but I was hovering at the low 170s (had lost a lot of weight after my dad died). As of this picture I am sitting at 198 (5'10-11"). Still not at the Wufei ideal, but at the very least I hope to best FallingEdge (I keed).


Time to go under the critical eye of Fitness-GAF.[IMG]

Started 5/3/1 nine months ago. Wish I could find a decent before shot, but I was hovering at in the low 170s (had lost a lot of weight after my dad died). As of this picture I am sitting at 198 (5'10-11"). Still not at the Wufei ideal, but at the very least I hope to best FallingEdge (I keed).[/QUOTE]

Looking great, mang!

What's your numbers on your lifts?


fasting for 14-16 hours and then gorging on large meals puts stress on your organs like your pancrease and your liver. I'm not sure how you could say that's not a true statement.

I'd very much like to see some proof for this statement if you can find any..


from looking at the page on IF and googling, it seems like the majority of people try to use it to lose weight.

i guess i look at this stuff from a health standpoint and not a fitness standpoint and health is not really the point of this thread.

Neither of these is correct to reference here. These conditions refer to fasting for 2-3 days or more at a time, not 16 hours a day. The human body wasn't designed to be constantly fed, thanks to our ancestors not always having food available. Neither of these negative effects is something that occurs with less than a day of fasting, and if you read your own links fully you'd see that.

IF has numerous benefits, especially when it comes to insulin resistance and such.


Neither of these is correct to reference here. These conditions refer to fasting for 2-3 days or more at a time, not 16 hours a day. The human body wasn't designed to be constantly fed, thanks to our ancestors not always having food available. Neither of these negative effects is something that occurs with less than a day of fasting, and if you read your own links fully you'd see that.

but you're doing it




but you're doing it



Yes, but it's not a continuous fast, you're eating every 16 hours, breaking the fast, avoiding any of the effects you linked to. Those fasts don't add up into one big fast. The constant availability of food to eat all day long is a very modern concept, and it's not what we were designed for anyways.


Leangains style fasting didn't work for me. My body temperature was ridiculously low in the mornings and I started to feel cranky and depressed all the time. It was pretty bad.

I fixed it by following the 'bulletproof' intermittent fasting protocol instead. My body recomp and fat loss seems to be about the same amount as when I was doing Leangains and my strength gains have increased, but I don't experience the crippling brain fog or the lack of energy that I was feeling with Leangains.

With bulletproof IF, you drink two mugs of coffee with 30g of butter and a tabletspoon of MCT oil added to it when you first wake up in the morning. My six hour eating period is from 2pm til 8pm, so I don't eat again until 2. I workout about 1230 on workout days.

I stick to the Leangains style carb cycling and macros except with the coffee in the morning.

I know a lot of people don't experience lethargy or brain fog on Leangains, which is awesome, but if you do, bulletproof IF is a really great alternative. The bulletproofexec site seems like a complete scam but, surprisingly, the stuff he recommends actually works really well.


Yes, but it's not a continuous fast, you're eating every 16 hours, breaking the fast, avoiding any of the effects you linked to. Those fasts don't add up into one big fast. The constant availability of food to eat all day long is a very modern concept, and it's not what we were designed for anyways.

your body is smart and will adjust to what you are putting it through. you're saying its possible to trick it to get only the positives of a fast and avoid the negatives every single day.


from looking at the page on IF and googling, it seems like the majority of people try to use it to lose weight.

i guess i look at this stuff from a health standpoint and not a fitness standpoint and health is not really the point of this thread.

Well, many of the benefits of if seem to be related to caloric restriction; being skinny is healthy, whether you eat less during the day or just skip periods of eating. I'd have to wonder about the digestive efficiency of eating 4k calories in a couple of hours; seems like you'd be pooping some of it out. This might be a way of limiting your calories? That would explain the assertion that people who use if gain less weight but less fat.

Deleted member 12837

Unconfirmed Member
your body is smart and will adjust to what you are putting it through. you're saying its possible to trick it to get only the positives of a fast and avoid the negatives every single day.

Instead of naysaying IF, why don't you post some research that contradicts it? Martin heavily cites medical journal articles, etc in all of his posts and has years of personal and client experience.

What negative effects of short-term fasting are there?
How do you know that the body "is smart and will adjust" to IF?
but you're doing it



Do you really think cavemen ate 6-7 small meals a day? Any time they wanted to eat they had to hunt or forage for it, not just open their fridge.

Realistically they probably went days without eating. The body adapts.

We will never fully understand the human body, because anytime we think we know exactly how it works, it changes and does something new that we didn't think it was capable of.


Instead of naysaying IF, why don't you post some research that contradicts it? Martin heavily cites medical journal articles, etc in all of his posts and has years of personal and client experience.

What negative effects of short-term fasting are there?
How do you know that the body "is smart and will adjust" to IF?

That's what people say when they are talking out of their ass.


That's what people say when they are talking out of their ass.

This. I'm all done dealing with the ignorance. I'm not even an IF practitioner, as people here know I can't thanks to diabetes, I simply follow the science, and the research shows that you can get the benefits without the negatives because the negatives come from days and days of fasting, while the positives can occur within a much shorter timeframe.
Instead of naysaying IF, why don't you post some research that contradicts it? Martin heavily cites medical journal articles, etc in all of his posts and has years of personal and client experience.

What negative effects of short-term fasting are there?
How do you know that the body "is smart and will adjust" to IF?
Having tried IF myself, I can say it isn't sure-fire for everyone. My metabolism actually adjusted, and l had minimal losses.

The multiple spread of small meals yields way better results for me.


Time to go under the critical eye of Fitness-GAF.



Started 5/3/1 nine months ago. Wish I could find a decent before shot, but I was hovering at the low 170s (had lost a lot of weight after my dad died). As of this picture I am sitting at 198 (5'10-11"). Still not at the Wufei ideal, but at the very least I hope to best FallingEdge (I keed).

lol I always though you were the person on your avatar lol.
Yeah I'm open to that, I was just listing the things that are important for me. My legs have always been a strong point as I used to run a lot, but I'd be happy to take on a full-body routine.

All you have to do is add squats to your routine and it'll at least help keep you a more balanced (muscularly) individual. The legs are a very large muscle group to ignore!


All you have to do is add squats to your routine and it'll at least help keep you a more balanced (muscularly) individual. The legs are a very large muscle group to ignore!

I'm not sure why people think running gives them strong legs so they can ignore them when it comes to weight training. So silly.
Y'all talkin' 'bout some trapezius muscles?


(I think the one on the right looks a bit smaller in this picture, but they're actually the same size in person; I was at an angle when I took the photo and didn't notice until I put it on my computer)

Deleted member 12837

Unconfirmed Member
Having tried IF myself, I can say it isn't sure-fire for everyone. My metabolism actually adjusted, and l had minimal losses.

The multiple spread of small meals yields way better results for me.

Of course it won't work for everyone. Nothing out there really does, the human body is far too complex for there to be a cure-all method for nutrition.

However, I was more addressing the attacks on IF, and that it will negatively affect one's health. Not it's relative effectiveness.

Out of curiosity (I'm not doubting your anecdote or conviction), which IF protocol did you try, how closely/strictly did you follow, and for how long?

Y'all talkin' 'bout some trapezius muscles?

(I think the one on the right looks a bit smaller in this picture, but they're actually the same size in person; I was at an angle when I took the photo and didn't notice until I put it on my computer)


My traps suck so much. I need to start working on them more.

My traps suck so much. I need to start working on them more.

To be fair, I sort of have some weird genetics. My chin doesn't start until just above the grey circle; if you imagine my traps not being there, I would have a really, REALLY long neck; my collar bones are relatively low-set and they also run completely parallel to the ground (many people have "V-shaped" collarbones). Basically, I've always had some pretty large traps even as a little kid and I think it's due to how weird my neck and collar bone are.

All I do that specifically targets my traps are dumbbell shrugs at 3x8x90lbs twice a week; I see plenty of guys lifting more than that with smaller traps, so I just attribute it to some genetic luck on my part.
Time to go under the critical eye of Fitness-GAF.



Started 5/3/1 nine months ago. Wish I could find a decent before shot, but I was hovering at the low 170s (had lost a lot of weight after my dad died). As of this picture I am sitting at 198 (5'10-11"). Still not at the Wufei ideal, but at the very least I hope to best FallingEdge (I keed).

looking great dood. I say you already got me beat. Time to add another one to the list. It is depressing how much better you guys are than me.


Also, your av != your pics. Just made me laugh lol.

Y'all talkin' 'bout some trapezius muscles?


(I think the one on the right looks a bit smaller in this picture, but they're actually the same size in person; I was at an angle when I took the photo and didn't notice until I put it on my computer)

Nice nice nice. +1 list. Reason: Man Traps

Also, you guys need to post your pics in the show yourself thread more so I'm not the ony shirtless asshole in that thread.


lol I always though you were the person on your avatar lol.

I only wish I looked as good as Leung.

looking great dood. I say you already got me beat. Time to add another one to the list. It is depressing how much better you guys are than me.


Also, your av != your pics. Just made me laugh lol.

Today's my squat day too, starting cycle 10.

I'm throwing out the challenge.


4000 calories? 10 hours of sleep?

Where is this fantasy land so I can join the club hahaha :p
It's called paternity leave, so I suppose you have to be prepared for the 18+ year investment that comes afterwards, lol. I'm having fun so far.

To offer a bit more explanation, and I'm sure MJ can explain himself better than I, but intermittent fasting to bulk will let you put on weight with less fat gain than traditional bulking.
No, you explained it about how I would.

grumble said:
I'd have to wonder about the digestive efficiency of eating 4k calories in a couple of hours;
That's a study I would be interested in. I believe Tim Ferriss measured his excrement in a section of his book on binging and keeping fat off simultaneously. A full-fledged study could be interesting (imagine the hordes of copycats who don't follow the protocol and end up ballooning into sumo wrestlers
- not to disparage sumo wrestlers or anything, they're pretty awesome


I transitioned from Texas Method to GSLP about 2 weeks ago because I figured I'm not quite ready for intermediate yet and that I might still eek a few gains off a linear progression.

So far I'm really liking it. I think it's great for anyone who has been on Starting Stength for 5-8 months as a sort of advanced novice program, specially after stalling a couple of times on squats. Going for AMRAP in that last set is really fun and makes resets feel less like a failure and more like an opportunity to break Rep PRs.

Also: I'm loving that I don't have to squat and deadlift the same day. In the Texas Method you either deadlift on Monday (Volume day) or Friday (intensity day) and it's always pretty daunting.


I transitioned from Texas Method to GSLP about 2 weeks ago because I figured I'm not quite ready for intermediate yet and that I might still eek a few gains off a linear progression.

So far I'm really liking it. I think it's great for anyone who has been on Starting Stength for 5-8 months as a sort of advanced novice program, specially after stalling a couple of times on squats. Going for AMRAP in that last set is really fun and makes resets feel less like a failure and more like an opportunity to break Rep PRs.

Also: I'm loving that I don't have to squat and deadlift the same day. In the Texas Method you either deadlift on Monday (Volume day) or Friday (intensity day) and it's always pretty daunting.

This. Greyskull is pretty awesome :)
Do you really think cavemen ate 6-7 small meals a day? Any time they wanted to eat they had to hunt or forage for it, not just open their fridge.

Realistically they probably went days without eating. The body adapts.

We will never fully understand the human body, because anytime we think we know exactly how it works, it changes and does something new that we didn't think it was capable of.

I don't understand why anyone would want to use the argument "well, cavemen did it" when trying to persuade others to eat a certain way (or, justify their own method of eating). I mean, cavemen also had a life expectancy closer to 40 than to 80. I'm not sure if they should be anyone's role model.

Now, I do completely agree about the body adapting, but I'm not sure forcing your body into an adaptive state in regards to eating/metabolism is really that beneficial. To be totally honest though, I haven't read enough to make a fair argument on this, so I'll leave it be with this one post.


I mean, cavemen also had a life expectancy closer to 40 than to 80. I'm not sure if they should be anyone's role model.

Yes but this was due to the fact that they had a very high risk of being mauled by a bear and since hospitals were a bit scarce people had a much higher risk of dying from wounds, infections and diseases.

Cavemen's life expectancy didn't really have anything to do with their diet. It was more of a case of if you got pneumonia or a bad wound you were fucked up.

And AFAIK according to existing evidence based on the remains the ones who survived to old age (60-80y or so) lived very healthy lives and without any of the illnesses that are the major causes of death today (cancer, cardiovascular disease etc..)
Yes but this was due to the fact that they had a very high risk of being mauled by a bear and since hospitals were a bit scarce people had a much higher risk of dying from wounds, infections and diseases.

Cavemen's life expectancy didn't really have anything to do with their diet. It was more of a case of if you got pneumonia or a bad wound you were fucked.

And AFAIK according to existing evidence based on the remains the ones who survived to old age (60-80y or so) lived very healthy lives and without any of the illnesses that are the major causes of death today (cancer, cardiovascular disease etc..)

Bingo. The average life expectancy for humans has gone up every single year because of advances in modern medicine.

Life expectancy is actually expected to start to decline for the first time in like ever due to the rise of chronic disease related to obesity.

So we can cure most anything these days but we can't stop eating ourselves to death....... hmmmmmmm.
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