vg247-PS4: new kits shipping now, AMD A10 used as base, final version next summer

Someone brought up the Media Molecule R&D project...

Does anyone think that they are actually working on some sort of infrastructure project for PS4 rather than a game?

Didn't they actually help design the XMB?
Someone brought up the Media Molecule R&D project...

Does anyone think that they are actually working on some sort of infrastructure project for PS4 rather than a game?

Didn't they actually help design the XMB?

I think the work MM did with was used as a jumping off point for the PSN webstore.

You add in what was probably some hardcore network stuff setting up LBP and they could be doing almost anything PSN related.

Hope there is some kind of PSN Avatar system. Sackboy was cute and the paperman in tearaway game looks pretty unique so they might be a good pick in doing it.

I shudder to think what SCEA or SCEJ would design for such a thing.

Looking up the MM R&D project stuff now and yeah... from the wording I would guess its not a game so its probably some social, creative thing for PS4.


Considering the XMB first appeared on the PSX (the actual PSX, the Japan-only DVR variant of the PS2) that came out in 2003, and Media Molecule didn't become part of Sony until 2010 (and didn't even contract with Sony until LBP started development), I'd be really surprised if they helped develop the XMB.


It might be hard to put a pricetag on the customized part, so lets go by whats known quantities, or maybe by whats assumed to be in the devkits.


I already said this and I'm sticking to it. There will be ram reserved for os and this will be separate from the main GDDR5 ram. Vita is a great example of this.

Except the Vita isn't like this, the Vita has 4GB where the OS is stored and other such info that doesn't require a memory card, Trophy data, pre-installed apps, future OS updates. It is not used to run the OS, the OS is loaded into the main ram of the Vita, it is no different than how the XMB takes up a default percentage of the HDD in a PS3 to store data.

Whether I do or don't agree and whether it will or won't happen, your example doesn't work.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Someone brought up the Media Molecule R&D project...

Does anyone think that they are actually working on some sort of infrastructure project for PS4 rather than a game?

It's a new take on 'creative gaming', the theme they built LBP around. It won't use the LBP IP.

“There are three main groups now: there’s Tearaway; there’s our second project, an unannounced R&D project; and then there’s a studio team that looks after the running of everything,” says Reddy.


As a studio, we want to keep everything fresh. We don’t just want to be known as the LittleBigPlanet studio, much as we love that. I think of Media Molecule more as creative gaming. For Tearaway, we’ve imagined creative gaming within a much more gamey game. For the R&D project, it’s creative gaming: go back to those two words and completely reimagine how people can create. It’s scary, but it’s exhilarating.


Considering the XMB first appeared on the PSX (the actual PSX, the Japan-only DVR variant of the PS2) that came out in 2003, and Media Molecule didn't become part of Sony until 2010 (and didn't even contract with Sony until LBP started development), I'd be really surprised if they helped develop the XMB.

I still love the design!



Someone brought up the Media Molecule R&D project...

Does anyone think that they are actually working on some sort of infrastructure project for PS4 rather than a game?

Didn't they actually help design the XMB?
I think they mentioned it as 'our R&D project' or something like this.

I bet they're working in a LBP version of Home for PS4, which would be more integrated with the OS and their avatars would be Sackboys that also would act as OS avatars (Miis / 360 avatars).

But maybe also can be some resarch to introduce some innovative or creative tech stuff for their future games. Like physics based platforming and Play/Create/Share in LBP or paperwork and creative usages of AR/touchscreens/mic in Tearaway.
Let's assume for a moment all the last hw rumors were true - which console would have the higher bom?
Seems that each has pros and cons, but would be more or less in the same level of power than Wii/PS3/360. So we'd see multiplatform games in 720/PS4 with some minor differences like in the HD gen (being WiiU in the same place than Wii was).

So again AAA exclusive (so mainly 1st party) games will make the difference by taking advantage of the strengths of each console by pushing hard where they shine. As of now there's no Wiimote-like concept announced that bring non-players so the 3 consoles seems to be more focused on existing players as of now.

Considering the WiiU pad, smartglass and remote play/cross play/cross buy/cross save I think that second screen experience and related digital services will be the new 'novelty gimmick' of this gen that will bring new ideas but shouldn't be a big deal unless something really big is announced.


It would be cool for PS4 to have fully integrated LBP themed "MiiVerse". Preloaded on every system, massive platforming hubs for every game with tons of user created content.


I hope not. Ripping off Nintendo and wasting more time on Home sounds like an awful idea.
They don't need to rip off Nintendo it would just to be a LBP version of Home integrated in the OS instead of being in a separated app. Using the Home avatar for the console too, alowing you to use items unlocked in games, having areas for popular games but this time allowing you to create stuff like in LBP.

BTW, they stated that Home was profitable for them, and that had a lot of users who spent a lot of time there.


They don't need to rip off Nintendo it would just to be a LBP version of Home integrated in the OS instead of being in a separated app. Using the Home avatar for the console too, alowing you to use items unlocked in games, having areas for popular games but this time allowing you to create stuff like in LBP.

BTW, they stated that Home was profitable for them, and that had a lot of users who spent a lot of time there.

(If I'm understanding you correctly) I can't think of anything more unappealing in an OS UI. Don't get me wrong, I love LBP and it's aesthetic, but I don't want to be jumping a Sackboy around a pseudo-level every time I want to select an OS function or application. It would get very frustrating, very quickly.

XMB is fine. It is lightning quick, easy to navigate and looks classy. Building on that as a foundation and improving its multitasking capabilities would be a much better way to go (IMO).
i hope sony ditches the dual shock and comes up with something new. ds was amazing, ape escape rocked but now i want something new. with bc out of the equation, now is the perfect time
i hope sony ditches the dual shock and comes up with something new. ds was amazing, ape escape rocked but now i want something new. with bc out of the equation, now is the perfect time

Not gonna happen. They might modify it a little bit by updating the triggers and adding a little more weight to it but they won't touch the actual design.
The DualShock is synonymous with Playstation. No need to change it.


I'd be in the dick
Not gonna happen. They might modify it a little bit by updating the triggers and adding a little more weight to it but they won't touch the actual design.
The DualShock is synonymous with Playstation. No need to change it.
I just want it to be a tad bit bigger, improved stick quality, and improved triggers and shoulder button placement.
I just want it to be a tad bit bigger, improved stick quality, and improved triggers and shoulder button placement.

I think they've heard this request a lot from the west. I wonder if they will actually do anything about it.
I'd like to know who was in charge of designing the hardware the past three (PS1, PS2 & PS3) launches.


Not gonna happen. They might modify it a little bit by updating the triggers and adding a little more weight to it but they won't touch the actual design.
The DualShock is synonymous with Playstation. No need to change it.

You're going to be disappointed, controller will be changed significantly to include new features like touch controls and maybe even fancier stuff like breakable parts.
Not gonna happen. They might modify it a little bit by updating the triggers and adding a little more weight to it but they won't touch the actual design.
The DualShock is synonymous with Playstation. No need to change it.

they can call it dual shock 3 or dual shock orbis....I think it will be changed. The PS3 controller isn't that good for FPS's...


they can call it dual shock 3 or dual shock orbis....I think it will be changed. The PS3 controller isn't that good for FPS's...

You know I personally don't get this complaint. Perhaps because I am used to DS3 but I have never had any issue with it while playing FPS. In fact, access to R1 and L1 is closer than on the 360 controller. The triggers on DS3 of course could use an improvement but other than that I can only think of a slight increase in overall volume to alleviate issues to hand cramps (which weirdly enough, I get from 360's controller instead, which I consider a touch more ergonomic. And I have pretty large palm and fingers for my height) for people with large hands.
You know I personally don't get this complaint. Perhaps because I am used to DS3 but I have never had any issue with it while playing FPS. In fact, access to R1 and L1 is closer than on the 360 controller. The triggers on DS3 of course could use an improvement but other than that I can only think of a slight increase in overall volume to alleviate issues to hand cramps (which weirdly enough, I get from 360's controller instead, which I consider a touch more ergonomic. And I have pretty large palm and fingers for my height) for people with large hands.

I am also used to the dual shock, I have been using it since the day it was released...but I also play FPS games on PC's and the DS2 isn't precise enough, getting headshots is difficult and so is sniping. I put over a 100 hours into both KZ2 &3, even still I have trouble with aiming sometimes. DS2 needs to go...
You're going to be disappointed, controller will be changed significantly to include new features like touch controls and maybe even fancier stuff like breakable parts.

Really? I saw those patents but never thought they might actually implement them. I don't want a "gimmick" controller. I just want a controller that will allow me to play games comfortably.


I am also used to the dual shock, I have been using it since the day it was released...but I also play FPS games on PC's and the DS2 isn't precise enough, getting headshots is difficult and so is sniping. I put over a 100 hours into both KZ2 &3, even still I have trouble with aiming sometimes. DS2 needs to go...

I think KZ2 is not a valid example since it had poor input lag (KZ3, yes, I'll give you that). I used CoD4 religiously (racked up around 24 days worth of playtime) and I honestly never had an issue with it. Also, iirc, the nubs have a greater range of motion in DS3 as opposed to 360 controller. I started console gaming with a PS3 so for me, DS3 is like the bread and butter (save the mushy triggers).

At the end of the day, to each his/her own I believe. However, I don't think we're ready for a completely and radically different controller because of the type of games we play.


Junior Member
I think KZ2 is not a valid example since it had poor input lag (KZ3, yes, I'll give you that). I used CoD4 religiously (racked up around 24 days worth of playtime) and I honestly never had an issue with it. Also, iirc, the nubs have a greater range of motion in DS3 as opposed to 360 controller. I started console gaming with a PS3 so for me, DS3 is like the bread and butter (save the mushy triggers).

At the end of the day, to each his/her own I believe. However, I don't think we're ready for a completely and radically different controller because of the type of games we play.

We might see some significant changes to the controller, this is the first time Kutaragi isn't here. I like the iconic design of the DualShock, but the sticks feel too loose for shooters IMO.


I would imagine for the standard controller they either stick with the DS3 kind of format or they head in the direction of the 360/WiiU Pro pads.


Really? I saw those patents but never thought they might actually implement them. I don't want a "gimmick" controller. I just want a controller that will allow me to play games comfortably.

They still have to go on with the times, same for Microsoft. For example touch controls are pretty much expected and common place in modern games. I would be surprised if they aren't included in some form in the next controllers from Sony and MS.
They still have to go on with the times, same for Microsoft. For example touch controls are pretty much expected and common place in modern games. I would be surprised if they aren't included in some form in the next controllers from Sony and MS.
It will all functionality of dualshock + either motion controls or a touchscreen.
i hope sony ditches the dual shock and comes up with something new. ds was amazing, ape escape rocked but now i want something new. with bc out of the equation, now is the perfect time
BC shouldn't come into it, you should be able to use DS3s with it regardless to use PS1 emu and probably more, so the Ps4 one doesn't necessarily have to be totally compatible with the PS3 input list even.


Not gonna happen. They might modify it a little bit by updating the triggers and adding a little more weight to it but they won't touch the actual design.The DualShock is synonymous with Playstation.

I think the Dual Shock button names, the layout of the analog sticks and the D-pad are what have become synonymous with PlayStation. If Sony chooses to neglect the advancements made in user input over the last 10 years then I believe the next PlayStation will suffer as a result.

Even the 'mighty' Apple had to evolve their product interface i.e. from the click wheel to a touch screen. I think there's a smart way for Sony to introduce a completely new controller while retaining all of the positives of the Dual Shock controller.


They still have to go on with the times, same for Microsoft. For example touch controls are pretty much expected and common place in modern games. I would be surprised if they aren't included in some form in the next controllers from Sony and MS.
Touch works on touch displays, not when you have a controller with a touch input that will do something in a game on your TV. And buttons are much superior to touch anyway, so there really is no need for touch at all, when talking about game controllers, unless you're gonna go all out like the Wii U (though we do see how that touch gimmick is not selling at all)


Touch works on touch displays, not when you have a controller with a touch input that will do something in a game on your TV. And buttons are much superior to touch anyway, so there really is no need for touch at all, when talking about game controllers, unless you're gonna go all out like the Wii U (though we do see how that touch gimmick is not selling at all)

That's not true, a touch pad which can be used to track free finger's movements is better and more precise than an analogue stick for certain tasks (if you have to draw something, if you want to interact by making actions like rubbing, scratching, scrolling, pinching). Of course it all depends on the applications and how it is used but I don't think that it would be useless or that it would necessarily need a screen on the controller (just like a mouse doesn't a have a screen on it :D).
It certainly wouldn't be the best and most original innovation in the world but I was just talking about how the controller won't be an other Dual Shock. Also I don't see Sony totally going for gimmicks or bet the farm on some kind of ''innovation'' that compromises traditional controls but they'll definetly add new things that can improve traditional gameplay on home consoles using proven technologies. At this point touch controls are well proven and really well received by the public (even casuals) and they have found more success than motion controls which have proved to work well only for very limited applications and require more expensive extra hardware.


If they really do add a touch pad, I hope it can be used with either hand. Because if it demands using both hands simultaneously, or right hand in particular, I might as well forget playing with it due to the nerve damage in my right hand.


I'd be in the dick
I think the Dual Shock button names, the layout of the analog sticks and the D-pad are what have become synonymous with PlayStation. If Sony chooses to neglect the advancements made in user input over the last 10 years then I believe the next PlayStation will suffer as a result.

Even the 'mighty' Apple had to evolve their product interface i.e. from the click wheel to a touch screen. I think there's a smart way for Sony to introduce a completely new controller while retaining all of the positives of the Dual Shock controller.

While I do agree that there could be some improvements to the Dualshock what advancements from the last 10 years are you referring to exactly? I like the analogue stick placement, although they could be farther apart, and it needs real triggers next time but you make it sound like there are other, more major changes to be made.


Regarding DS3 or "better controller", I almost made a thread after playing UC3 over christmas:






Gyro fine aiming is fantastic once you find your sensitivity sweet spot and should be even better on a controller that you don't have to stare at.

Sony should mandate optional! gyro aiming for all their first and second party games that involve aiming something at something else. The optional part keeps the weirdos happy that fling around their controllers like they're having a seizure, while the rest hopefully sees that this improves dual stick aiming tenfold. almost as big as having a second stick instead of using face buttons.

Unless they want pointer controls to become standard for pew pew-ing.

PS: DS is still better than the rest.


While I do agree that there could be some improvements to the Dualshock what advancements from the last 10 years are you referring to exactly? I like the analogue stick placement, although they could be farther apart, and it needs real triggers next time but you make it sound like there are other, more major changes to be made.

Wrong. Those were not triggers in DS3. GAS PEDALS. Any driving game was better on DS3 for whole gen because of this.

Also i don't see point of using triggers when you have RB/RL R1/L1 buttons which are vastly more precise and better for FPS.
I think Dual Shock 4 should try asymmetric analogs, better triggers, keep the quality of the d-pad, and take out the gyro shit.

Next gen controller? Pack in Move with VR visor and there you have it. That's next gen, everything else is just a gimmick.
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