I had the same problem, had to load a game from a month back. Thank god for the fast forward function
If Basketball is at 5 or 6, you will not get the three calls and cannot get the books.
The book trophy is such bullshit.
So the requirements for Witch Detective book are?
Complete Kanji's Dungeon before 5/29
Don't put your strenth SL over rank 4 by 5/29
You'll get a phone call on 5/29, choose to hang out
Is that correct? There seems to be a lot of confusion from a quick google search.
So the requirements for Witch Detective book are?
Complete Kanji's Dungeon before 5/29
Don't put your strenth SL over rank 4 by 5/29
You'll get a phone call on 5/29, choose to hang out
Is that correct? There seems to be a lot of confusion from a quick google search.
Wait, you get more than one 1 book through the club?
Fuck that.
So the requirements for Witch Detective book are?
Complete Kanji's Dungeon before 5/29
Don't put your strenth SL over rank 4 by 5/29
You'll get a phone call on 5/29, choose to hang out
Is that correct? There seems to be a lot of confusion from a quick google search.
I was actually at rank 3, not 4, but otherwise that all worked for me. I think 4 should be fine, though. But out of an overabundance of caution I'm barely touching that link until later.
For the other two books do I need whatever current dungeon is going on to be completed by those dates as well?
Yes, three books. Fun with Numbers, Witch Detective, and the O-Cha Way.
So the requirements for Witch Detective book are?
Complete Kanji's Dungeon before 5/29
Don't put your strenth SL over rank 4 by 5/29
You'll get a phone call on 5/29, choose to hang out
Is that correct? There seems to be a lot of confusion from a quick google search.
You have to be careful forI missed those on my first playthrough because I had Strenght at Level 5. You need to stay on rank 3, nothing more. For my new game+ I'll just get to 3 and stay the hell away from Strenght till I get all the books !Poly-Land on 7/17 and The O-cha Way on 8/10 too.
I think you need to be 4 to get the second and third books, at least according to this guy.
Lovers Arcana means nothing. Just look at Persona 2.
I doubt there is an "official couple" in P3/P4. No need to piss off the fanbase for no reason.
Please, hope they are working on Persona 5! I don't care what system it is on, it will be mine.
I'd be shocked if Yukiko wasn't intended to be the canon love interest considering how bland she is.
not just on handhelds, Persona 4 Gold in general is one of the best games OF ALL TIME.Finally digging into this game. Got the first two Persona. Wow the level of Polish on this game is beyond impressive for a handheld title! The voice acting is among the best I've experienced in ANY game. I love the UI, the music, the graphics, battle system... ahhh! So greatNo other Vita game even approaches this in quality, though LBP is up there.
Please, hope they are working on Persona 5! I don't care what system it is on, it will be mine.
WUT. She has some of the best characterization in the game!(She seems a bit bland in the anime though.)
I just hit a point where the gameAm I going to be unable to pursue certain social links after those events occur? How long do I have left in the game?advised me to save as major story events were going to occur.
I just hit a point where the gameAm I going to be unable to pursue certain social links after those events occur? How long do I have left in the game?advised me to save as major story events were going to occur.
Wait, you mean that when I load up my save file, within the next fifteen minutes I could see the credits because I didn't make the right dialogue choice?It depends. If you don't make certain dialogue choices, the game will end altogether.
Ah, okay. I thought I might be shoehorned into some sort of event. Thanks.You will be able to do your social links. The save prompt is there because some of the choices will determine your ending. Two months of actual social time left.
Or maybe I didn't misunderstand.Yes.
Finally digging into this game. Got the first two Persona. Wow the level of Polish on this game is beyond impressive for a handheld title! The voice acting is among the best I've experienced in ANY game. I love the UI, the music, the graphics, battle system... ahhh! So greatNo other Vita game even approaches this in quality, though LBP is up there.
Please, hope they are working on Persona 5! I don't care what system it is on, it will be mine.
Or maybe I didn't misunderstand.Will the dialogue choice be wildly obvious or should I go to a FAQ?
Ahh, you edited. This is as mysterious as the game itself.
Makes sense! Thanks for putting up with my confusion and clearing that up.lol
You are shoe-horned into an event, and yes you can get a premature ending based on your responses. If you respond correctly though the game will proceed and you'll have about two more months of actual social linkin' time (with a few events sprinkled in). Sorry for the confusion!
It's pretty obvious what to say IMO.
Hmm, I suppose I'll just ignore Strength (it's at 4 now) and just follow the guide to get the other links to max.
This trophy wouldn't be such a damn nightmare if I could just keep my books from playthrough to playthrough.
I get all the Chie love but she's so clearly meant for Yosuke those two are great together. Rise's great but she's got all that excitement in her life going forward. Only proper love interests are Yuki orNanako
Is there any point in the severe magic skills? Seems like they're really expensive and don't do that much more damage
Mind Charge + Taru + Thunder Reign (Thor) only does like 450
They are, and have been for a good while now.
They're announcing that next year or something's up.
I'm still half expecting an announcement before the end of this year. Hashino typically spends two years on his games, so we really should be seeing a Japanese release in 2013.
Is there any point in the severe magic skills? Seems like they're really expensive and don't do that much more damage
Mind Charge + Taru + Thunder Reign (Thor) only does like 450
WUT. She has some of the best characterization in the game!(She seems a bit bland in the anime though.)
Eh, they're not bad when paired with amp skills. There are also two bosses where having them are probably a boon.
I'm still half expecting an announcement before the end of this year. Hashino typically spends two years on his games, so we really should be seeing a Japanese release in 2013.
I like her shadow in the anime =3