Best first form is Chimchar
Best second form is Monferno
Best final form is Blastoise
Best second form is Monferno
Best final form is Blastoise
Oshawott > *
If nothing else Oshawott has more personality then most of the other starters, at least in the anime anyhow.
A sorta random question, but does Whitney remains the hardest Gym ever? I was thinking about this but then I realized that my memory sucks. I don't remember struggling in any other gym. Fuck Miltank.
Oh and Oshawott <3
A sorta random question, but does Whitney remains the hardest Gym ever? I was thinking about this but then I realized that my memory sucks. I don't remember struggling in any other gym. Fuck Miltank.
A sorta random question, but does Whitney remains the hardest Gym ever? I was thinking about this but then I realized that my memory sucks. I don't remember struggling in any other gym. Fuck Miltank.
Oh and Oshawott <3
i think the 8th Gym in Gold/Silver is harder. Kingdras are no joke.
8th gym in emerald also has a terrifying Kingdra, I think it either spammed smokescreen or double team to make it even more irksome than G/S Kingdra.
Of course pretty much all gyms are all easy when faced with their weakness and with a desert nearby I can't call Elesa in B2 hard by any stretch but she beat the hell out of me multiple times earlier this month since I lacked anyone even appropriate for that fight.
Victory still goes to Whitney on the whole though, that killer Miltank doesn't screw around.
I never had trouble with Whitney. She was a cakewalk, just like the rest of Johto.
Red was only hard because he was overleveled.
Lance in GSC pissed me off though, Aerodactyl Rock Slide flinched me to death.
A sorta random question, but does Whitney remains the hardest Gym ever? I was thinking about this but then I realized that my memory sucks. I don't remember struggling in any other gym. Fuck Miltank.
Oh and Oshawott <3
In Yellow, I always seemed to run into trouble with Koga and his double teaming Venemoth. But I was younger back then, so who knows?
Koga was always one of the coolest, but I always bummed that he was amongst the easiest of the leaders.
And I do remember Whitney being an early spike, especially if that Milktank got its rollout up and running.
Janine > Koga
A sorta random question, but does Whitney remains the hardest Gym ever? I was thinking about this but then I realized that my memory sucks. I don't remember struggling in any other gym. Fuck Miltank.
Oh and Oshawott <3
She's just a spunkier Koga.
Okay that's fine. I just think they could have been more original.
Janine is best Poison type leader.
Please don't ever let this page end.
In Gen 2, sure. Otherwise it's Homika.